Conversation revision thoughts

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Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

Hello everyone I hope you had a great weekend,

We wanted to revise the topics but wanted to get feedback from you guys. This is what we propose:
• Introduction: Category for new users to introduce themselves.
• Order Help: A place for all the orders questions to live.
• Feedback: A place for feedback (not necessarily customer service) but more around your experience.
• Ask Shop LC: A place for users to ask questions directly to us, instead of being spread throughout the other topics.
• General Conversation

But what do you guys think? The objective is still having variety but perhaps 5-7 main convo topics. I will check on this post later today.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Gypsy » 3 years ago

Good morning Danielle,

The TOPIC headings do make sense.

Would this make it less complicated for the MODS to see which posts need their attention immediately ?

- Gypsy
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by letsshop » 3 years ago

Sounds good to me....
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

Ive been thinking about this today. Instead of revising conversation, it would be helpful if slc would revise it's business model so we don't have so many complaints. It seems as if employees are tired of hearing us complain. Why not make sure people want to work, are trained thoroughly, get the warehouse up to par as well as quality control? It's not the forum that needs revised, it's slc. We would then be here to share our purchases and be excited instead of never ending disappointment.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Spooky » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Ive been thinking about this today. Instead of revising conversation, it would be helpful if slc would revise it's business model so we don't have so many complaints. It seems as if employees are tired of hearing us complain. Why not make sure people want to work, are trained thoroughly, get the warehouse up to par as well as quality control? It's not the forum that needs revised, it's slc. We would then be here to share our purchases and be excited instead of never ending disappointment.
Another great shot across the port bow🛥!!!
How about you let us talk about the things we
want to talk about? You can have your categories
and we can have ours. I want all people banned
to be able to come back. You’ve never given
legitimate reasons and people just disappear. That
has to end now. Quit trying to regulate us. We are
the customer who pays all your salaries. Regulate
your company departments, employees and mission statement. Start at the top and work down
Maybe you don’t have a mission statement. You need to fix that right now. If the people at the top want to yell
and scream because we aren’t buying their line
of horse hockey yell right back. They’ll respect you
more if you do. Customers don’t work for
slc and to try & ‘regulate’ us is laughable (seriously!).
If the top is set on regulating us then I demand
for everyone who posts a royalty fee. You want to use
our posts to paint a rosy picture about how ‘“great”’
it is to shop here so pay us for our reviews. Amazon does and
so do many many many other companies
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by MaeWest1953 » 3 years ago

I am curious, was the post called "thread removal" deleted?
Can't find it anywhere
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Gypsy » 3 years ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
3 years ago
I am curious, was the post called "thread removal" deleted?
Can't find it anywhere

Yes, it was removed

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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by GElliot » 3 years ago

Danielle, I respect you. I think you are one of very, very few that understands what it means to be proud of doing a good job. For the life of me, I don't understand why things are getting worse. If we can be honest with each other, there were not the same issues when Kevin was here. It's not unusual for a business to have something go wrong OCCASIONALLY. That's not what is happening here. I don't understand why the issues we experience and complain about here aren't taken to the highest level of management. Do they really not care? How can we be blamed for making suppositions here when no one has ever said "We're sorry, we are trying to fix, give us time". It's been YEARS now! What do these people from India think we are ? I can tell you how they come across and it's not going to be pretty. Danielle, I'm curious why someone like you who is obviously intelligent , is ok working for people that don't give a dang about anything except lining their pockets and sending dollars to India. How can we be blamed for being blunt here? It has never helped to be sweet and polite. Can you see that? Can you see why we get so bent out of shape? Are the big wigs really so unapproachable that you and a select few are left trying to plug the holes of a sinking ship? Exactly who's sales records are you breaking? Your own? Do you have to take all the refunded money off of the sales? I'd bet that makes a difference. I'd be willing to bet that the forum is a reflection of what is happening at slc and when/if the issues are fixed, the forum would reflect it.
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by Moderator_Danielle » 3 years ago

GElliot wrote:
3 years ago
Ive been thinking about this today. Instead of revising conversation, it would be helpful if slc would revise it's business model so we don't have so many complaints. It seems as if employees are tired of hearing us complain. Why not make sure people want to work, are trained thoroughly, get the warehouse up to par as well as quality control? It's not the forum that needs revised, it's slc. We would then be here to share our purchases and be excited instead of never ending disappointment.
Hello GElliot, we have no issue with customers sharing feedback. We are simply wanting to simplify the categories to better address the feedback. And also, there are conversations that have very little conversation on them anyway. So that is also some of the reason for this questions. So with that being said, what do you feel about the topic proposal? If you don't like it that is fine, just trying to feel things out before changes are made. Also, do you have an topic recommendations?
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Re: Conversation revision thoughts

Post by CJM » 3 years ago

Hey guys I think the last post is your answer. Everything falls on deaf ears. That’s why I left. From now on I’ll be shopping elsewhere. I have one budget pay left. I never thought that would be the case. I’m freeeeee!
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