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Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

Vicky wrote:
4 years ago
Karen Hosts separately because she lives with her mom who is in her 90’s. Karen might feel ok, but she can still be a carrier to her mom who is in the high risk age group.
Thats being responsible. The hosts who stand right next to each other are putting their parents or grandparents or any family or friend over the age of 60 in possible harms way.
My son sent me a clip of a family celebrating grandma’s 95th Birthday. She was standing on her porch and a large family was at least 20 feet away !! Waving to her holding balloons. She was all smiles.
Btw- California Residents were just mandated to all stay at home.
They also now believe it was a Bat that carried the Corona virus. This Bat bit another animal, could be a snake or a lizard like animal. The infected animal was then eaten by humans. Causing a very easily transmissible virus to go from human to human.
My child, who is a PA did a Biopsy on a patient’s lesion 3 days ago. The patient called the office today to say she tested positive for the virus. I am soooo worried😧
When I worked in the ER for 35 years, I treated many sick patients with transmissible diseases. I took the usual precautions. I dont ever remember thinking that I am not protected by my equipment.
This virus does not respect ANY BARRIERS. Medical personnel are at high risk. As proven when young, healthy Doctors and nurses died of the virus.
I need to pray to GOD a little longer tonight🙏🏻
Prayers for you & your family. Praying your child's precautions along with prayers will keep them safe 🙏💞
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Post by CC » 4 years ago

I went to my local smal!"Wallyworld" even though I have a big one closer to my house thinking there
would be less people. Well yes there were less peop!e, but undoubtedly they do not understand how far 6 feet away is. I brought my own rag in case no wipes for basket handle. Glad I did as al! wipes were gone. I a!so brought my own two shopping bags so I would not have to touch their bags or the handles that hold their bags. I tried to make sure if someone was coming to me I cut down another isle with no one in it until they passed.Did others bother doing that to avoid 6 ft contact. Absolutely not. i When I was getting stuff they just plowed right up next to me Also I wanted to a scream at one set of younger ladies because one of them was touching everything in store while walking by, running her hands all over the the glass in frozen food isles and not even getting anything out. For what reason do you need to touch things you are not going to buy much less just run your hand over surfaces others will touch, for no reason. I am trying to be cautious as I have four people in my household I could affect. Two of them work , I do not. Just can't understand people not taking a little extra precaution and at least exercising the 6 ft guideline.. I can tel! you I do not want to end up in hospital, but undoubtedly, based on my experience yesterday ,it seems so many others don't care. As a matter of fact our head NFL coach just tested positive for the virus.
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Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

CC wrote:
4 years ago
I went to my local smal!"Wallyworld" even though I have a big one closer to my house thinking there
would be less people. Well yes there were less peop!e, but undoubtedly they do not understand how far 6 feet away is. I brought my own rag in case no wipes for basket handle. Glad I did as al! wipes were gone. I a!so brought my own two shopping bags so I would not have to touch their bags or the handles that hold their bags. I tried to make sure if someone was coming to me I cut down another isle with no one in it until they passed.Did others bother doing that to avoid 6 ft contact. Absolutely not. i When I was getting stuff they just plowed right up next to me Also I wanted to a scream at one set of younger ladies because one of them was touching everything in store while walking by, running her hands all over the the glass in frozen food isles and not even getting anything out. For what reason do you need to touch things you are not going to buy much less just run your hand over surfaces others will touch, for no reason. I am trying to be cautious as I have four people in my household I could affect. Two of them work , I do not. Just can't understand people not taking a little extra precaution and at least exercising the 6 ft guideline.. I can tel! you I do not want to end up in hospital, but undoubtedly, based on my experience yesterday ,it seems so many others don't care. As a matter of fact our head NFL coach just tested positive for the virus.

Unfortunately there are always going to be people that are going to be just plain ignorant and act indifferently to thier surroundings......asshatts
You were smart to do what you did to help protect yourself and family. -Gypsy
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Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

Blossom wrote:
4 years ago
JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

You are so right about Pat's son and daughter-in-law. As far as I know neither of them have visited her to see if she needs anything in the last two weeks, maybe longer. When I was fixing her tail light the other day I asked her why her son wasn't doing this and she said they haven't called her lately and they didn't answer the phone when she called them. Well as far as I know the son is working from home and the wife doesn't work so...were they home and just didn't answer because she might need something? That's my guess. Disgusting.
It is disgusting & they should be ashamed (especially him)! One day when they're old & want their kids to visit & help out..maybe those kids will follow their parents actions & not answer their phones! What goes around...
You are right @Blossom

I have seen this first hand. What kids growing up SEE their parents doing...AND NOT DOING...results in these same kids growing up doing AND NOT DOING the same.

Niece and nephew aren't around their grandparents because they don't see their mother visiting her parents...which means it will continue...and bite them in the bum later!
Last edited by Catticus 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

At the hospital yesterday...when out of our cars near the front doors on the asphalt and pavement, my sister made sure to stay six or more feet away from our dad and me. He's almost 95. She has taken some time off, being a hairdresser.

Everytime our dad got too close to another person we both said "Dad! Back! Baccccck! SIX FEET!" He laughed and said "I thought it was ten?" We both said "DADDDDD! THAT'S HOW LONG THE VIRUS CAN LIVE ON OBJECTS!" I started laughing because my dad was saying "ten feet not six", while standing two feet away!

I keep remembering my sister yesterday with her can of Lysol! Oh my gosh! I wish it was on film!

I am in agreement with her. But my dad was like: Huh? She said: "I am around different people all day. I don't want to spread anything to you!"

Then she DID walk with me to the underground parking to use the elevators to go up and use the bathrooms. When we got to the elevators she looked at the buttons. I said "USE YOUR KNUCKLE! You can wash that!" She looked at me with a furious-at-the-virus look and held up that can of Lysol and: "Psssssst!" Spraying once on the buttons. Then the same inside the building to get to the second floor! "Psssssst!"

You just had to be there! Short "Psssssts!" It was so funny because when she did it, she had a concentrated look on her face! Like: "If I concentrate while spraying this Lysol, it'll work even better!"

We have always used our sleeves, elbows, shirts, etc. to open doors when in restaurants and pretty much everywhere else that is public.

A doctor came up and got in the elevator with us and here we are, our huge purses, and she's got that big 'ol can of Lysol like it's a fashion accessory! He saw us using our sweater hems etc. to push the buttons after the "Pssssst!" Queen was done. He then reaches over smiling, and punches a higher number on the elevator. He said: "You two look alike" with a "knowing" look on his face. We said "Yes. We're twins."

We were busy "Pssssst-ing" all morning and day, washing our hands for twenty minutes and using their hand sanitizers. Mine my sister brought me is for my purse. It's smaller than some packs of gum.

Later my sister emailed me and mentioned something about the doctor in the elevator. She said: "Didn't you think he was taking it lightly that we were using our hems and spray, like he wasn't all that serious about it?" I thought back to it and said I didn't see him press the button, I only heard him say he needed a different floor. Did he use his finger or knuckle?" She emailed me back: "He used his labcoat."



I told her: "He did have a slight smile on his face. Like he was thinking our 'hygiene efforts' were funny. AND...He had no mask on and stood near us. I don't believe for one minute he would have used anything BUT his finger on that button if we hadn't been in there doing what we were. If he's not wearing gloves or staying six feet away with a mask on...well then what do you think the average public is doing? Nobody 'gets it'. Not many really understand hygiene."

We both decided at the same time and said to each other: "It's really impossible to do this completely."

Our shoes. Our clothes. I told my mom "TAKE OFF THOSE SOCKS THEY GAVE YOU!"


I sighed and said: "Yes. But the point walked around wearing them. They are FILTHY." I went into her bathroom and doused them with Lysol. They're the non-slip socks. She can use them after I launder them...HIDEOUS OR NOT!

Then I said: " we remove all our clothing in the garage from now on into 'house only clothing?' And our shoes?"

My dad said: "We weren't INSIDE the hospital. She was." I said: "We walked where everyone was walking TO and FROM the hospital."


SIGH. We can only do the best we can. We can wash our hands, cough and sneeze into our elbows and inside our tops or sweaters. But...? We can't control everything.


But I could spread it to them. Thanksgiving and Christmas we were with family and inlaws and friends. None of us got even a cold and the virus was HERE already.

I guess I don't "get it", either. But at least I have a new name for my twin. "Pssssst-er" instead of "Sister."

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Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

You're a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day!

I'm a sleeve user too & have been for years. I'd have been cheering you & pssssst-er on had I been there.

Even though I'm kinda a germaphobe, I occasionally get a cold from someone! So, as careful as we are all can happen. Anything we can do to be proactive about germs & social distancing can't be wrong.

Love ((hugs)) & prayers to you & your family for continued health!💞
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Post by JewelryQueen » 4 years ago


I know you are a worrier, but since this virus was not on this continent until a month after Christmas, I'm pretty sure unless you opened your presents somewhere in China you are safe from that one.

And on the subject of China, what is the big deal about some calling this the Chinese virus? They called a previous one the Spanish flu and you don't see hispanic people wetting their pants over it. They call it the Chinese virus because it originated in China. Like champagne that comes from France is called French champagne. Cheeeze!!! This political correctness stuff is off the charts.

Catt, you and your family should take every precaution possible and absolutely any you can think of. You go girl. This Tribe is going to get through this intact. Then we will take over the world (insert sinister chuckle here).

Tell your sister "SEE's ya later from us.
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Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

Blossom wrote:
4 years ago
You're a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day!

I'm a sleeve user too & have been for years. I'd have been cheering you & pssssst-er on had I been there.

Even though I'm kinda a germaphobe, I occasionally get a cold from someone! So, as careful as we are all can happen. Anything we can do to be proactive about germs & social distancing can't be wrong.

Love ((hugs)) & prayers to you & your family for continued health!💞
@Blossom My Awesome Blossom! 🌸🌺🌸

Thank you! I had a sort of can't-really-be-called "runny nose" but it was because it was very cold outside and inside the car. I got in the back seat and lounged there with my phone, cheeze, water, crackers and some throws we brought. My dad brought his thermos of coffee and a book.

I only had to use a Kleenex twice and I remember sneezing in the car three times. I just lifted my cardigan up until I was "inside it" and sneezed into it away from my dad. I'm sure people saw a woman in a car whose cardigan went up over her head completely and then down again and they're still thinking: "What was THAT all about?!"

Guess it's good I don't care what others think! 🤪 I don't have a cold, though. My dad and mom are up and my mom ate her breakfast and drank her coffee and is doing fine! She was given antibiotics because of the incision where her pump is, to be on the safe side.

I'm in CA so I'm on "Lockdown", too! All I can say is this...

I sure wish that chocolate I ordered would get here!

It ain't See's, but it's still good! it's Hershey's Kisses!

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Post by Catticus » 4 years ago

JewelryQueen wrote:
4 years ago

I know you are a worrier, but since this virus was not on this continent until a month after Christmas, I'm pretty sure unless you opened your presents somewhere in China you are safe from that one.

And on the subject of China, what is the big deal about some calling this the Chinese virus? They called a previous one the Spanish flu and you don't see hispanic people wetting their pants over it. They call it the Chinese virus because it originated in China. Like champagne that comes from France is called French champagne. Cheeeze!!! This political correctness stuff is off the charts.

Catt, you and your family should take every precaution possible and absolutely any you can think of. You go girl. This Tribe is going to get through this intact. Then we will take over the world (insert sinister chuckle here).

Tell your sister "SEE's ya later from us.

Oh my gosh THANK YOU! I said that yesterday at the hospital to my sister! I said: "Hellllo! The SPANISH FLU?!?"

Yes, CHEEEZE! Speaking of, there are cheeses with names from their various origins. I guess it'll be illegal soon to play Chinese Checkers! Sigh. I hate this "PC" 💩. It's dangerous. They call things "Hate Speech" now too, when it's OPINIONS. I call PC-ism "N*Zi, Germany" when everyone had to watch what they said or the Gestapo would be at their door.

Methinks leaders in China do not want to look bad. Well...that's just tough crudapples!

Unless I opened my presents in China! HAAAAAAAAAAA!

Nope. Not there! I was here! At least I'm fairly certain I was!

You're a sweetheart, Auntie! I love you! You stay safe, too!
Last edited by Catticus 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Kat » 4 years ago

Right now on TV they're shoulder-to-shoulder!!! 😠😠😠 I don't think it's that hard to zoom out like news organizations or TV shows have done. Have one person on one side of the desk and one person on the other side of the.
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