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Post by Stormy » 4 months ago

Pretty sure the employees of ShopLc are competing against customers and driving up the prices in the online auctions. You can See repetition in the same names and when you bid against them it conveniently freezes and does not bid in the final moments. Lost to “Patricia” today whose name I have seen on at least 100 winning auctions today alone. Laurel L. Is another… just saying…seems rigged. :(
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Re: Auctions

Post by WTFarmGirl » 4 months ago

yup, we've been complaining about it for the last 2 years... didn't used to be like that..
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Re: Auctions

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

Hello to all,
Haven't been on the Forum in a while because to many things going on with Family and Friends. Seems like nothing has changed though.
SLC seems to have an Automated Computerized Bidding Program going on. Can't see them paying their Employees for something that a Computer can perform. Items are Overbid, Obviously Not Actually Purchased because the Same Items get Relisted over and over with Same Group of Names that Overbid. If it was a Legit Auction, those that Continually Overbid and then Don't Pay, would be Banned from the Auction Site or be held Accountable for Payment, then it would stop. Real Auctions and Estate Sales hold those that Bid responsible for Payment,You Bid, You Win, You Pay. I have attended many of these and witnessed people get into Pi**ing Contests and end up Paying Significantly more than an Item is Worth or what it could be Purchased for New. Of course, many of those are "Shady"as well, with planted bidders, especially if it's a Family ran Auctioneer Service that just happens to own and operate their own Auction Houses and are also involved in Real Estate. At least that's the way things roll where I live.

I finally made it to the Bank and was able to review Cert and Appraisals on at least 15+ different items, Different Gem Stones, Some set in Platinum, Some Gold as well as Loose Stones.
Still unable to identify the exact Name of the Gemologist, but over a 5 year Span, it is the Same Signature on all that were purchased from SLC. Have some purchased from other Vendors that have GIA Cert and Appraisals and no duplicate names on
those. If you look up and review any items on SLC'S website which actually has a pic of the Certs and Appraisals, the Signature on any of those, that I have been able to find and review, are the exact same as the Signature on mine. Those, that is, that are actually posted to review from AGI on the website, if signed, will also look identical. Coincidence, I think not, just my opinion. Actually, it is my own fault for not paying more attention when purchasing and receiving these items. Tried to do research on the Names of those associated with NY AGI, but it led to a dead end or maybe after several hours, I mentally was exhausted. Did find something that some may already know but I was unaware of was the fact that AGI as well as GIA are not Accredited by the BBB. Many Gemologist Appraisal Businesses with NY addresses were, but neither of these Agencies, which I, myself, find odd. Maybe it isn't for this industry, but I don't know for what reason that a Legit Large Business would not want to be BBB Accredited, especially with the Competition in NYC. Again, Just My opinion. I need to Clarify that ShopLc, themselves are BBB Accredited, I didn't just go by what was listed on the website but ran an Internet Search on the BBB website. I also did take pics of my Certs and Appraisals and checked the ID Numbers on the AGI website and they all matched with no discrepancies. For what that's worth, I am not certain. Something doesn't sit right with me. I have to state that this is the Info that I have been able to find and it is just my opinion, obviously. Maybe, one of the many Hosts that are Participants on this Forum can offer more insight on these matters.
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Re: Auctions

Post by ForeverFun » 4 months ago

Any lawyers here? A quick Google search showed a licensed Texas auctioneer may lose their license if they permit shill bidding. But that tells us nothing about internet auctions. I have no idea if internet shill bidding is illegal.
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Re: Auctions

Post by Eclair » 4 months ago

Do you think they may stop the auctions? I am seeing some things I would have bid on that did not cost an arm and a leg in simply clearance or 25 per cent off...some of those items with the 25 off now give you a better deal than a possible auction win...I enjoyed the auctions when I started bidding just a few months ago...but even now, I am noticing big first, I noticed the over and over names just bidding on one of a kind stones like zimbaprase(sp?) or it seems that they are bidding on anything that would run more than $50 or maybe just a little bit more...unfortunately, the fun seems to be disappearing rapidly, I guess with the exception of new members...what do you think?
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Re: Auctions

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

I can tell you from personal experience prior to me not even playing the Farce of a True Auction, that if by chance, a sale did slip through and they actually let you win a higher end item for a "good price," a few days later after they already processed payment, I would then receive an Email stating that Unfortunately the Item won and purchased was not in stock and they no longer had the Inventory to fulfill the order. Eventually after many days, I would receive credit back to my Card on File. Funny thing is, after a few days, that exact item, would again be reposted on the Auction Site.....
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Re: Auctions

Post by Eclair » 4 months ago

I have had several "re-picks"...LC filled all of them except for one I really wanted which was higher dollar and very was cancelled...and I am supposed to receive a refund...either it is what you are saying or they understock and run out...this was an auction item...not only is it unprofessional but results in a real disappointment to the buyer...I do hope they read our comments and try to improve...I really think most of us are just trying to make LC better and keep them in business.
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Re: Auctions

Post by Eclair » 4 months ago

That's the end for me...went way out and bid high to only get wiped out by a familiar name in the last minute or so...discovered I had bid almost what the item cost regularly...also, now, out of stock...I am gathering what I haven't received yet and I will not be back for a long while to see if anything changes...after I get my items and hopefully, 2 refunds, I refuse to be disappointed by folks who are not real and setting me up...Will also share a list of the folks who i think either have a gazillion dollars or are ruining auctions for people who are sincerely bidding even pretty high to get something they really want for just a smidgen of a deal. I really believe the majority of folks in the auctions are not real....I would think it must be programmed because I do not think there are employees who stay up all night to steal the auctions at the last minute unless they are staggered and/or make a decent salary to do you can tell I am really angry about it all and so glad I discovered this community to discover more of what goes on behind our backs. I do think they let us win a higher dollar item occasionally just to keep us coming back, otherwise the things we win are stuff they have overstocked, want to get rid of, or just crummy...Will be back to see you...keep up the good work!
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Re: Auctions

Post by RobinJ » 4 months ago

I agree with all of what has been said here. I was just bidding on some items and noticed some alarmingly high bids for items. I actually thought to myself " these people must have fallen and hit their head to bid that," LoL. It has gotten worse in the last six weeks or so, IMO. Too bad, I love an auction...bidding against other real people, with an honest chance of winning. I do occasionally win some items, all lower cost items.
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