Steve is coming!

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Steve is coming!

Post by Quette » 4 months ago

Looks like since Michele is no longer a SLC employee Deanna is now Steve's new self-appointed workplace BFF. The other night when she was co-hosting with Matt she told him to make sure he met Steve while he was visiting from Australia. D will probably try to make sure she co-hosts with him a lot but Steve has been around for a while. In addition to co-hosting late nights with Michele, there was Marva and sometimes Jessica. I think he works with Becky the most now and sometimes Deanna. He even did a few shows with Courtney which were so much better than the ones she does with Chuck.

it would be a treat for the viewers if Steve hosted a show with Michele while he's in Austin. Of course it could be remote but it would be even better if she joined him in the studio.

"I think there's an opportunity on the table... :D
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Gamma0611 » 4 months ago

I do enjoy watching Steve. He has a calm demeanor and I appreciate that.
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Koalagirl » 4 months ago

Did Steve say when he was coming to the States? Loved it when he was here for the month of May last year.
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Serge » 4 months ago

I heard him say but I'm not sure of the exact day but know it's one day very soon. I know he wants to show off a new face cream he uses and I too wish it could be with Michele as I still miss her so much!
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Gamma0611 » 4 months ago

His complexion looks really healthy. Interested in learning about the face cream he uses.
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Quette » 4 months ago

Chuck and Courtney are on with a new skincare line. I'm almost certain this is the line Steve has been mentioning since it's from Australia.

There is going to be a special guest in the next hour which is about 15 minutes from now. Hoping it's Steve live.
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Quette » 4 months ago

I was right.

Steve is live!!!
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

A couple of years ago during the COVID Pandemic, Steve came to US and ShopLC Hosted Live in Studio. I think he was in the US for about 6 weeks but didn't always Host from the ShopLC Facility but also Traveled to NYC and did Via Satellite Hosting from locations that he was visiting.
That was about the same time that US ShopLC 1st presented the GlindaWand line of Skincare/Cosmetics in a very limited variety of products. Only time they ever aired it again, until now, that I am aware of. The Inventor and Owner of this Skincare/Cosmetic Line originally was a Australian Celebrity Make-Up Artist and represented her Product Line from Australia at that time.
Steve spoke very highly of her and the Product Line during that time, referring to her as not only his Neighbor but a Good Friend as well. He stated that he used her Products and he does have Beautiful Skin.
I saw that Female Inventor of this Product Line was in the ShopLC Studio Live this AM with Chuck and Courtney.
I did try her Fountain of Youth Elixir along with the Divinity Foundation at the time of the 1st Original Airing. It took getting used to the Application Process but I liked it okay.
I didn't attempt to try to reorder, not only because it had a very limited time on the website that it was offered but
I always seem to go back to Isomers Products and Doll 10 Cosmetics Line. That's what I
and my skin is used to and what I just seem to always stick with. But the GlindaWand products I did try, seemed to be very good quality and reasonably priced.
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Re: Steve is coming!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 4 months ago

@Quette .....

Oh I hope I can catch a show with Aussie Steve!
He is always a joy to watch except when he is on with a certain host who is trying so hard to be Queen Bee at ShopLC :lol:
The shenanigans never stop from that one!!!
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