Conversation revision thoughts

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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by DS » 3 years ago

Moderator_Danielle wrote:
3 years ago
GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Danielle, I respect you. I think you are one of very, very few that understands what it means to be proud of doing a good job. For the life of me, I don't understand why things are getting worse. If we can be honest with each other, there were not the same issues when Kevin was here. It's not unusual for a business to have something go wrong OCCASIONALLY. That's not what is happening here. I don't understand why the issues we experience and complain about here aren't taken to the highest level of management. Do they really not care? How can we be blamed for making suppositions here when no one has ever said "We're sorry, we are trying to fix, give us time". It's been YEARS now! What do these people from India think we are ? I can tell you how they come across and it's not going to be pretty. Danielle, I'm curious why someone like you who is obviously intelligent , is ok working for people that don't give a dang about anything except lining their pockets and sending dollars to India. How can we be blamed for being blunt here? It has never helped to be sweet and polite. Can you see that? Can you see why we get so bent out of shape? Are the big wigs really so unapproachable that you and a select few are left trying to plug the holes of a sinking ship? Exactly who's sales records are you breaking? Your own? Do you have to take all the refunded money off of the sales? I'd bet that makes a difference. I'd be willing to bet that the forum is a reflection of what is happening at slc and when/if the issues are fixed, the forum would reflect it.

I am 33 years old, African American, and part of the LGBT community.
he forum has. Do you happen to have feedback in regards to that?
i am 23 non-binary and just graduated with my BS in music and will seek my Masters this fall. all thanks to my wonderful parents

THAT being said,
as a member of the LGBT community I would have thought you would understand the utmost importance of inclusion, of being accepted.

not just for those in that community but for ALL.

you clearly needed acceptance and received it yet will not offer the same. you bend and blur your guidelines to suit yourselves and meet your own needs

query? have you or anyone else at ShopLC, mods, management, etc. ever made a mistake? I’m certain you have. just as I am certain in most, if not all, cases you were given a reprimand, a warning and then allowed to continue on.

not the case for forum members. i would say it’s “black and white, no shades of gray” but that is not the case either. because you blur and smudge and shade those lines at whim.

and when you say you “cannot accommodate” let’s be real here. you CAN. but you WON’T.

and please do not patronize and quote guidelines as I have made my point regarding those above.

del. they/them
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

DS wrote:
3 years ago
Moderator_Danielle wrote:
3 years ago
GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Danielle, I respect you. I think you are one of very, very few that understands what it means to be proud of doing a good job. For the life of me, I don't understand why things are getting worse. If we can be honest with each other, there were not the same issues when Kevin was here. It's not unusual for a business to have something go wrong OCCASIONALLY. That's not what is happening here. I don't understand why the issues we experience and complain about here aren't taken to the highest level of management. Do they really not care? How can we be blamed for making suppositions here when no one has ever said "We're sorry, we are trying to fix, give us time". It's been YEARS now! What do these people from India think we are ? I can tell you how they come across and it's not going to be pretty. Danielle, I'm curious why someone like you who is obviously intelligent , is ok working for people that don't give a dang about anything except lining their pockets and sending dollars to India. How can we be blamed for being blunt here? It has never helped to be sweet and polite. Can you see that? Can you see why we get so bent out of shape? Are the big wigs really so unapproachable that you and a select few are left trying to plug the holes of a sinking ship? Exactly who's sales records are you breaking? Your own? Do you have to take all the refunded money off of the sales? I'd bet that makes a difference. I'd be willing to bet that the forum is a reflection of what is happening at slc and when/if the issues are fixed, the forum would reflect it.

I am 33 years old, African American, and part of the LGBT community.
he forum has. Do you happen to have feedback in regards to that?
i am 23 non-binary and just graduated with my BS in music and will seek my Masters this fall. all thanks to my wonderful parents

THAT bing said,
as a member of the LGBT community I would have thought you would understand the utmost importance of inclusion, of being accepted.

not just for those in that community but for ALL.

you clearly needed acceptance and received it yet will not offer the same. you bend and blur your guidelines to suit yourselves and meet your own needs

query? have you or anyone else at ShopLC, mods, management, etc. ever made a mistake? I’m certain you have. just as I am certain in most, if not all, cases you were given a reprimand, a warning and then allowed to continue on.

not the case for forum members. i would say it’s “black and white, no shades of gray” but that is not the case either. because you blur and smudge and shade those lines at whim.

and when you say you “cannot accommodate” let’s be real here. you CAN. but you WON’T.

and please do not patronize and quote guidelines as I have made my point regarding those above.

del. they/them
Thanks DS for your comments and your willingness to share something personal I really appreciate it.

I respect your feedback regarding the guidelines and I can confirm that any deletions or bannings were in violation for reasons I specified earlier. For user privacy I cannot say "bob said XYZ and that is why they were banned."

And you are correct can't accommodate means we cannot do what is being asked. So I am sorry if this was perceived as a lack of authenticity. I appreciate you calling that out.

Mistakes happen all the time, and there are several users that have received warnings before banning occured. At this point since topics are due to change we most likely will reset them.

So with that being said, the original intention of the thread has been lost. I am happy to start another thread in regard to issues and actionables.

But my initial question is if the topics were ok? Do you have any feedback in regards to that? I am asking because otherwise I am going to lock the thread because now I am not posting within forum guidelines and want to be accountable.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

Clearly we are having trouble understanding the importance of focusing on the forum when there are a million and one real issues that need addressing.
I posted feedback earlier. You may have
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by DS » 3 years ago

Moderator_Danielle wrote:
3 years ago
DS wrote:
3 years ago
Moderator_Danielle wrote:
3 years ago

I am 33 years old, African American, and part of the LGBT community.
he forum has. Do you happen to have feedback in regards to that?
i am 23 non-binary and just graduated with my BS in music and will seek my Masters this fall. all thanks to my wonderful parents

THAT bing said,
as a member of the LGBT community I would have thought you would understand the utmost importance of inclusion, of being accepted.

not just for those in that community but for ALL.

you clearly needed acceptance and received it yet will not offer the same. you bend and blur your guidelines to suit yourselves and meet your own needs

query? have you or anyone else at ShopLC, mods, management, etc. ever made a mistake? I’m certain you have. just as I am certain in most, if not all, cases you were given a reprimand, a warning and then allowed to continue on.

not the case for forum members. i would say it’s “black and white, no shades of gray” but that is not the case either. because you blur and smudge and shade those lines at whim.

and when you say you “cannot accommodate” let’s be real here. you CAN. but you WON’T.

and please do not patronize and quote guidelines as I have made my point regarding those above.

del. they/them
Thanks DS for your comments and your willingness to share something personal I really appreciate it.

I respect your feedback regarding the guidelines and I can confirm that any deletions or bannings were in violation for reasons I specified earlier. For user privacy I cannot say "bob said XYZ and that is why they were banned."

And you are correct can't accommodate means we cannot do what is being asked. So I am sorry if this was perceived as a lack of authenticity. I appreciate you calling that out.

Mistakes happen all the time, and there are several users that have received warnings before banning occured. At this point since topics are due to change we most likely will reset them.

So with that being said, the original intention of the thread has been lost. I am happy to start another thread in regard to issues and actionables.

But my initial question is if the topics were ok? Do you have any feedback in regards to that? I am asking because otherwise I am going to lock the thread because now I am not posting within forum guidelines and want to be accountable.
no comments regarding feedback as this is not where I want to be. and some members were given a warning? SEE? no consistency. you just slammed the door right in my mom’s face without so much as a “by your leave “ mom was given NO warning. and you Danielle DID NOT ever give her the courtesy of returning her emails.

you are losing a customer in my mom. but it doesn’t matter now does it because this place is a revolving door it seems.

i tried mom :-(
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

It depends on who is moderating. What one person is fine with another will delete and or ban. There is no consistency.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

DS wrote:
3 years ago
Moderator_Danielle wrote:
3 years ago
DS wrote:
3 years ago

i am 23 non-binary and just graduated with my BS in music and will seek my Masters this fall. all thanks to my wonderful parents

THAT bing said,
as a member of the LGBT community I would have thought you would understand the utmost importance of inclusion, of being accepted.

not just for those in that community but for ALL.

you clearly needed acceptance and received it yet will not offer the same. you bend and blur your guidelines to suit yourselves and meet your own needs

query? have you or anyone else at ShopLC, mods, management, etc. ever made a mistake? I’m certain you have. just as I am certain in most, if not all, cases you were given a reprimand, a warning and then allowed to continue on.

not the case for forum members. i would say it’s “black and white, no shades of gray” but that is not the case either. because you blur and smudge and shade those lines at whim.

and when you say you “cannot accommodate” let’s be real here. you CAN. but you WON’T.

and please do not patronize and quote guidelines as I have made my point regarding those above.

del. they/them
Thanks DS for your comments and your willingness to share something personal I really appreciate it.

I respect your feedback regarding the guidelines and I can confirm that any deletions or bannings were in violation for reasons I specified earlier. For user privacy I cannot say "bob said XYZ and that is why they were banned."

And you are correct can't accommodate means we cannot do what is being asked. So I am sorry if this was perceived as a lack of authenticity. I appreciate you calling that out.

Mistakes happen all the time, and there are several users that have received warnings before banning occured. At this point since topics are due to change we most likely will reset them.

So with that being said, the original intention of the thread has been lost. I am happy to start another thread in regard to issues and actionables.

But my initial question is if the topics were ok? Do you have any feedback in regards to that? I am asking because otherwise I am going to lock the thread because now I am not posting within forum guidelines and want to be accountable.
no comments regarding feedback as this is not where I want to be. and some members were given a warning? SEE? no consistency. you just slammed the door right in my mom’s face without so much as a “by your leave “ mom was given NO warning. and you Danielle DID NOT ever give her the courtesy of returning her emails.

you are losing a customer in my mom. but it doesn’t matter now does it because this place is a revolving door it seems.

i tried mom :-(

I want to make sure I am clarifying further. I say "some" members as not everyone has posted against forum guidelines. Therefore, I would disagree in regards to consistency but I appreciate the feedback.

As for my emails, it's totally plausible that I may have not responded to something, not intentional and no one's fault but my own. So I will be sure to sort that out ASAP.

Thank you for responding to my question I really appreciate that.

And for clarity the thread is being locked as the original intention of the post has been lost. And I want to ensure I am being accountable I am not deleting the thread because I want to ensure anyone who may have feedback can email me and have my contact information:
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
I like the topics you suggested. I have an idea. Is there a way to make sure new people just making an account have to initial all the rules of the guidelines? I think if people have to read them it will help. I also wish people knew to look for a topic that's already started instead of starting a new one with the same questions. I don't know how to fix that. After awhile, older threads disappear but some are full of info. There are so many repeats and I'm certain I've done it too. I like the introduction and a specific place for asking questions, resolving issues and things we may be curious about. I appreciated that you want to make the forum more constructive.
Hey there,

I was checking posts before I logged off but I missed this and wanted to call it out. Great recommendations with forum guidelines.

As for the numerous threads I agree I have been guilty myself. That is also a reason why for the recommendation of less big topics we hope this can help with repeats. Hmmm let me take that one with me. Thanks so much!
3 x
