They sure are quick to invoice

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They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Bella » 3 months ago

Has anyone noticed lately that if you place an order it's invoiced very quickly. I think there are doing this so people will have to go to the trouble and call to cancel. My last few orders were invoiced and shipped the same day and I received the orders in 5 days! That is the 1st time I had received an order that quick in over 6 years. Something’s up… maybe business is down?
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Posts are gone including ours . . . .

Post by WTFarmGirl » 3 months ago

Mine did NOT ship that fast, it was a huge mess, Fortunately I was not in a hurry, but i HAVE noticed they instantly DO invoice you . . .

ALSO . . ..

They removed all the posts, including ours of course . . . .
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Lacy » 3 months ago

I placed an order on the 4th, and it was not shipped out yet. When I went on the chat, they said it was a pre-order and that was invoiced and couldn't be canceled. I told them it was misrepresentation they did not say on air it was a pre-order otherwise I would never ordered it. I asked for it to be cancelled. They sent up an escalation and canceled it within 20 minutes. So invoicing doesn't mean they can't cancel it as they State when they talk to you. They up to no good lately.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Koalagirl » 3 months ago

@WTFarmGirl not all of the drug posts were removed, check the Approval post. Its smack dab in the middle of that one.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Bella » 3 months ago

I noticed the drug posts on the approval post as well. They are not very thorough.

In the past regarding invoicing if the order wasn’t yet invoiced you can cancel the order online, otherwise you have to call them and I don’t like calling Shop LC for anything. I also agree if something is a pre order they should tell you. I’m also amazed how many times I order a “junky” item and it’s on clearance and nowhere did it state that online but it is stated as that on your invoice! That’s just plain deceptive because of the no return policy on clearance items.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Lacy » 3 months ago

I placed 2 different orders for stainless steel chain sets. I returned them because they were light as a feather and look and felt like plastic costume jewelry. I am very surprised. Their stainless steel items are good. This will probably be my last order with slc.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

To cancel an order, go to” order details “ and you will see in the right bottom order” cancel order”.I do it very often but you need to do it in max. 1- 2 hours , sometimes more, it depends how “ busy” they are.I could cancel even after more than 12 hours.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Lacy » 3 months ago

Druid, that option was gone. The order was placed on the 4th. I had them cancel it because I couldn't. But they can is the point no matter what they say.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Horsepower » 3 months ago

Lacy, I had the same problem, demanded they cancel the order, & it was cancelled within 5 minutes. I'm about ready to do it again. My last order was invoiced within an hour & 6 days later has not shipped. JTV ships all of their orders within 8 to ten hours.
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Re: They sure are quick to invoice

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

They also have the habit of canceling auctions that were won at low prices while the same item is over $ 100 on their site. Than the item appear again on auctions. I think they monitor the auctions and push up the prices. It happened to me several times but I still re- won some of them due perhaps to their lack of attention at certain hours.
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