Karen’s back!!

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Karen’s back!!

Post by D-Flawless » 2 years ago

ShopLC is beginning to look a lot like the Hotel California…you can check in but you can never leave!! 🤣🤣 Adi’s back, Deanna is back, Dan is back and now Karen is back!! I guess it must be a great place to work! And I finally figured out what “ShopLC” stands for: ShopLotsaChains! 🤣 Steve said it should be renamed “The Chain Channel” and he’s right! I have seen a few great deals on the clearance sale though…but some have so few items available that I couldn’t even get in using “fast buy” online! 😢 But customer service continues to be an absolute nightmare….Ughhhhhh!!! I wish these people were trained about the products…it would be a huge help!
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Re: Karen’s back!!

Post by bluez » 2 years ago

Hotel California! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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