Rising Auction changes

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Rising Auction changes

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

We're excited to announce an update to our online auction check out policy! Beginning February 17, 2021, you will now have a reduced window to complete your won auction purchases. Please note the time remaining notification in your bid history or online auction shopping cart so you don’t miss your purchase window. This new change will allow us to keep more items available for you to bid on. The new window of time is 24-48hrs vs the 36-60hrs.

Also, your auction purchases will have free shipping as long as you are signed up for autopay! No minimum price requirement!
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Js » 3 years ago

Hello, I heard that Free Shipping is now an option when bidding on Auctions. How do I opt for it? Thank you.
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by karla » 3 years ago

What is everyone thinking about AUTOPAY?
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Gypsy » 3 years ago

For some it may be a great idea but,
Autopay is NOT for me.

I want to keep the control of what I decide to purchase.

I may win something and try then to win at a better price then pay the lesser amount or I may decide that I do not want after all and I would rather release.

I wish we could once again immediately REMOVE an item from our wins. And release it back into the auction if we change our minds.

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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Kat » 3 years ago

I only use paypal. So I can't get the free shipping. But I don't want to hand over my credit card number because just in case if they get hacked or my account does then the money comes out of my bank right away. Nope. Also I agree with Gypsy, about the option to not buying item. Just my opinion ☺️
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by HowRevelationary » 3 years ago

Can you believe it when I say that I actually tried to read through “Terms and Conditions” of the autopay feature?? Lots of convoluted contract-speak, but I managed to glean a few salient points during the time when my eyes weren’t glazing over. First and most importantly, Shoplc does not guarantee that their own code, files, site (I assume that refers to website), app, and information is NOT free from viruses, bugs, Trojan horses, or other corruptive agents. The onus is on the user (customer) to maintain “external” security for their own personal data, and shoplc is not responsible for restoring any of its users’ corrupted or damaged information as a result of such breaches.

The autopay feature, when activated by users, automatically initiates an order after midnight on all auctions won through the previous 24 hour period. The benefit of this feature is free shipping! The user can deactivate this feature at any time. The feature must be “on” at the end of the day in order to initiate an automatic order (after midnight) and receive free shipping.

There is also an ambiguous section that says that while autopay is still activated, a user can initiate an order manually during the day and make changes to their items; this section does not clarify if the user will still get free shipping if they manually make an order, or if changes they make include the ability to REMOVE unwanted items from their won RA auction cart (presumably before the autopay function kicks in at midnight).

Here is what I did for the FIRST time last night. A few hours before midnight, I turned on the autopay feature and set shipping and payment information. Then I waited. Sure enough, by 1:21 AM EST (12:21AM CST) an order with free shipping was generated. I saved $24 shipping on auction items totaling $33. As soon as the order confirmation email came through, I deactivated the autopay feature. I will go through the same procedure each night I have auction wins to save on shipping costs. To me, it’s worth it. I do not feel guilty activating and deactivating the feature regularly, as shoplc’s own guidelines state that it is the customer’s responsibility to secure their own data/information.

I am also fortunate to have my credit card issued through a credit union that is proactive with removing or resolving disputed/fraudulent charges.

Lastly, I have been using shoplc’s website for 10 years with little to no problems. I cannot say the same for the app. My brief foray on the app was scary, as I found myself on occasion registered as someone else, with access to their personal information. Worse still, others must have been registered under my login, as there were mysterious bids in my name not made by me. When I discovered this, I tried to logout from the app, only to receive a message banner that said I was not able to logout! Finally, I DELETED the app in order to be logged out and have not re-downloaded it since.

In the terms and conditions there is also a statement that shoplc does not guarantee a glitch-free experience. Occasional glitches have actually been beneficial to me. I once was able to bid (with difficulty) on a 5 ct. Canadian ammolite pendant (apparently nobody else could) and got it for $1. Over the years these once-in-a-while glitches have yielded some unbelievable bargains!

Sorry this is so long. Good luck, happy bidding, and long live free shipping!!
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by ok » 3 years ago

I've been using Autopay for a few days now with no problems. Hope it stays that way. No more having to order a minimum amount to get free shipping, lol. Imo, if the system is hacked or compromised in any way, then all information will be jeopardized, not just autopay. Concerning credit card info., opting in for user alerts with your CC company/bank is a pretty good way to stay on top of usage. I had to opt-in several years ago when someone got ahold of my credit card number (restaurant, online purchase, who knows?) and went on a spending spree in Las Vegas. The bank alerted me and took care of it but still, I set alerts on all my cards. As far as auctions go (if thats what you want to call it) I have never been in an auction where you can win the bid, then later decide you don't want the item...wth! That's not an auction, this is an auction! These changes have been a long time coming!
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Tothemoon » 3 years ago

When I first started shopping with SLC I didn’t trust having my credit card on file with them so I purchased a Visa gift card and used that as my payment information until the funds ran out. I know it costs a few bucks to buy the gift cards but it’s a lot cheaper than the SLC shipping costs if you are buying a lot of items.
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Flower » 3 years ago

I'm not at all excited nor particularly happy about this autopay. This kind of collective punishment is, frankly, not fair to the rest of us who haven't purposely inflated prices. I feel like they should've thought out a better plan of action that directly targets the people they're complaining about instead of just making these kinds of changes for all of us (Even though I don't think us as customers can even see if people don't end up buying those auctions). Autopay is definitely not for me, as I also like to see if i can get something for cheaper. Not to mention, actual shipping prices can get pretty expensive, especially when you're buying multiple items since they add the shipping prices of individual items instead of the collective haul. Due to this change, I honestly don't think I'll be buying anything from here for the time being. I'm just disappointed
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Re: Rising Auction changes

Post by Amy » 3 years ago

To HowReveationary and all: thank you for clarifying how autopay works for some. I’m so happy to win an auction I’ve never changed my mind, so I think autopay should work for me. If anyone has problems with it, please let the forum know. Free shipping will be great for all, except it will encourage more people bidding than before. Happy shopping 🍀🍀🍀🍀
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