3 stone Tanzanite One Time only Ring

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3 stone Tanzanite One Time only Ring

Post by Flo » 4 years ago

My son is getting the 3 stone ring. He is taking the center stone and putting it in a diamond semi-mount for a future engagement ring and taking the 2 side stones and making earrings. Thanks--Flo.
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Re: 3 stone Tanzanite One Time only Ring

Post by mpompadour » 4 years ago

There are a lot of times I will buy an item just for the stones, beads, chains, etc. to use in different ways. I'm sure many people here do the same thing. The Friday under $10.00 shows is where I buy most of the things for altering or crafting. But sometimes the item is so good as is, I wear it just as is! :D
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