Melissa and overbidding and not buying

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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by Zoe » 3 years ago

Hi. Just forgot to mention another weird thing. Anyone notice that all of a sudden a whole new group of names appear as bidders and they all seem to bid very high and on a lot of items?? Some of the old bidders are still there doing their thing. I just don’t remember it being this bad. Hope they make some corrections because I like many of their items if can get for reasonable price. Wish a moderator would at least tell me why they don’t make some changes.
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by LauraA » 3 years ago

Nothing changes, @Zoe . Nowadays, whenever I see "Melissa" as high bid on an item I am remotely interested in, I just go ahead and bid her up--not out of revenge or anger, but just to show that she has placed a ridiculously high maxbid right off the bat (which she won't honor) so anyone else may as well be aware. The item will inevitably show up again in a few days. :roll:
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by DavidH » 3 years ago

There are also two others that are placing high max bids right from the start. Watch for Francine and Carol.
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by itsme » 3 years ago

I think school is out for the summer and a number of children are playing in the jewelry auctions-I notice the same familiar names bidding exorbitant prices on jade and other auctions. They keep recycling several different names such as Rosa, Jessie, Carol, Francine and several others. The merchandise keeps recycling too as nobody pays for their winnings. I even noticed Rosa bidding on a mirror which was very inexpensive but she was bidding like it was solid gold. The only way to stop the nonsense is to handle auctions like Ebay does and actually banish the nonpayers forever. That will never happen here I guess.
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by AD » 3 years ago

There not children. They are ADULT TROLLS 👿 and, they do get kicked off, they come back. And no I don’t think SLC knows how to keep them away!!!! Or they just won’t !!!!
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by mpompadour » 3 years ago

itsme wrote:
3 years ago
I think school is out for the summer and a number of children are playing in the jewelry auctions-I notice the same familiar names bidding exorbitant prices on jade and other auctions. They keep recycling several different names such as Rosa, Jessie, Carol, Francine and several others. The merchandise keeps recycling too as nobody pays for their winnings. I even noticed Rosa bidding on a mirror which was very inexpensive but she was bidding like it was solid gold. The only way to stop the nonsense is to handle auctions like Ebay does and actually banish the nonpayers forever. That will never happen here I guess.
Like I've been saying, for everyone that wants to bid on the Rising Auctions, they should be REQUIRED to have a VALID CREDIT CARD on file with Shop LC. NOT a debit card, nor a prepaid debit card, PERIOD. And when the auction is over, the CREDIT CARD is instantly charged for the items won. JTV does this for their auctions and once you win, you pay right then and there from the credit card you have on file. They don't play games, they get their payment immediately. I can just about guarantee if Shop LC would start doing it that way, that would put in instant stop to nutty these bidders. They would have to be really CRAZY to run up these astronomical bids and risk paying outrageous prices with their Credit Card. :shock: You just have to hit them in the good old pocketbook, that would sting something FIERCE!
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by AD » 3 years ago

M:.... so true 😊
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by Zoe » 3 years ago

To Laura A. As requested I am being more specific about Melissa’s posting very high max bids on an excessive amounts of rings and not buying. As of 1:40 pm on thurs 6/17. There were 137 quartz rings posted on your website. Melissa has placed bids on 32 of these. The bids range from $74 to $96. These are her current bids. Her max bids are even higher!!! The time range of these bids is from 30mins. To 81 hrs. This is only a small part of the number of rings she has bid on. Just used the category Quartz Rings. As an example. I and others would like to bid on these items but cannot because of this situation!! Not only is she doing the aforementioned but if you bid on these items that she wants. - she retaliates by bidding up any other of the rings you bid on. I have all the numbers of these rings if you need them. Zoe
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by LauraA » 3 years ago

You are absolutely right, @Zoe ! Are there any Moderators seeing this? @shopLC_alex ? Quartz rings, white topaz rings, petalite--she makes LOTS of high bids on all of these. Maybe email your list you have there to Customer Service, @Zoe ? Does anyone with Shop LC actually monitor the rising auctions??
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Re: Melissa and overbidding and not buying

Post by Zoe » 2 years ago

Sent information about this to moderator yesterday. Checked website today. Nothing done. Checked Quartz rings. All her high max bids are still they!! Started checking topaz rings which she also bids up. This is a perfect example. Mercury Mystic Topaz Ring no. 3775270. Melissa starts the bidding at $1 with max bid of $138. Robin bids Melissa up with a max bid of $199. Melissa bids Robin up again with a max bid of $304. Robin goes back in. Then Melissa goes back again at $401!!! Obviously this is a bidding war Melissa doesn’t want this ring but she doesn’t want to let Robin win the “bid”. I have told you before again and again that she is behaving in a way that interferes with the bidding rights of other customers. Why are you continuing to allow her to do this?!
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