Polki/Blue Zircon ring is more expensive than the Teal Grandidierite, or Kunzite?

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Polki/Blue Zircon ring is more expensive than the Teal Grandidierite, or Kunzite?

Post by bluez » 2 years ago

I purchased the Polki/Blue Zircon ring #7603302, It is grouped with the Polki/Teal Grandidierite ring #7603333, and Polki/Kunzite ring #7603282.
The Grandidierite & Kunzite are priced at $199.99, but the Blue Zircon is $399.99.

The matching pendants for all three are all priced at $199.99. (#4085503, #4085502, #4085501).

Why is the Blue Zircon ring more expensive? I have called customer service twice, on 9/13 & 9/16, but have not rec'd an answer as to if I will get a price adjustment.

Also the ring said it should have been delivered today, and it is a no show.

Isn't it obvious I should only be charged $199.99? How can I get this resolved?
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Re: Polki/Blue Zircon ring is more expensive than the Teal Grandidierite, or Kunzite?

Post by Jonarts » 2 years ago

Was curious and went and looked them up. They all show up on same post no matter what sku number you enter. Kunzite is the featured one. Not sure why the blue zircon is $399.99, seems like a mistake. If they aren't the same they shouldn't be group together as three different options. I hope you get the lower price. ShopLC needs to fix this because if the blue zircon is not the same price as the other two options it's deceptive.
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Re: Polki/Blue Zircon ring is more expensive than the Teal Grandidierite, or Kunzite?

Post by Dulcimer » 2 years ago


The reason for the price discrepancy is because all three of those options were supposed to be a TLV a week or two ago. They never aired at all during that day but were still on the TLV page at the full price.

A day or two later two of the options did air and the price was lowered. The blue zircon option was never aired and therefore the price remains the original price when uploaded to the website.
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