Removing posts

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Removing posts

Post by Eclair » 3 months ago

They are indeed removing posts...hope it is because they are taking some kind of action recommended in them...
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Koalagirl » 3 months ago

Well, the drug post is still showing on the Approval thread, so they didn't get them all! Lets see if this post gets deleted like a few of the others. I agree, it could be a disgruntled host that can't take any criticism.
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Bella » 3 months ago

I don’t give them that much credit about cleaning up the forum posts. I think they are just like a bunch of dogs chasing their tails and do not have a clue on how the fix or solve any problems that arise. Top notch managers are not in their DNA.
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Eclair » 3 months ago

They removed the one I wrote about being worried about security on our accounts...for both customers and employees...
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Re: Removing posts

Post by colljoe » 3 months ago

@Eclair: Well, I guess that is their answer to us on how they are protecting our privacy.

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Re: Removing posts

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

I already removed my account.I am done with this unreliable indie company
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

@@Bella About approval and removing posts, I think they are very slow in understanding the language, their reading comprehension is challenged.
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Bella » 3 months ago

@Druid your probably right. Just don’t be a stranger on the forum.
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Lacy » 3 months ago

I tried to post about an item that is mr h's favorite stone terahertz. That the new item is so expensive and to shop around. it got removed. So, now we can't speak our minds about comparison shopping.
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Re: Removing posts

Post by Druid » 3 months ago

@Bella I have some difficulty to log in with the forum when using my iPad but I read the forum daily. When I finally manage to login is mostly with my computer that I do not use frequently. But generally speaking ,I don’t find the forum topics interesting any more,and I don’t like to watch this company in live after having watched their no so brilliant hosts that I find too boring. The forum is no more what was used to be with members like RC, Gypsy, Anniebella, etc. So, yes, I am a stranger on this forum nowadays.
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