Favorite Gemstone?

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Re: Favorite Gemstone?

Post by TN » 4 months ago

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Re: Favorite Gemstone?

Post by CDK » 4 months ago

What is a nurielite? I Googled it and nothing came up?
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Re: Favorite Gemstone?

Post by WTFarmGirl » 4 months ago

CDK wrote:
4 months ago
What is a nurielite? I Googled it and nothing came up?
You won't for a while, it's too new. It's a mineral that was previously thrown away, a few sold as pocket stones and a few curious gem cutters decided to play with it and ended up striking gold. But because it hadn't been officially studied and documented, they didn't know what to call it. It's been mislabeled several things, so no one has been able to market it.
I've spent that last year researching it, testing it and lab studying it to figure out what it is and where it comes from. I finally decided to file a trademark name on it as "Nurielite", Nuriel meaning "fire of God" due to the orange/yellow glow it emits in low light. I hadn't planned on filing a tradename, but I can't sell something in my jewelry store that doesn't have a name, and the stone is too unique to simply go unappreciated. It's the only pleochroic WHITE gemstone I have encountered, showing pale yellow, orange, pink/rose or violet under a dichroscope, depending on the stone.

There's honestly so little rough available that it will never be found in mainstream stores. It was a single source gemstone, although it seems like a new source recently was discovered in brazil.
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Re: Favorite Gemstone?

Post by Margui » 4 months ago

I love spinel, all the colors, moonstone, sunstone, jade, amethyst, aquamarine, turquoise, chrysocolla, garnet, all colors, citrine, sapphire, all colors, ruby, howlite, seraphinite, sodalite, lapis lazuli and many more.
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Re: Favorite Gemstone?

Post by Druid » 4 months ago

I like amethysts, citrines,pearls, emeralds, rubies, sapphyres, moonstones, london topaz.
I am not a fan of tanzanite and grandidierite. I am very cautios with opals, as they can turn yellow.
in order of preferances though, is amethyst, ruby, emerald and pearls.
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