Congratulations Shop LC!

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Re: Congratulations Shop LC!

Post by Spinoza » 4 months ago

JMO, but I don’t think there’s any possibility of Michele spilling any beans. 🫤 She still wants to come back even if it’s just occasionally (on holidays or as a guest) when she’s in town. From what I understand, it was her decision to leave SLC in order to be home more so she could attend to family matters. The commute to LA and back as often as she needed to just wasn’t practical anymore. ☹️

Meanwhile, SLC seems to want all “in studio” hosts to live only short distances away. 🤔 And the “remote” hosts they have are never the ones who model or display the items. Unfortunately, Michele was considered to be a “displayer” type host so SLC didn’t offer her a remote hosting position. 😡 (Yet???? 🤞🤞🤞) In addition, Michele seemed to really like quite a few of her fellow hosts so I doubt it she would want to “rock the boat” by trashing SLC which could make things bad for her friends. 🫤

What I suspect could happen is that eventually SLC loses so many viewers/so much revenue due to all their shenanigans that they are forced to fold or “reinvent” and rename themselves (AGAIN! 🙄) to keep and gain viewers/sales. 🤔 But since they recently added so many stations to their broadcast, it could take a while for all those new viewers to notice and get as fed up as we are with the sales, fulfillment, production and shipping issues (that seem to be getting worse). 😡

Anyway, that’s all just opinion and speculation on my part. The reality is that no one knows for sure what will happen to SLC. Meanwhile, there are other home shopping networks to watch and buy from and that’s where I plan to shop unless SLC cleans up its act! 😁✌️
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Re: Congratulations Shop LC!

Post by WTFarmGirl » 4 months ago

colljoe wrote:
4 months ago
I'm still waiting for Michele to come out and "spill the beans" about all things Shop LC. If anyone does, it will be her. Because obviously there is something rotten going on here. And bottom line, it usually about money. FYI: (I wouldn't be surprised if this post isn't taken down)
You do bring up a valid point though. I think once things settle out with her family she will roll back around and start thinking about her experiences. My thoughts are a BOOK. Honestly I don't think that's been done yet . . . an insider's look at what really happens with Shopping channels, targeted toward the age group of 50+ women.

MICHELLE, if you need help with the book LET ME KNOW! I'm a writer and I have connections with 3 agents :D
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Re: Congratulations Shop LC!

Post by colljoe » 4 months ago

That would make a great read. She's exposed things before when she worked in Hollywood. Made quite a stir. You can google, Michele Mahone and Patrick Swayze. Brave woman.
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Re: Congratulations Shop LC!

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago

If you really think about it, LC has two kinds of hosts…. Ones who are “home grown” like Lolo and Jessica. They may not have the background in TV but have been loyal to the network and probably been treated well.

Then you have Mr C, Kim,, Katie, Cheryl, etc who have been elsewhere but their time came and went. This is the last stop for them. Somehow LC sees the value in using their experience or relevancy, but I can’t see any of them using their experience or relevancy to benefit the customer. Katie and Cheryl are often paired together and basically goof around and giggle the whole time. Mr C + Miss K are both veterans of home shopping but don’t really bring anything to the table that makes me want to watch.

LC should have listened to the viewers and worked to keep Michelle, give Karen more hours, train new hosts like Lauren on the livestream to ready her for the TV, and other similar tactics. But it just seems Ankur’s treasure chest is full of baloney…. Ooh la la? More like Ooh, na na….
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Re: Congratulations Shop LC!

Post by CDK » 4 months ago

I see Becky is back...So yesterday morning I sent a nice email to her, she ignored it...pffft...okay...whatever! And poor Chris this morning...He couldn't get it together...stumbling and speaking low...he must have been reading these comments...
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