Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago

I caught Adi as well. His picture is back on the Meet the Hosts page, too.

I’m trying guys to watch and find it interesting, but it really is hard these days. Someone else mentioned how even on the $9.99 days, the drop in quality of product is considerable and at times very obvious how cheap the materials and manufacturing are on the items.

Angie has been a fine replacement in the evening hours for Michele but she is always paired with an insufferable male host (Steve or Tony).
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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by Eclair » 4 months ago

I really liked her...sometimes she might get carried away, but I did not care because she was so entertaining and she seemed to really know what she was talking about...I really miss her and hope she made her own decision to leave.
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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by Margui » 4 months ago

I have not seen previous shows but is so sad that Michele is leaving. But I saw other previous hosts returning like Shawn.
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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

Hannah came to work at LC around the time of the COVID Pandemic , when the Cruise Lines had been mandated closed and Companies were downsizing on staff. Since, her Family lives in Pennsylvania, and she said she had previously worked Performing on Cruise Ships and also working for QVC, (also located in Pennsylvania), and the Cruise Lines are now completely up and operational, (although I wouldn't get on any of those filthy Cruise Ships, I think that Industry should be shutdown completely), I am not surprised that Hannah left LC.
She started acting kind of different, after she had her group of friends come to Texas for the Bachelorette Party she was in charge of planning, for her best friend, as well as Mr C talking about (everything she and her spouse did), while they were on Air.
Adi originally had said that he was moving to a different position within the Company as well as involved in some sort of Gaming Start-Up. I remember watching his last "previous" on Air Co-Host show from the UK, he was doing the Night Owl slot with Ms D, and released that info, stating that he wouldn't be assigned any further time slots on the schedule, that he may Co-Host in case of an Emergency or to fill in for staff Illness or Vacations but would no longer be a "Regular Scheduled Host." Evidently, if he is now listed, on the Host Page again, something has changed.
I was totally caught by surprise and shocked to see Daniel Green even Hosting, the few weeks he did for LC.
That was during the time when according to the HQ Hosts "were the very worst," but I never thought he would ever sign a Contract to work for LC. LC just looks like a Company that appears below, what he is accustom, I really like him, but it's obvious by the very expensive clothing and accessories, his polite, informed and
knowledgeable vocabulary and the way he carries himself, like, a "True Gentleman," that he didn't fit in at LC and the way they seem to Conduct Business. Glad that HQ got New Owners and Management and things seem to be going very well, with staff that previously left, now returning.
Hosts seem much more at ease and happier. I have been a long time Customer of HQ, QVC and HSN, also, as in regards to, "TV Shopping Networks." I am loyal to integrity, whomever gives me the best deal, quality of products they sell as well as honoring of return policies. I can honestly say that I have rarely ever had a problem with any other Network, but LC. As well as any problem, that I may have had, with the other above 3 mentioned, was quickly and courteously resolved by Customer Service Agents, that could speak and understand the English language. The only exception, of course, is LC.
I always found HQ as a good shopping experience, but so much nicer now, that you don't have to pay for the VIP Program for Shipping Reimbursement, with the New Free Shipping on Everything, Everyday.. I bet it makes Mr C's blood boil, that he can no longer continuously "Bash HQ," concerning the Shipping Cost.
I like Blake, also, and I am glad that he left LC and didn't end up, getting to the point of feeling "trapped there, because of Life." He seems to be doing well with his Jewelry Line at HQ. Don't know where Shannon went or what she is doing, but she has came back and left several times over the years. As much as I like Chris and Heather, and of course would like them to stay, because LC Host have more airtime, I think they are much to young and talented, my hope is for them "not to stay, long-term" working for LC. Just my opinion on everything .
Last edited by Lanai 4 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago


You’ve hit on a few things I’ve observed similarly or have really helped me craft a more solid feeling about some things that I had been percolating on.

First off, Mr C did seem weirdly in tune with Hannah (and her husband)‘s activity outside of the workplace. I wonder if Hannah felt he was being intrusive and perhaps that is why during her last few months, she was mostly working complete opposite shifts from him as opposed to many shifts with him as was the case for a long while. Although for what it’s worth, LC has taken long-standing pairs and split them up for no reason whatsoever. It seems Mr C’s recent bestie Miss K was given the boot to make way for Ms Cortney. Maybe they should try switching her in and out with Cheryl or Katie!

I too have been watching HQ more frequently and I found it funny that they recently made the shift to FREE SHIPPING as that was in fact a key talking point Mr C and other castoffs from that channel would make ad nauseum. Funny enough, Blake Clemency seems to be thriving in his role there as a vendor rep. while dear old dad is hawking beaded pens (which he so graciously leaves for his housekeeper instead of a cash tip, if you’ve heard him say that many times before! How sweet of him! Hope that man or woman can pay their rent with a bejeweled pen!!!)

I could see Heather or Chris moving over to the Gem Channel or JTV, and I think those stations would appreciate their contributions, skills and knowledge.
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Re: Forum views on Michele leaving SLC

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

Yes, I bet the Housekeepers love getting bejeweled pens for tips. After having watched, probably way to many, Investigative Report Documentaries, it does makes me, have to wonder, what those Housekeeping Staff have done to the left out toothbrushes and other personal care items, that no one would ever even know was done....
I remember when LC was selling the 2 piece Best Friend Heart Pendants, that had Best inscribed on one half of a Pendant and Friend on the other Pendant half, Mr C actually seemed to get mad at Ms K because she said her best friend was her boyfriend and he said that she hurt his feelings because he thought that they were best friends. She answered back something about she didn't mean to hurt his feelings but that she certainly wasn't going to hurt her boyfriend's feelings and that Mr C was her "Best, Work Friend." He seemed cold toward her the rest of the time that they were on Air that day. The following day, she asked him if he was still upset with her, and he said that when he had gotten home, his girlfriend had teased him, saying that he looked like he was going to start Crying while they were Live on Air. He often belittles Ms K's boyfriend on Air, obviously not caring if he's watching. Not very nice, for a couple, that took him out places with them when he first moved to Texas and didn't have anyone to go out with.
Always thought it odd, that Blake was usually "busy and out of town" almost every Holiday.
He obviously has a problem with not being the center of attention. I think that's why he likes to work with Females, that he can dominate, except for Dionne, she put a stop to that a long time ago and then snide remarks went back and forth between them for a long time after the separation period ended, those remarks still happen occasionally, when they are Co-Hosting together, except now he knows to tread lightly with her. I think you are correct about Hannah seeming to little by little separate herself from him prior to her exit. I don't recall ever seeing or hearing of Mr C participating in any of the "Livestreams."
Actually, I rarely watch them at all, they are such poor quality, it is basically worthless to even air them.
Mr C always seems to "Talk on Air Live" about the significant other or family of his Co-Host.
I remember when Blake was still at LC, thinking how embarrassed that he had to be about his Father telling Co-Workers and Customers stories about him and he still continues to do so, saying things about Blakely reminding him not to forget about giving out the Easter Eggs with Money in them.
I recall once when Heather got called and was nice enough to fill in for a Sick Host, and he kept questioning her about her home, vehicle, her husband's need to stay home more instead of traveling for work, asking her Daughter's Names, Ages, Names of their "Best Friends," what grade they were in at school, just very intrusive questions, in my opinion. She seemed very uncomfortable with the questions, but did answer them, maybe because he comes across so overbearing.
I don't know how the Co-Hosts feel, obviously, but not everyone wants their Private Life announced to anyone that happens to be watching or listening at the time. Especially when it comes to Children, which actually could end up resulting in putting them in danger or have Negative Consequences to a Significant Other's Job/Career. No one knows who or what kind of people may be watching at any given time.
Now it appears that he has moved on to Ms C as his chosen Favorite, but he always has Ms K as a backup. She seems more comfortable when working with others that like to take charge. Maybe it is just me but the more time that
David Pollack seems to spend at LC with Mr C , the more alike they they seem to be acting. It seems as if he is Live in the Studio quite often as of the last year or so.
This is totally off the subject but did anyone else catch the K & C presentation of 24 k Gold Pendants earlier in the week?? LC had an actual "Peanut" Pendant trying to sell it for what I remember to be around $500. I find that completely
Bizarre. No offense to anyone who may have purchased it but I have to wonder why a Company would even manufacture a "Peanut" Pendant and what clientele would they be marketing to??
I purchased a 24 k Gold Chain and Heart Pendant recently from HQ during a "This Show Only Event" for what ended up equalling out to $115 a gram.
I needed it about like I need a Hole in the Head, (maybe that's southern slang), but I couldn't pass it up for the price per gram and if I receive it and it doesn't meet my expectations, I can always return it but I know that even if I never wear it, the chances of purchasing 24 k Gold at that price per gram is likely to Never happen again. It is certainly not something that I would wear daily but it also is not over the top as to where it couldn't be worn without standing out like a Neon Sign. Sorry for being so I long. Everything, of course, is my opinion.
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