Last $10 Friday??

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Last $10 Friday??

Post by Lanai » 3 months ago

Hello Everyone,
Couldn't sleep last night and checked LC to see what was going on around 3 am.

Ms B and Adi were Hosting. Ms B stated that this was going to be the very last $10 Friday, so take the opportunity to stock up.

I wasn't sure if, it was the last $10 Clearance Friday, that she was referring to or the Regular Normal Fridays.

I believe she was referring to "what used to be," the Regular $10 Fridays, (which hasn't been that in quite awhile now), as well as with the increasingly extremely poor quality items, definitely more poor quality, than decent.

Ms B repeated the same thing about the last Friday except for an Occasional Event, 2 more times, with Adi agreeing.

Don't know for sure, but that is what was said.
Maybe LC has finally started running out of Ugly Printed Material for Kaftans and their Chinese Factories can't keep up with manufacturing enough junk to supply the US , UK and the New Networks opened over the
past year or so.

Don't think it would come to a shock to anyone since they have been incorporating more and more over $10 items each week.

Didn't watch but for about 20-30 minutes so I don't know if anything more concerning exact plans for Fridays were discussed.

If any others, watched the Night Owl Show, maybe further Info can be given.

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and Happy Easter!!
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by colljoe » 3 months ago

Watched a bit of that too but did not hear that. To be honest, I didn't watch long because Adi sounded like he was in a tin can and it drove me nuts. I stated before, Adi, do a sound proof room if you are going to continue to do your shows abroad. It was terrible, such poor quality sound.
Not surprised if this is true because their items really are getting cringe cheap on Friday's now, but one can acquire these types of cheap with Temu or others at a much lower cost.
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by mpompadour » 3 months ago

Yep, I heard Becky say that too. They might as well do away with Under 10 Fridays. I used to get some pretty nice stuff back in the day to restock my gift drawer and for myself. I've also heard a few hosts say that people are sending them a LOT of upset messages about the Under Friday shows going to more expensive items. The thing that bothers customers is that Shop LC has 6 days a week to sell higher priced items. Now they are messing with the ONE DAY we could have fun getting a little bargain now and then.
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by Koalagirl » 3 months ago

If this is true and they no longer have under 10 Fridays, LC will lose a great many customers.
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by Mapper » 3 months ago

I checked the Facebook video. They said it is the last under 10 show for the "Spring Clearance" event.
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by colljoe » 3 months ago

Why not just declare "Under $20 Fridays?" Even the Dollar Store has gone up in price.
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by bettyKate » 3 months ago

Mapper wrote:
3 months ago
I checked the Facebook video. They said it is the last under 10 show for the "Spring Clearance" event.
Thanks, Mapper!😊
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Re: Last $10 Friday??

Post by Margui » 3 months ago

Their $10 Friday show was great. They had quality jewelry. It doesn’t seem that way anymore.

I hope everyone had a nice Easter.
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