Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

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Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

Hello All,
I am most certain that what I am about to Post will be removed but I can not in good conscience ignore the LACK of Proper Information that I can not seem to get this Company to be Responsible to Divulge. Not on the Company Product Information Website or by Direct Messaging to Hosts: Lolo and Chuck last Friday and again Tonight during the TLV Presentation Hosts: Angie and Bald Steve. None of whom Acknowledged Direct Message Information Requests. Yes, Requests. More than One Request. Actually Angie and Steve were sent 3 Different Direct Messages with concerns over the Safety of these Glasses.
None of these Hosts would address any Safety Questions and Concerns, yet Steve could read non-stop the Information on the Dangers of Not having Proper Eye Protection during Eclipse Viewing. As, he does with everything he prints off the Internet. Aren't we so lucky that ShopLc has honored their
Customers with a Host that obviously knows everything about any topic or product and continually over talks and /or disagrees with info that the Female Co-Host may actually have a chance to offer, until, of course, his Co-Host gives in and just lets him have the last word, even when they know he is incorrect, as he attempts to Educate Customers on Everything from Jewelry, Cosmetics, Health Products, Clothing, Handbags, EMF's, Terahertz, Dangerous Chemicals in the Food & Water Supply, Cosmetics, Foreign Politics and tonight he has also became an Umbrella Aficionado as well. Why even need any other Hosts?? Everything even on $10 Friday's is always a "Closeout", "Highly Collectable", Worth $100's to $1,000's more than what LC is selling these items for, "Worth a Fortune," If "Purchased on a Cruise Ship", If "Designer Hall Marked", a new one for me tonight was " if the $10 Necklace in Silverstone they were presenting was purchased at the Airport, it would probably cost a fortune" and let us not forget the frequent comment of " I can make a few calls, right now, and sell everything out in minutes." I wish he would actually do that so then maybe he would sell all LC's Merchandise out and just possibly quit talking for a least 30 Seconds.
Michele is the only Host that would not give in to him when she knew she was right and he was wrong.
Which, oddly, I think is why he seemed to respect her and considered her a friend.
Sorry for my ranting, yet again, and l will return to the Original Reason for this Post.
Please read reputable information Health Care/ Opthalmology Reports and Recommendations or Articles from The American Astronomical Society, Reputable News Sources, including Government Health Care Report Recommendations and Warnings, or Speak with your Health Care Provider/Providers concerning the Recommended Specs for Safety Eclipse Viewing Glasses as well as info concerning other Safety Viewing Products.
All reputable resources recommend to purchase Viewing Products sold by US Companies, actually produced and manufactured in the US with US Materials including Not just Stamped ISO approved or NASA Approved but should be imprinted with "ISO 12312-2" International Standard Specs.
Per The American Astronomical Society: view website-"NASA does Not approve any particular brand of solar viewers."
There have been warnings that there will be many glasses that have the appearance of being legit by markings of: "NASA Approved" (can anyone say ShopLC) on the eclipse glasses/viewers and/or the packaging and may also be stamped ISO Approved but does not have the ISO International Standard Specs.
The American Astronomical Society has a full list of suppliers of safe solar viewers and filters.
I know in my area the Local Opthalmologist
Clinics give Solar Eclipse Glasses Free to their Patients as well as various Health Care and Government Organizations also do as well.
I became mad as a Hornet, and of course, Direct Messaged Bald Steve for Blatantly Being Deceitful, whether knowingly or by repeating information being given to him by someone else at LC, the info he gave was not shown by any evidence of being truthful according to the Review of these "Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses" by the info pulled up on my Smart TV or LC'S Website, that, is, at the time of the Midnight TLV Presentation. When Bald Steve droned on and on about how rare and hard to find Solar Eclipse Glasses were and of course LC managed to somehow find and Purchase the Entire Supply the Manufacturer had. Stating how many LC was selling and the need to make sure and not just buy 1 pack of 5 but extras for others and how that these were 5 Star rated.
The truth at the time of this Presentation: There was only 1 Review posted that was a 1 Star Rating with the person not really actually rating the product as much as commenting on the Safety Concerns of this Product. I never received any comments back from the Misleading information of the 5 Star Reviews being given either. I have to state that I am not saying that there is not Definitive Proof or know that these Particular Solar Eclipse Glasses that LC is selling are not Legit and are not in Complete Safety Compliance, But because my late husband knew me better than I know myself, and he always said, "I was like a dog with a bone once I suspected something not right". So on that note..I have ordered a pack of these "Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses," it is worth $10 for me to see the information on them and to have them checked out by my Opthalmologist,
I am due for my Annual Exam, anyway. Don't understand if there is nothing to hide, why none of these Hosts could not just look at them and read the Information Requested. And then the pic on the Website that just so happens to have the glasses folded where the place Manufactured is not showing. Trust me, I nor any other person, I know, will not be actually utilizing these Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses purchased from a Company that has proven time and time again to be unreliable. Regardless of the Official Outcome.
I just want to check them out then they will be torn up and disposed of. I just can't trust my or the health of others with a product potentially very dangerous if not 100% Compliant with Safety Standards. Smoke and Mirrors.
I also had to throw in that I did Direct Message that I thought all the ShopLC Hosts should have to wear these Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses and LC Air them all on Live TV wearing them, while watching the Active Eclipse.
I encourage everyone to research before purchasing not just these Solar Glasses but before purchasing any Brand to verify the products meet Safety Standard Compliances.
I did try to enlarge the pic on the website to see if it showed where these Solar Eclipse Glasses were manufactured but the pic has the Cardboard Arms of the Viewers folded to where the word: (Made), is the only thing showing.
Just felt obligated to post this info and of course everyone can decide for themselves what they think is right and safe for Themselves and Family.
I will be very interested to see if I actually have my order fulfilled......
As always, Just my Opinion, but the Safety Info and Warnings can be easily verified.
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago

LC has a history of avoiding addressing the particulars on their product. Have you ever heard the expression: “sell the smell, not the steak”? Meaning LC wants to entice us with all this hype and anticipation of needing it, that it doesn’t matter if the actual product doesn’t work (or if the steak is tough/improperly cooked… they are playing the game that you will just go ahead and eat it).

Similar things could be said about their hearing aids, beauty devices, shungite, terahertz, etc. Except the biggest difference here is how many people might have detrimental effects to their health because of LC’s lack of care/concern in selling bogus products to their customer!
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

I certainly agree with you. I am certain I will be banned but I don't care about that. I couldn't help but get furious when I was Channel Surfing just a few minutes ago and came across Matt and Lolo presenting those * Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses Again, going on and on about the NASA 2024 Print on the Glasses. So, I sent multiple direct messages again asking for the same information as I asked for during the previous presentations with of course, No Answers. Lastly, I addressed Matt by direct message with the Safety Standards and that NASA Approved was a Marketing Tactic, telling him to research it himself or ask his Physician, Father and Specifically asked him if these Glasses were manufactured in China?? Obviously he ignored me but I could tell by him looking down at his IPAD, that he was reading messages. Finished with " I hope you sleep well at night". Harsh perhaps. But everything is so shady. Can't tolerate Lolo and her constant "preaching" all the time.
There is virtually No Information or Reviews for the "Opatra Products" online except for the ShopLC website and this is including
endorsements or info from Beauty
Influencers including those from the UK. I believe this is also a Company owned by this Company or at least "in bed with them". Tony the "Gem Hunter," who just seems to be available numerous times weekly to Host for ShopLc. Please... He tries to dump his products off on Customers and I truly believe that his Brother Tenner took the fall for something that runs much deeper and involves more people than what his exact previous arrest were for. "Customers" will never know the real truth but per Public Records, there were several names listed as having the same address as him that were previously associated directly or by way of other LC Employees at the time. Public Records, just connect the dots, the more you research, it's like going down a rabbit hole. Again , Public Records. Regardless I would rather watch/listen to Tenner as a Host any day than any other Host currently working there as Hosts, including, Tony.
My blood is boiling again.
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Bella » 4 months ago

I purchased my solar eclipse glasses from Amazon made by a company called Soluna Glasses with a website as well. Made in Tennessee. I would never purchase eclipse glasses from Shop LC. I don’t purchase items from China if I can help it.
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 4 months ago

Good morning Lanai....

I watched that show last evening and I am in total agreement with you!
You bring up some excellent points regarding the glasses
At a garage sale last year I was able to buy a welders mask with a 12 number rating so I knew that was safe....(did my checking on that)

That show was a mess!
Steve WOULD NOT SHUT UP even when poor Angie was trying to show us which color earrings were with what number on the graphic
Since they were kinda of hard to figure the last two choices she kept trying to tell us this and that but he just interrupting her :evil:

I could see her aggravation towards Uncle Fester, it was overwhelming
So then the Princess came on with Chris and she was almost just as bad as him!
She kept talking over and blatantly interrupting Chris
Narcissism is alive and well with those two Hosts!!
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by christee » 4 months ago

I did a Google image match of the viewing glasses and there are many selling them, even on Amazon. Supposedly they are ISO and CE certified however, they're made in China. I'm not going to take a chance.
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Bella » 4 months ago

There are plenty of American companies making solar eclipse glasses you just have to check around. I’m not trusting Shop LC or China with my eyesight!
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Margui » 4 months ago

Buy quality and American made sunglasses for solar viewing not a Chinese knock out.Our sight is priority.
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Re: Solar Eclipse Viewing Glasses

Post by Spinoza » 4 months ago

Cannot stand Bald Steve with his know-it-all attitude and his refusal to ever shut up or admit he’s wrong! 😡 I’ve lost count of how many things he’s said that are incorrect or flat-out untrue. And his insistence that EVERY item’s price is “unbelievable” and “history making”…UGH!!! 🤮 He repeats the same ridiculous hyperbole over and over with every item while frequently tossing in that he’s been an interior designer (possibly the world’s worst! 😳) and a trained opera singer (gag me!🙄) and has worked at high-end sales for 3000 years or so (🤪) and blah, blah, blah, BLAH! Now I read that he’s screwing around with people’s vision with all his blathering, boasting and BS??? Oh brother! It’s easy to see why Uncle Fester (please buy a new shirt that fits you already!) has a resume of so many different types of jobs. He’s couldn’t succeed at any of them so he has to keep trying to find new ones! 😜 JMO! But I do agree with everyone else and do not trust any eclipse glasses sold by him/SLC! 🫤😎✌️
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