
Boston Irish
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Re: Overkill

Post by Boston Irish » 3 years ago

William thanks did not know about some of them.Have a great day.
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Re: Overkill

Post by William » 3 years ago

Thanks Boston Irish !
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Re: Overkill

Post by Serge » 3 years ago

Your post was spot on as far as all the mines closing and it’s so sad!
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Re: Overkill

Post by BigRed2 » 3 years ago

Very informative post William. I know next to nothing about gems or mines but learned more in the short amount of time it took to read your post than I could have imagined possible. And it may explain a lot in terms of people here are complaining about the same old same old. I have to tell you my best friend has the biggest crush on you. She says that off forum they call you Sweet William because of your ever pleasant demeanor. I hope you take this as a very big compliment.
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Re: Overkill

Post by William » 3 years ago

Thanks Serge !!! I Agree -- It IS Sad !

And Thank You Too BigRed2 Happy to Share what I know --- and --- ( Blushing)-- Thanks for the Compliment!!!!

Hope Everyone is Well !!!
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Re: Overkill

Post by Amy » 3 years ago

Hello William and all: your post had a wealth of information. Do you mind me asking where you got it from? I don’t believe any of it, just a sales pitch to make us feel guilty if we don’t buy a gem because it’s becoming so rare. There are a lot of us good customers who don’t believe anything they say. Nothing personal William, just an observation. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
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Re: Overkill

Post by Horsepower » 3 years ago

Amy wrote:
3 years ago
Hello William and all: your post had a wealth of information. Do you mind me asking where you got it from? I don’t believe any of it, just a sales pitch to make us feel guilty if we don’t buy a gem because it’s becoming so rare. There are a lot of us good customers who don’t believe anything they say. Nothing personal William, just an observation. 🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
Ditto that, and very well said!!! Thank you so much Amy.
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Re: Overkill

Post by William » 3 years ago

Hi Amy and Horsepower

I got all of this from ShopLC-- and Yes -- it may ALL be complete fabrication --

The only mine that I KNOW IS Closed is the Kanchanaburi Sapphire mine in Thailand -- that is closed
And I DO know that there IS strife and problems in Mozambique ---Political problems and fighting which is making getting Garnet difficult ---or impossible ---

But for the rest -- this is ShopLC information -- so I can not verify that it is completely true and it may all be fabricated to stimulate sales

Becky Cheryl and Blake are ALL GIA Graduate Gemologists --- they might be able to verify the information -- but again -- that would be a ShopLC source -- so --- ???

Thanks All ---- Hope you all have a Great Day !!!
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Re: Overkill

Post by William » 3 years ago

Hi Everyone again

Also -- The Argyle mine in Australia IS Closed -- that has been confirmed by multiple sources

Also -- I trust what Becky --Cheryl -- and Blake report -- they are professionals and I am most certain that they take pride in their accomplishments and certification -- The GIA is acknowledged as one of the world's primary authorities for diamonds and gemstones -----Anyway -- I just wanted to offer a possible explanation as to why there is repetitiveness and sameness in what we are seeing of late ???

Thank You All ! Again --- Hope you all have a Great Day!!!
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