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Re: Melissa

Post by Dupree » 2 years ago

My name is Leslie & I’m not the Leslie that has been over bidding! Have to change my name! lol
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Re: Melissa

Post by Zoe » 2 years ago

Melissa is a bidder on the shop lc auction site. For months now she has been placing very high max bids on rings especially quartz topaz ruby and sapphire. She does not buy these and they return to the auction site. She then rebids on the same items over and over again, hoping to either to get the item at a ridiculously low price or to frustrate other bidders. She is seriously disturbed. She does this day after day on hundreds of items!!! Because of the consistency of the behavior I would have considered whether the possibility that Melissa was computer generated. I do not think that this is the case because I have watched her bidding behavior for some time now. It is
Not about wanting the item but rather about winning the auction at any cost. She is also vindictive and will bid against others to punish them. No one will stop her !!
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Re: Melissa

Post by Zoe » 2 years ago

This is a continuation of my prior text on Melissa. If you want to see something unbelievable check out auction site and see what she is doing! She will create bidding wars where no matter how high you place a bid she will top it just so she is the winner of the auction. She will not stop even bidding hundreds of dollars for a $50 item. To do this over and over is not normal. She is spending hours and hours a day every day doing this. It drives me crazy which is obviously her intent. How shop lc allows this I don’t understand because her behavior is so extreme. What do you other bidders think about this? Can she ever be stopped? I would love to find out who she really is!! I quess I still have a hard time believing that this is happening. It also feels like I am being made a fool of! Can anyone make me feel better?!
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Re: Melissa

Post by Zoe » 2 years ago

Last part of Melissa. This is an example of what I am saying. Check out item number 3705258. Quartz peridot ring. Go to bid history. You will see Melissa placed a bid for $31. Then Robin (obviously fed up with this) placed a bid for $400. This does not stop Melissa who then placed a bid for $401 !!!!!! The item sells on shop lc regular jewelry site for $149 !!!!! Moderators can you please please explain to me why this is allowed to continue. I have reported this so many times. At least let me know why she is allowed to do this. It would mean a lot to me to know. Thanks everyone for letting me vent!! You guys are the best!!
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Re: Melissa

Post by TN » 2 years ago

Zoe wrote:
2 years ago
This is a continuation of my prior text on Melissa. If you want to see something unbelievable check out auction site and see what she is doing! She will create bidding wars where no matter how high you place a bid she will top it just so she is the winner of the auction. She will not stop even bidding hundreds of dollars for a $50 item. To do this over and over is not normal. She is spending hours and hours a day every day doing this. It drives me crazy which is obviously her intent. How shop lc allows this I don’t understand because her behavior is so extreme. What do you other bidders think about this? Can she ever be stopped? I would love to find out who she really is!! I quess I still have a hard time believing that this is happening. It also feels like I am being made a fool of! Can anyone make me feel better?!
I got a little carried away when i discovered the auctions a few months ago. I’d take it personally if I lost an auction and would be on alert for those names who’d repeatedly outbid me.

I came to my senses when I got the first credit card bill and realized I had to get a grip. I needed to make myself feel better by controlling only what I do, not what other people do.

So I started trying to be more aware and remember 1] it’s not personal. If someone seems to be deliberately trying to drive up an auction, I tell myself that THEY’RE the one with the problem, not me. They’re the one with no life and perhaps a pathetic need to irritate strangers on the internet.

2) COMPARE COMPARE COMPARE PRICES. Yes shopLC has ridiculously good deals but they are not the only retailer. There are lots of other sites that sell interesting and rare pieces and if you look you can usually find a similar deal without the hassle of bidding. And if someone wants to overpay in a RA rather than looking at the web price first, then that’s on them 🤷🏻‍♀️

3] if the item you want keeps getting bid out of your price range, keep searching. It seems like a lot of the RA items are excess inventory that aren’t selling thru the website. So if you think an item is not being paid for and put back into the auction cycle again, it’s possible the item DID sell and a fresh one is put into the RA and you’ll get another chance to win it.

4) most important! don’t let anyone trigger you into bidding more than you’re prepared to pay! Keep your cool and know what your spending limit is and stick to it.

5) finally, since shopLC doesn’t want to do anything to prevent overbidders from not paying, I’ve just accepted that it happens. If they’re happy to lose sales then that’s their privilege.

You’re not being made a fool of if you keep your cool and control what you do. No sense in getting upset over bad actors! And even if there are algorithms and AI programs driving up prices, the company could be losing more than they’re making if those programs can’t trigger folks into paying the super high bids.

Just my 2 nickels based on my experience.
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Boston Irish
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Re: Melissa

Post by Boston Irish » 2 years ago

Zoe i agreewith you!!!!!!!!!! I have reported overbidders nothing is done I am going to slow my buying way down. I really do have enough to take me into the after life' Hope thats not any time soon.
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Re: Melissa

Post by mpompadour » 2 years ago

@TN You and others here probably know how I have railed against Shop LC about the RA problem. They know what needs to be done and refuse to do it. It's a crying shame they let this continue, but it's their ballgame and there is nothing we can do about it except what you said in your post. :)
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Re: Melissa

Post by Zoe » 2 years ago

Thanks for your supportive texts! Of course you are all right! I have used the auction site on and off for almost two years and have encountered many “difficult” bidders in that time. It was irritating but not like this Melissa situation. Not sure why but with her it seems very personal. I think it may be because I think she does this specifically to exercise control over people and I hate that I wonder whether this could be a child ? Anyway thanks again for your support. I may have to leave the site because I am becoming too obsessed with this issue.
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Re: Melissa

Post by itsme » 2 years ago

Hi Zoe I really know how you feel as I was just overbid in the hundreds on an auction I have been bidding on for nearly 2 years by E.....y once again. I am not sure if she is a child or she has the mind of a child or she is a bully. She will not pay and it will show up once again. She bids hundreds on whatever strikes her fancy and would have to be a billionaire to pay for all her wins. I am looking at auctions less and less and since I don't get the broadcast on my cable they will lose income from me but I think we need a break from this nonsense.
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Re: Melissa

Post by itsme » 2 years ago

Sorry to resurrect this older thread but I have some good news to report for once. I finally won the auction for the item I have been chasing for almost two years and the price was very fair. I received it today and it is gorgeous and so I am very happy. I guess sometimes we can win against difficult odds and people ;) .
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