Anyone else having issues?

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Anyone else having issues?

Post by Bella » 2 months ago

Anybody had issues getting into the forum? I did awhile ago and all this warning stuff comes up. Then when I finally did get to the forum it wouldn’t let me post at first.

Shop LC I think you need a newer, better IT team!
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by Mapper » 2 months ago

No issues for me.
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 2 months ago

None for me.
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by colljoe » 2 months ago

@CaribbeanGirl: Looks like your post did not go through on SHOP LC NO LONGER "LOW COST"
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by Bella » 2 months ago

People are editing their posts. :oops:
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by joshuatheemerald » 2 months ago

Hard to say… looks like the posts that have “-1” in the replies column are kind of “dead” I guess? No new replies are showing. So crazy. As mentioned, the editing of the posts may be the trigger. *sigh*
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by colljoe » 2 months ago

I've tried to post on them a few times with no editing, and would not go through. :roll:
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by Druid » 2 months ago

Issues with their sh…y website constantly.Their technical support sucks.
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by Bella » 2 months ago

So true Druid! I actually laugh. I never had a post not go through only when it was edited. I think it’s funny that Shop LC doesn’t even realize they have a problem…they are the last to know!
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Re: Anyone else having issues?

Post by colljoe » 2 months ago

Maybe the Tech Department is in Africa :lol:
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