Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Tothemoon » 4 years ago

MilfordsMrFixIt wrote:
4 years ago

Maybe your screen name is a common one? Mine shows up as John, so there seems to be a few of me bidding against....uh...myself!!
That’s how I feel - like I’m bidding against myself. But I have to think what are the chances that a person with my same name is bidding on the same items that I am. Not only do we have the same name, obviously we have the same taste in jewelry!
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago

Three issues here--Bidder names CRAZY bids and Estimated Retail Values.
Firstly the bidders pick their names not SLC. Some yahoo has "Winner" apparently in an effort to stop you from bidding because you think the item is already sold. Shame on you.
Secondly some folks just do not know the actual value of the item being sold Also some disreputable yo-yos will do incredibly high maximum bids on every item they bid on for some time and then never pay for the items. This is to gain a rep for always winning and discourage others from bidding against them and it seems to work. LC used to let the second highest bidder have the opportunity to get the item if the initial bidder did not pay up. One fellow was using this scheme so to test my theory I did incredibly high bids too and had 9 second best bids in one day! I notified LC and they said they would take care of it. Haven't seen him bidding since.
Lastly ERV. LC manufactures almost all of their items so they can set any retail price they want. This does NOT MEAN THAT THIS ITEM EVER SOLD FOR THAT PRICE!!! Almost all retailers do this. I am fairly savvy about jewelry values and most of their ERVs are about double for a high end (and overhead) jewelry store and triple for a normal store. Rule of thumb if you want a bargain bid 10% of the ERV. If you MUST have the item because of design etc, bid 20% or check the price on the retail side as it may be lower. There are not many deals any more on the auction site, mostly because there are soooo many ignorant bidders along with LC's gigantic campaign to increase usage of their auction site. Guess you cannot blame them for wanting to make the most bucks possible but I do have to laugh at people who bid $20 on an item with a $69.99 ERV that sells for $9.99 normally and bid $60 on a $179.99 ERV item that sells for less than $30.
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by CC » 4 years ago

You need to change your bidder name. You don't have to completely change it just maybe add your middle initial to the end of your name if you are going by your true name. I had my same bidding name for a couple of years then all of a sudden I was seeing bids all over the place with my name on them. Undoubtedly it is okay for two or more people to have the same bidding name. I solved that problem by changing my bidding name and now no more two of me's anymore.
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

"Unknown Bidder", "Unknown" and "Bidder" were all on last night.

Hopefully they were members fighting back at those who overbid.
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Gemsnob » 4 years ago

Ive seen someone called "Let the truth be told" on there today.
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

Gemsnob wrote:
4 years ago
Ive seen someone called "Let the truth be told" on there today.

It's worth it to check out the auctions just to see the user names!

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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

CC wrote:
4 years ago
You need to change your bidder name. You don't have to completely change it just maybe add your middle initial to the end of your name if you are going by your true name. I had my same bidding name for a couple of years then all of a sudden I was seeing bids all over the place with my name on them. Undoubtedly it is okay for two or more people to have the same bidding name. I solved that problem by changing my bidding name and now no more two of me's anymore.
Well all these posts about same name bidders are totally confusing me! Since when can any name that's not your own be used on RA? Anytime I log in to SLC & go to RA (which has been months) it always shows my first name when I place bid. When did this change & how do you change bidder name? I'm so out of the loop apparently!
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

I am actually glad they allow us to change our names. I've won items and many times had the person I was bidding against follow me all over, bidding up anything I bid on, to outrageous prices.

Many are sore losers and immature. So being able to change your name during the auctions is vital!

@Blossom, just go to your profile where it says "edit" and change your name. Then change it back after you're done, so your address label will have your name on it.

I've had so many ruin the auctions for me, from following me around ruining bids for me, to changing their name to the same as mine because they're angry that they lost a bid.

Many will copy whatever name they see who made them angry, trying to confuse them.

I think the auctions are stressful now, and cause high blood pressure!

But if you cannot change your name, forget it. You're a "target" to anyone you've upset!

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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Catticus wrote:
4 years ago
I am actually glad they allow us to change our names. I've won items and many times had the person I was bidding against follow me all over, bidding up anything I bid on, to outrageous prices.

Many are sore losers and immature. So being able to change your name during the auctions is vital!

@Blossom, just go to your profile where it says "edit" and change your name. Then change it back after you're done, so your address label will have your name on it.

I've had so many ruin the auctions for me, from following me around ruining bids for me, to changing their name to the same as mine because they're angry that they lost a bid.

Many will copy whatever name they see who made them angry, trying to confuse them.

I think the auctions are stressful now, and cause high blood pressure!

But if you cannot change your name, forget it. You're a "target" to anyone you've upset!

Geez! Thanks for updating me Cat! Sounds like RA has turned more so into "crazytown" than it used to be (which was bad enough to make me stop). Guess I'll stay away from that mess, I've already got hypertension & don't need more stress! Have a great night & thanks again !!
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Re: Fraud!! "Unknown Bidder??????

Post by Catticus » 4 years ago


It's gotten as bad as "Wally's" Black Friday. Except there, you're actually at risk of losing limb(s) or your life.

Wait. In some ways the RAs can be "dangerous.", since hypertension isn't something you want flying out of control!

Good Night, Blossom! Pleasant dreams!
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