Hosts I enjoy.................

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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by Mapper » 4 months ago

Teachergirl wrote:
4 months ago
Which employee at Shop LC wrote this post? Really?
I don't think it's an employee. An employee wouldn't call Katie Rooke British or refer to Ankur as a host.
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago

My initial reaction was that it was an employee, more specifically a host… but the Katie being British thing made me think otherwise, and I just think someone was mistakenly actually trying to refer to Heather. I can see how someone could mistake them both being blonde in their late 40s, maybe early 50s for Katie? Anywho… but then they switched “Katie Rooke” to “Craig Rooke” but kept all the female identifiers?!

Then I thought about two other things: this post calls out Ankhur… why? He is on-air so infrequently and when he is, it’s clearly known he is a high-powered executive, not a “host”. I think this person clearly called out Ankhur intentionally.

And finally, after listing their favorite hosts…. What does the poster make sure they say? How fantastic LC is for TANZANITE!!! Ahhh. Almost too obvious now.

My guess is that it’s an employee from overseas in their India office who was tasked with steering the conversation here to favorable mentions of this channel and the people involved. The misidentification of Katie into Craig shows someone doesn’t REALLY know their hosts (after all, this post IS about their FAVORITE… yet they don’t know the correct name? Hmm…) and also possibly indicates a lack of understanding of the English language. Just my opinion.
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by Bella » 4 months ago

Katie had a baby a couple or so years back. She is younger than you think. I’m definitely not getting into a discussion on whether someone is an employee or not. Been down that road before. Frankly I could care less.
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago


I agree. I said my part but also maybe wish I had not, just for the sake of not stoking the flames. I hope this thread can die off soon
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by Lacy » 4 months ago

The orig post is by someone that's only 2 weeks on the forum. I ignore it.
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by Bella » 4 months ago

I 100% agree with you both as well!
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Re: Hosts I enjoy.................

Post by Margui » 4 months ago

For me, it's Dionne, Katie and Craig.
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