Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

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Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by MinaLoves2Shop » 3 years ago

My mom was a LC and JTV junkie unbeknownst to me until it was to late. She spent at least $8k in jewelry from these two stations back in 2014. Money which she didn’t have! Long story….
I cleaned out her Apartment in March and discovered such jewelry, most unused. Hundreds of items! I was finally able to get a order history from LC. I need to sell all this jewelry and somehow recoup what I can to help pay for her in assisted living.
My problem is most items do not have the tags on them so I can’t match the SKUs to the order history. And because the order history doesn’t have pictures I can’t match them to items either! I am at a loss how to sell these on eBay or such with out knowing details such as price, gemstones,metal etc…
Anyone have any ideas how I can get this figured out?
Your help would be appreciated, I have exhausted way to much time trying to figure this out.
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by William » 3 years ago

Hi Mina

I Hope your Mom is OK --ENJOY your time with her while she is still with us here--!!! You sound like you are being a GREAT Daughter and that is a Beautiful thing!!!!

There are MANY people here who know WAY MORE THAN ME-- I know a Little -- So --- here is a Little to get you started on this journey --
As Far as J*V in Tennessee-- They sell ONLY Strerling SIlver and Gold -- Unless it is Off Park or Massimo Al Moda-- Off Park is All CZ or Glass and tone and that is only fashion and asthetics--- Massimo is gold over Bronze -- also not very valuable -- but most is really pretty and EB*Y'er's might go for it --

If the stone is REALLY Brilliant and ON FIRE--- it is likely Cubic Zirconia and again -- no intrinsic value -- but that does NOT mean that people shopping on a site might not want to buy it --- if they like it!

SOme glass can be well done and hard to tell --- a good masquerade as a gemstone -- perhaps someone on here can tell you how to tell if a stone is Glass ?? usually glass is VERY see through -- but I don't know how to be certain --

Gemstones have value in the fact that people like them and may be willing to buy them -- You are not going to rake in the "dough" but again -- EB*Y'er's would probably have interest and there are a LOT of Collectors out there --- like myself---who want to own stones --and are willing to buy!

As far as LC/ShopLC -- Their jewlery is --- until recently --- mostly Sterling SIlver and it should be Marked "925"
recently they started selling a LOT more Gold -- which will be marked according to the gold amount-- 1oK 14K 18K--
Copper will be marked "Cu" ----pieces not marked are likely "Tone" which is just fashion jewelry and again -- worth what a person looking for a piece would be willing to spend---LC had a LOT of stone offerings over the years -- some rare -- so your Mom may have had quite an array ---
Group things together buy color and then try to figure out --- example -- Emerald vs Peridot vs Diopside vs onyx vs aventurine - for Green stones --for example---

I Hope that is Helpful ----- as a small start --- ?????? I am sorry you are saddled with this --- I will need to try and give my things away before that ever happens because that is a nightmare -- But don't be upset with your Mom--- Everyone has something -- Some drink -- some Gamble -- some buy clothes or shoes -- -------Some buy gemstones --- (at least they are small and maybe there are a few pieces that you like for yourself???--- your Mom would probably be happy for you to enjoy them!)

I Wish you the B E S T of Luck with all of that chore!!! Have patience -- it will take time!
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by William » 3 years ago


Also ----- with ShopLC

If a piece is maked "Karis" it is Platinum or rarely Gold OVER Brass--- so --- no value -- but until recently "Karis" ALWAYS featured large genuine gemstones.

Again ---- Best of Luck !
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by lah2001 » 3 years ago

First off, I would find out what ring size your mother is, so you know what size any rings are that need to be sold. William has good advice above about looking at the metal markings, etc.

In terms of identifying specific gemstones, it would probably be quicker to have the help of someone with a good eye. Mine is pretty decent; if you post pictures (can you post pictures to this forum?), I and others may be able to tell you what the stones are. Otherwise, find a good book about gemstones and see if you can identify any from the pictures.

Since there are hundreds of items, you may want to consider selling in lots--groups of items sold together for one price.
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by Massagenut » 3 years ago

My advice is to find out a way to get onto her ShopLC account. There should be parts of the site to see her orders. I'd do that for JTV too. A power of attorney specific to this purpose should be available. YouTube has awesome videos on how to determine some gemstones and metals.
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by mpompadour » 3 years ago

Massagenut wrote:
3 years ago
My advice is to find out a way to get onto her ShopLC account. There should be parts of the site to see her orders. I'd do that for JTV too. A power of attorney specific to this purpose should be available. YouTube has awesome videos on how to determine some gemstones and metals.
That's great advise you gave Massagenut. Mina, If you have your Moms email address and password or if you can get it from ShopLC, you can go back to when she started buying from here. Look around the house, you may find the information she used to shop on Shop LC, her email addy and password. Maybe the same for JTV. I just recently looked back at all my purchases here on Shop LC from 2012 till now. Mind blowing the amount of stuff I have bought. I didn't buy as much from JTV through the years. But with the Shop LC information I saw each and every item, description and price I paid for things. That's probably one of the only sure fire ways to inventory her jewelry. I know it's a monumental task for you to undertake. Good Luck! :)
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by Lulu » 3 years ago

Did you check her paperwork? LC invoices typically have a pic of the item. Did she order online? Maybe some info can be pulled from her computer. JTV is usually helpful - have you been able to get her order history?

Since I also have been buying from both companies for years, pics of the pieces would be helpful. This can turn into a great thread - give us amateur detectives a chance to sleuth.
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by MinaLoves2Shop » 3 years ago

Massagenut wrote:
3 years ago
My advice is to find out a way to get onto her ShopLC account. There should be parts of the site to see her orders. I'd do that for JTV too. A power of attorney specific to this purpose should be available. YouTube has awesome videos on how to determine some gemstones and metals.
All her shopping was done by phone. I was able to get order history from both LC and with J*TV , I was able to painstakingly enter in each Order number and screenshots some items. With LC, I got order history from them But no pictures, I inputted each item number but it only showed delivery status with No pictures. So most of her jewelry I don’t have SKUs on the items so I can’t match the items to order sheet. I tried pulling up by SKU with no luck.

Thanks for your great advice!
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by MinaLoves2Shop » 3 years ago

William wrote:
3 years ago

Also ----- with ShopLC

If a piece is maked "Karis" it is Platinum or rarely Gold OVER Brass--- so --- no value -- but until recently "Karis" ALWAYS featured large genuine gemstones.

Again ---- Best of Luck !
Thank you for such details! Wow! Your posts will really help!
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Re: Need Help Figuring Out What Hundreds of Items Are!

Post by MinaLoves2Shop » 3 years ago

lah2001 wrote:
3 years ago
First off, I would find out what ring size your mother is, so you know what size any rings are that need to be sold. William has good advice above about looking at the metal markings, etc.

In terms of identifying specific gemstones, it would probably be quicker to have the help of someone with a good eye. Mine is pretty decent; if you post pictures (can you post pictures to this forum?), I and others may be able to tell you what the stones are. Otherwise, find a good book about gemstones and see if you can identify any from the pictures.

Since there are hundreds of items, you may want to consider selling in lots--groups of items sold together for one price.
Thanks for the great advice! All rings ( most) are size 7. The gemstones and some of the metals I am having a problem with, but Williams explained the metal part very well.

I am new to this forum so I will have to figure out if I can post pictures or not. I would love to have help from this forum!
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