Item has been returned and credited from shopLC.

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Item has been returned and credited from shopLC.

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

I purchased an item in late September for my Mother as a Christmas gift. I was under the mistaken impression that the item could be returned for the Christmas time returns, because it was very expensive. Also, I watch the show a lot and they start advertising the availability to return items until availability. The item wasn't opened until Christmas eve, and My Mother explained it was not an item she would not use. It was an Infrared light device, and just was not something she was comfortable using. When she opened the device the main charging unit was scratched and the eye portion would not cycle through the light colors of green to red. I carefully packaged and returned the item. I sent it bas soon as back the first time on 12/24/20. It was received by the warehouse on 12/28/20. I kept waiting for my discover card to be credited and it never was. One day, after waiting for a long time, it was returned to me almost a month after I sent it in. There was no explanation whatsoever, just the item sent back to me. I called customer service and received a wonderful sweet woman. She explained that the item was past the time it could be returned, however, I asked for her to escilate the case to a lead customer service representative and explained the situation. On January 15, 2021, Danielle personally called my pbone and left a voice mail explaining that she was going to accept the return. I mailed the item in again on 1/20/21. The item was sent back using one of ShopLC's labels, and of course this was the ONE TIME that the USPS didn't scan the bar code. I opened a case with USPS and received a written response stating the package was delivered, which I promptly forwarded to ShopLC customer service. The item was delivered on 1/23/21. I made multiple calls and multiple contacts with Customer service at ShopLC providing them the USPS tracking information and making sure that the warehouse was notified with the fact that the item could be processed. Many times, I was repremended and told that It was past the thirty day return policy and each and every time I explained, I thougth that it could be returned because of the Christmas return policy. I would go on to explain the return was authorized and that I had previously explained the situation over and over again. I was just trying to make sure the package was properly flagged for a Pre-authorized return. Each time I was told the warehouse would be emailed. So you ask. what happened? THey received the package back on 1/23/21. USPS did not properly scan, so each time customer service asked for the return tracking information. Each time they told me the item had not been received. Each time I explained that it had, but USPS failed to scan the item upon delivery. Today, I chatted with Vivas who again told me that it was past the 30 day return period and provided me with a return tracking number where the item is once again being sent back to me!!!! I explained that Danielle had authorized the return to no avail. I ended the chat with him and called customer service back. I spoke with a wonderful man named Erwin. I again explained the whole long drawn out story. He told me he would notify cutomer service again for an authorization to return the item. He called me later in the day and explained that the item could be returned again, that he received authorization (Which I already had from the second return) and to call ShopLC back for further details. When I called back, I was told they had possesion fo the item but it was returned to me on February 2nd, (While I was calling and chatting and loosing my mind trying to find out if they even had the item )and I would once again have to wait for the item to be received by me and that I would need to re-return it for the third time. I asked him, If Ireturned it for the second return after being authorized by Danielle, sending a letter with the return with all the notations receipts and copies of all information, and if I wrote on the front of the label RETURN AUTHORIZATION per Danielle, and they didn't process the return with all the information inclosed, that I had ZERO confidence that they would again process this return. The lines of communication is not working between management and the shipping department or either the shipping department just doesn't care. My reason for posting this? Make DARN SURE you know all return policies before shopping. My error has cost me dearly in time, aggravation and money.
Last edited by mossybrick 3 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by Ariana » 3 years ago

Reading your struggle to get your return processed made me feel anxious as I felt the stress you are under -- and I would be stressed over it too.

I hope you get it resolved and I hope that ShopLC gives you a big fat discount code for your trouble. I'm sorry this is happening.
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

You are most kind. Thank you. ❤️
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by Amy » 3 years ago

Hi Mossybrick: many of us have gone through the same thing, I can’t say whether they turned out ok or not. I just received 2 blankets in the wrong size. I always order king, I got 2 queens. I’m disappointed but like your situation, I’m not returning them because of what you went through. I can’t take the stress. At least they got the color right. Either king size was sold out or the warehouse person was irresponsible. I’ll never know. If your gift to mom was inexpensive I would give it away to someone who can use it. If it was expensive maybe start with BBB. Hope your credit card company can help also. Good luck. 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

Thank you Amy, and yes it was VERY expensive. If I would have any idea it would be such an issue, I would have never purchased it!!! We didn't open and check it until Christmas time and that was my first mistake. The item wasn't used and returned exactly as we received it. My second mistake was not realizing this was not in the Christmas returns timeframe as I truly thought it was. The shipping department of this establishment is just inadequate and customer service makes one feel as if they have done something wrong! I am chastised almost every time I have to call and explain the long drawn out explanation as to why the item was returned.

I'm so sorry you received the wrong merchandise. I too have received broken jewelry items, items pakaged incorrectly causing them to break and so on. But I just normally keep them and dispose of them as they were inexpensive. ShopLC needs to grab the bull by the horns and fix the returns department or they will be losing many more good customers.
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

I just received an update from ShopLC that read a refund had been processed. Everyone please cross your fingers for me that the item actually is processed. I will update again once my credit card has been posted the return! Thank you for all the kind wishes.
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by MsTabbyKats » 3 years ago

I think SLC went above and beyond to service you.
I've never heard of a September purchase being eligible for "after Chrismas returns".
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Re: For the Love of God, what do you have to do to get an item returned?

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

I do too.ShopLC Management was very understanding about my situation and also kind. My problem was with once I received permission to return the (unused) item I couldn’t get the issue resolved by the shipping department. This item was very expensive, and I had no idea that my Mother wouldn't use it when I purchased it. I really thought she'd love it. I am a good customer and wouldn’t be otherwise upset. I am honest and have returned expensive things to ShopLC that were sent to me in error. The item was originally returned in late December and not February. It was processed yesterday. I'm not a bad person and do not take advantage of returns, and always return them in the 30 day window. I just truly thought I had longer to return such an expensive item. I will not make a mistake like this in the future, and appreciate ShopLC's compassion in this issue.
Last edited by mossybrick 3 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Boston Irish
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Re: Item has been returned and credited from shopLC.

Post by Boston Irish » 3 years ago

Wow MossyBrick you have been given the run around. I sent back a broken bangle we shall see. Also a Sagen silver bracket the box was damaged and I did not like the center stone on it. I want a replacement. I do not think the Warehouse reads the notes sent to them. I was promised 8 necklace boxes for purchases I made and that's been since Nov. Hope you get a refund.🍀
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Re: Item has been returned and credited from shopLC.

Post by mossybrick » 3 years ago

Boston Irish, I hope everything works out for you too. Seems as though you were having a number of issues! I believe you will eventually get your refund or exchange, but you have to stay on top of it, so that you can be sure everything is done right.

Management is wonderful for ShopLC, especially Danielle, but it's the shipping department I had issue with. I have received many broken or terribly packaged items, but never complained or returned them, I usually just discarded if not too expensive. I've even received other peoples orders inside of packages addressed to me, and honestly returned them. But in this case, I needed personalized help. Most of the time I am quite happy with ShopLC and have received some beautiful items from them. But, as in your case I have also received some sub par items. Maybe, they have temporary help for the Holiday and returns season. Hopefully all of your issues will be addressed soon!! Sorry you are going through it too.
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