H going to India

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Re: H going to India

Post by Koalagirl » 4 months ago

Hopefully he will stay in India!!
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Re: H going to India

Post by Lacy » 4 months ago

Someone is monitoring. My orig. post for this thread was deleted.
Did I touch a nerve?
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Re: H going to India

Post by Koalagirl » 4 months ago

@Lacy I guess H cannot take any criticism. You must have hit a nerve, lol
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Re: H going to India

Post by joshuatheemerald » 4 months ago

The critical posts of Becky, as well as Shawn/Dan are still up. Very telling of who the cry babies are!!!
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Re: H going to India

Post by WTFarmGirl » 4 months ago

Can we send Tony to India and keep him there with a live feed that doesn't work??? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Honestly I don't care anymore. I rarely watch and only for 20 minutes at a shot. I don't see anyone long enough to see them do anything objectionable anymore ;)
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Re: H going to India

Post by CDK » 4 months ago

On a positive note, it looks like Hunter trimmed his chest hair...🪒
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Re: H going to India

Post by Lanai » 4 months ago

Hey, whatever caused trimming of the long unruly gray chest hair, is definitely a positive, now maybe the shirts will stay buttoned up, during the times he insist to participate in chain presentations, maybe take a cue from the other Male Hosts.
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Post by CDK » 3 months ago

Boy that woman standing next to Hunter this morning live from India acted like her her face would crack if she smiled...just a stone cold statue...Who picks these people to show their smug mugs on TV...Hunter is so animated, I'm not sure what she thinks about all that...
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Re: H going to India

Post by Lanai » 3 months ago

Didn't see that footage but maybe she is wondering why she got stuck with someone who never quits talking, speaks way to loud with antics involved. That's what I would be thinking, if I were in her place.
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Re: H going to India

Post by TARD » 3 months ago

CDK wrote:
4 months ago
On a positive note, it looks like Hunter trimmed his chest hair...🪒
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