Conversation revision thoughts

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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

Spooky wrote:
3 years ago
GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Ive been thinking about this today. Instead of revising conversation, it would be helpful if slc would revise it's business model so we don't have so many complaints. It seems as if employees are tired of hearing us complain. Why not make sure people want to work, are trained thoroughly, get the warehouse up to par as well as quality control? It's not the forum that needs revised, it's slc. We would then be here to share our purchases and be excited instead of never ending disappointment.
Another great shot across the port bow🛥!!!
How about you let us talk about the things we
want to talk about? You can have your categories
and we can have ours. I want all people banned
to be able to come back. You’ve never given
legitimate reasons and people just disappear. That
has to end now. Quit trying to regulate us. We are
the customer who pays all your salaries. Regulate
your company departments, employees and mission statement. Start at the top and work down
Maybe you don’t have a mission statement. You need to fix that right now. If the people at the top want to yell
and scream because we aren’t buying their line
of horse hockey yell right back. They’ll respect you
more if you do. If they still don’t understand then
maybe they should take their company back to
Jaipur and then they can abuse their customers
and employees all they want because that is how
it’s done over there. Customers don’t work for
slc and to try & ‘regulate’ us is laughable (seriously!).
If the top is set on regulating us then I demand
for everyone who posts a royalty fee. You want to use
our posts to paint a rosy picture about how ‘“great”’
it is to shop here so pay us for our reviews. Amazon does and
so do many many many other companies
Hello Spooky,

So I don't want to disregard your comments you are making. But I honestly am needing feedback in regards to the topics so we can better address the feedback. However I want to make sure acknowledge

"Another great shot across the port bow🛥!!!
How about you let us talk about the things we
want to talk about? You can have your categories
and we can have ours. "

Response: I can't accomidate that that is why I am asking for thoughts on topics.

"I want all people banned
to be able to come back."

Response: I cannot accommodate that.

" You’ve never given
legitimate reasons and people just disappear."

Response: In the interest of user privacy (even if they are banned) that is between Shop LC and the user. Most common reasons are:
toxicity, guidelines (speaking negatively about employees/hosts), advertising third party sites, attacking other users.

" Quit trying to regulate us. We are
the customer who pays all your salaries. Regulate
your company departments, employees and mission statement. "

Response: The purpose is not regulation, rather to avoid unnecessary toxicity. And you are correct the customers are why we exist. And for this reason we work to provide an environment whercustomerses can feel confident that although a disagreement may happen, they won't be personally attacked for example. So in short, no we cannot accommodate and environment without regulation. Also each department head has KPI"s that they are accountable for. If they are not met then the matter is addressed with the respective employee.

Other points:
Thanks for the comment around the mission statement we do have one that has recently been updated:
To deliver one million meals per day to children in need by 'FY31 through our one for one meal program: Your purchase feeds...
I feel fortunate that I am able to share feedback with my peers I don't have a concern there.

Although I acknowledge there are opportunities I can confirm that Csat is stable, this is based off of roughly to 50-100k surveys per month. Although our parent company is in India, we do have people from over 100 countries so we are spread out accross the world.
We cannot accommodate a royalty fee. Posting is not mandatory and it's for engagement. Although if anyone is willing to give testimonials I can address those customers case by case.

The purpose of the forum is to have another avenue for customer feedback and ideas. If there happens to be an issue we are accountable for working on that too.

Thank you for sharing your feedback. Do you have any proposals for the topics?
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

I like the topics you suggested. I have an idea. Is there a way to make sure new people just making an account have to initial all the rules of the guidelines? I think if people have to read them it will help. I also wish people knew to look for a topic that's already started instead of starting a new one with the same questions. I don't know how to fix that. After awhile, older threads disappear but some are full of info. There are so many repeats and I'm certain I've done it too. I like the introduction and a specific place for asking questions, resolving issues and things we may be curious about. I appreciated that you want to make the forum more constructive.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

That mission statement has nothing to do with customers. It encourages shoddy work in order to rake in the bucks. There's nothing about Delivering Joy. I guess they gave up on that. I don't really care what charities slc wants to support. It has nothing to do with me. I'm discouraged.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

Yes, I think that explained everything. If we cannot say anything negative about the hosts, then we can't complain and it appears there's nothing wrong. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a liberal company in a liberal city where words hurt. I was raised with "Sticks and stones". People seem to think if you disagree with them or don't like them that it's bullying . How sad that adults can't handle words.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Danielle, I respect you. I think you are one of very, very few that understands what it means to be proud of doing a good job. For the life of me, I don't understand why things are getting worse. If we can be honest with each other, there were not the same issues when Kevin was here. It's not unusual for a business to have something go wrong OCCASIONALLY. That's not what is happening here. I don't understand why the issues we experience and complain about here aren't taken to the highest level of management. Do they really not care? How can we be blamed for making suppositions here when no one has ever said "We're sorry, we are trying to fix, give us time". It's been YEARS now! What do these people from India think we are ? I can tell you how they come across and it's not going to be pretty. Danielle, I'm curious why someone like you who is obviously intelligent , is ok working for people that don't give a dang about anything except lining their pockets and sending dollars to India. How can we be blamed for being blunt here? It has never helped to be sweet and polite. Can you see that? Can you see why we get so bent out of shape? Are the big wigs really so unapproachable that you and a select few are left trying to plug the holes of a sinking ship? Exactly who's sales records are you breaking? Your own? Do you have to take all the refunded money off of the sales? I'd bet that makes a difference. I'd be willing to bet that the forum is a reflection of what is happening at slc and when/if the issues are fixed, the forum would reflect it.
Hello GElliot,

Thanks for the feedback. I can confirm there are processes internally for working with customer concerns whether it be a quality issue, inventory issue, etc. I can understand why you may feel it's not being addressed, we can commit to being more proactive with current changes and solutions in progress.

I would respectfully disagree that management does not care. I also will not comment on the specificity of the location of staff.

I have worked here for 11 years and I am here because I have been given great opportunities. Although not entirely relevant to the purpose of this post I will share some context about myself:

I am 33 years old, African American, and part of the LGBT community. I started here at 22 years old when no one would hire me as the country was still recovering from the recession. In 11 years I have gone from a sales agent to the Director of the Customer Service team. I also was allowed the opportunity to attend graduate school at the same time and earn my doctorate. I say all this to demonstrate that SHOP LC is the type of company that does believe in their employees and tries to give opportunities across all levels. I also believe in the mission of feeding children and am proud that millions of meals have gone to children in India and America.

I would be lying if profit wasn't a goal, but the profit is for SHOP LC as a whole, which is based in America. I respect your opinion about whether or not being polite is helpful. We are the primary group of communication because that is the job of customer service.

In regards to our sales records yes, I am referring to how we have done year over year. And yes we do consider refunds and cancellations in those calculations.

Also the overall sentiment of the comments we receive very depending on the topic in question.

With all that being said, I am happy to start a thread to discuss some actions with problems. However, my first question is in regards to the topics that the forum has. Do you happen to have feedback in regards to that?
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
That mission statement has nothing to do with customers. It encourages shoddy work in order to rake in the bucks. There's nothing about Delivering Joy. I guess they gave up on that. I don't really care what charities slc wants to support. It has nothing to do with me. I'm discouraged.
No, Delivering joy is our purpose. But your questions specifically was around mission statement so that is what I answered. I'm sorry for any lack of clarity
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Yes, I think that explained everything. If we cannot say anything negative about the hosts, then we can't complain and it appears there's nothing wrong. Unfortunately, we are dealing with a liberal company in a liberal city where words hurt. I was raised with "Sticks and stones". People seem to think if you disagree with them or don't like them that it's bullying . How sad that adults can't handle words.
Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

CJM wrote:
3 years ago
Hey guys I think the last post is your answer. Everything falls on deaf ears. That’s why I left. From now on I’ll be shopping elsewhere. I have one budget pay left. I never thought that would be the case. I’m freeeeee!
Hello CJM just a clarifying question:

Are there any concerns of yours that we have not addressed?
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

I don't identify myself by my sexual preferences. I'm not sure why it matters. I don't care what people do and don't even know why it was brought up.
It appears the slc cares bunches about it's employees and feeding children. That's awesome. When will the care that much about us? Seriously, how long does it take to fix things? More issues are popping up. If slc makes money through sales, you'd think they would understand where the money is coming from. I feel like this topic is going in circles and getting no where.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
I don't identify myself by my sexual preferences. I'm not sure why it matters. I don't care what people do and don't even know why it was brought up.
It appears the slc cares bunches about it's employees and feeding children. That's awesome. When will the care that much about us? Seriously, how long does it take to fix things? More issues are popping up. If slc makes money through sales, you'd think they would understand where the money is coming from. I feel like this topic is going in circles and getting no where.
The purpose of my statement was demonstration a person from a marginalized population is given opportunities. In short a company that does care. I agree it's not really relevant to the original intention of the post but I was asked why I am here.

I respect your opinion that you don't feel that shop lc cares about the customers. I respectfully disagree. And your right the topics original intention has been lost. I'm happy to arrange a call with you if you like.

I am also happy to have a thread for issues and actionables as I mentioned earlier. So again, do you have recommendations on the topics?
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