Coronavirus and gold prices

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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

Vicky wrote:
4 years ago
One of my kids who is a PA got a letter from a virologist James Robb, telling the medical community about the virus and on how to protect oneself.
He claims that he has worked on the other 2 coronavirus outbreaks, but this is different.
He claims that this is from a snake, mostly attacks the lungs, mostly by large droplets that we touch on surfaces.
We wont get it from the air, unless someone coughs or sneezes on us.
He says: dont shake hands. Knuckles only. Open light switches with knuckles, dont lift gas handles at gas stations without using something. Dont open doors with hands. Try with hips. Sneeze or cough into a disposable tissue, not the clothes by your elbows, where the virus droplet might be.
Dont touch doorknobs without a tissue or gloves.
Wash hands with soap at least 30 seconds, or use alcohol based disinfectant.
Take along a disinfectant that has at least 60% alcohol. Wipe down any supermarket handles, train or bus areas you touch. Come home and have a disinfectant in the front room.
He says that as soon as you feel a cold coming on take Zinc losenges several times a day. Better taking it laying down. Helps to fight the virus.
If you wear a surgical mask its to prevent you transferring the virus from your hands, will not protect you from the virus, if coughed or sneezed on. He claims we touch our face, eyes, nose alot without knowing it and thats how we transfer the virus to our lungs.
He claims we will not have a vaccine in the next few months and we will have alot more people in America getting it in March and April. Most will be mild like a cold and will get over it, but it spreads easily. Lives on surfaces over 1 week. The people with compromised immune systems and over 55 are more vulnerable.
He doesnt mention anything about hoarding food
He says he stocked up on latex, nitrile gloves, lots of disposable masks to keep him from touching the face. 60% Alcohol based disinfectants. Zinc losenges to use several times a day for cold sxs, best laying down and letting it disolve on back of throat.
I wish I could have attached his letter. I tried to remember all he said.
I myself am trying to order the masks that have better protection then the disposable surgical masks.
I am really nervous since my kids do direct patient care.
God PROTECT US ALL from the EVIL the snake has sent our way☹️😷

"God PROTECT US ALL from the EVIL the snake has sent our way" - AMEN
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Blossom » 4 years ago

I'm not a loyal world (even local) news watcher but I probably should be. This whole thing has become increasingly alarming.

Over the last several years I have learned the hard way to take extra precautions in public where germs are lurking. Never touch surfaces of cart, freezer doors, any handles with bare hands. Wish I didn't need to touch the groceries 100 times before waste goes in the trash.

Please, you & Sissy be extra careful. I wouldn't feel comfortable being so near a quarantine area either. That's worrying me.

Thank you for taking the time to post such useful information. I'm going to take screenshot.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

I use Hibiclens to wash my hands and have been using it for years. I buy it by the gallon and bought cheap plastic bottles and have them in each bathroom and kitchen. I'm now going to add it to my new plastic purse (explain below). Hibcleans is used in hospitals and is an antimicrobial cleanser that stays on the skin as a barrier and kills germs up to 24 hours on the skin. It comes in liquid, foam, wipes and such. It's good.

My new PLASTIC Stadium purse. It's simple and clear plastic and I plan to stock it with tissues, travel lysol spray, lysol wipes, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, travel Hibiclens (I bought small travel bottles) and small trashbags. The clear plastic purse/bag (used to go to concerts/stadiums) the simpler the better due to cleaning it, will be easier to disinfect than purses made of cloth, leather or other materials. I will not use the long strap (less is better). When I get home, OUTSIDE, I will spray it with Lysol and wipe it down before bringing it in the house.

I will wear gloves when I go to the pharmacy IF I have to go in. I will keep a lot of tissues to use to open doors or touch anything in public. I will put it in a small trash bag as I go along.

Use your credit card instead of cash money. (I think this is how the corona virus is being transmitted to those who had no connection with the travelers that were exposed. Money is FILTHY. After I use my credit card, I will disinfect it before putting it back in my plastic purse.

I've always used peroxide as it's a great disinfectant and cheap. I will spot clean my carpet with peroxide and it cleans it better than any carpet cleanser.

I'm not in a panic but I'm prepping. I will fall in the category of "imma a goner" if I get exposed to corona virus - then who will take care of mom? I know if I get it she will get it I'm being cautious. I'm not allowing my nurses to come either. It's nice to have them but naw. I'm not taking a chance.

I bought disposable shoe covers. I know it's not 100% - but I sure don't want the bottom of my shoes to be touching the surface of places I have to go like the pharmacy. I got the water resistant, non-slip type. I will take them off before I put my feet in my car. Which brings me to trash bags. I will have the small trash bags (for small trash cans) in my plastic purse. Before I take my shoe covers off, I will spray a disinfectant on them, then put them in the trash bag.

I'm so used to disinfecting because of mom it's second nature to me. You may think I'm going overboard....maybe I am. I'm not thinking so much about me as I am worried of bringing it to mom - I would hate myself.

I know plastic purses and shoe covers are not cool - but who cares?
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

OtherSideOfTheTracks wrote:
4 years ago
I use Hibiclens to wash my hands and have been using it for years. I buy it by the gallon and bought cheap plastic bottles and have them in each bathroom and kitchen. I'm now going to add it to my new plastic purse (explain below). Hibcleans is used in hospitals and is an antimicrobial cleanser that stays on the skin as a barrier and kills germs up to 24 hours on the skin. It comes in liquid, foam, wipes and such. It's good.

My new PLASTIC Stadium purse. It's simple and clear plastic and I plan to stock it with tissues, travel lysol spray, lysol wipes, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, travel Hibiclens (I bought small travel bottles) and small trashbags. The clear plastic purse/bag (used to go to concerts/stadiums) the simpler the better due to cleaning it, will be easier to disinfect than purses made of cloth, leather or other materials. I will not use the long strap (less is better). When I get home, OUTSIDE, I will spray it with Lysol and wipe it down before bringing it in the house.

I will wear gloves when I go to the pharmacy IF I have to go in. I will keep a lot of tissues to use to open doors or touch anything in public. I will put it in a small trash bag as I go along.

Use your credit card instead of cash money. (I think this is how the corona virus is being transmitted to those who had no connection with the travelers that were exposed. Money is FILTHY. After I use my credit card, I will disinfect it before putting it back in my plastic purse.

I've always used peroxide as it's a great disinfectant and cheap. I will spot clean my carpet with peroxide and it cleans it better than any carpet cleanser.

I'm not in a panic but I'm prepping. I will fall in the category of "imma a goner" if I get exposed to corona virus - then who will take care of mom? I know if I get it she will get it I'm being cautious. I'm not allowing my nurses to come either. It's nice to have them but naw. I'm not taking a chance.

I bought disposable shoe covers. I know it's not 100% - but I sure don't want the bottom of my shoes to be touching the surface of places I have to go like the pharmacy. I got the water resistant, non-slip type. I will take them off before I put my feet in my car. Which brings me to trash bags. I will have the small trash bags (for small trash cans) in my plastic purse. Before I take my shoe covers off, I will spray a disinfectant on them, then put them in the trash bag.

I'm so used to disinfecting because of mom it's second nature to me. You may think I'm going overboard....maybe I am. I'm not thinking so much about me as I am worried of bringing it to mom - I would hate myself.
Good Morning @OSOTT
Considering that your mom is still very ill I wouldnt say you were going overboard, I would say that you are being very proactive in trying to keep the risk to your mom at a minimum ! -Gypsy
Hope you both had a restful evening 💜
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

Thank you Gypsy.

I hope you will have a great, restful day too, my friend!
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

For all my friends with compromised immune system, if you dont have to go out, stay home. Even if you order deliveries, wipe down the pkg, then if possible the items inside the pkg. it seems overkill, but we dont know who handled it and packed it. The virus lives on items about 9 days.
I just cancelled my Chihuahua’s only treat she likes. Its made in china. I know its probably in the USA more then 9 days, who knows if they dont have COOKED SNAKE NEAR OR MIXED IN THE CHICKEN TREAT 🤔
I worked in a ER for 35 years. I Was there for the other viruses. We really had no real way of protecting ourselves. In triage we did ask if they travelled, but that didn’t cover if a traveler came to visit. I took care of patients, started iv’s ngt, foleys. All in confined areas. If they didnt travel, they werent isolated. I wore gloves, but we couldnt work with a mask for 12 hours a day. Once they were diagnosed, then they were put into isolation. So all the Doctors and Nurses, Even the non medical ER staff were exposed.
Yes, @JewelryQueen @OtherSideOfTheTracks
And all my friends with compromised immune systems, or families that are ill. Stay away from large crowds, but, its a Dilemma about staying away from medical centers because thats where sick people go, so the medical staff might be exposed. If you or your family needs medical care, cancelling the appointment might be a mistake😱 on the other hand, its up to you if you cancel a routine home visit by Nurses. Unless they provide necessary care.
My kids are PA’s, RN’s who take care of patients. So I know they are at risk.
Last edited by Vicky 4 years ago, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

For all my friends with compromised immune system, if you dont have to go out, stay home. Even if you order deliveries, wipe down the pkg, then if possible the items inside the pkg. it seems overkill, but we dont know who handled it and packed it. The virus lives on items about 9 days.
I just cancelled my Chihuahua’s only treat she likes. Its made in china. I know its probably in the USA more then 9 days, who knows if they dont have COOKED SNAKE NEAR OR MIXED IN THE CHICKEN TREAT 🤔
I worked in a ER for 35 years. I Was there for the other viruses. We really had no real way of protecting ourselves. In triage we did ask if they travelled, but that didn’t cover if a traveler came to visit. I took care of patients, started iv’s ngt, foleys. All in confined areas. If they didnt travel, they werent isolated. I wore gloves, but we couldnt work with a mask for 12 hours a day. Once they were diagnosed, then they were put into isolation. So all the Doctors and Nurses, Even the non medical ER staff were exposed.
Yes, @JewelryQueen @OtherSideOfTheTracks
And all my friends with compromised immune systems, or families that are ill. Stay away from large crowds, but, its a Dilemma about staying away from medical centers because thats where sick people go, so the medical staff might be exposed. If you or your family needs medical care, cancelling the appointment might be a mistake😱 on the other hand, its up to you if you cancel a routine home visit by Nurses. Unless they provide necessary care.
My kids are PA’s, RN’s who take care of patients. So I know they are at risk.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by OtherSideOfTheTracks » 4 years ago

I've been thinking about the spread of corona virus. I'm not an alarmist but I do have common sense. The government is telling us not to panic, don't buy certain supplies because it's of no use, and besides, medical personnel will need it. Huh? If it doesn't work for the public, why would it work for medical personnel? Because it does work. Yes, dispose of it after use and don't reuse. Spray everything too.

This situation reminds me of two tragedies where people went against their better judgment to wait for the government to tell them what to do. First one is 9/11. Remember when people were told to go back to their offices and they did? The survivors that went back to their office KNEW they should leave the building - but they listened to the "authorities" and did as they were told. People lost their lives because of this.

Hurricane Katrina. Most EVERYONE saw this HUGE hurricane bearing down straight for New Orleans (below sea level) and the Gulf Coast. It was obviously a dangerous situation....but some people waited for the government or authorities to tell them to leave...and when they did, it was too late. I never understood that. It's a big storm and you're in it's path and you live either at sea level or below it. No one should have to tell you to evacuate. Just Evacuate. Go with your instinct and common sense.

So this corona virus is, for me, a common sense thing to do - and do what you believe you need to do to protect yourself and loved ones. They say not to stock up on food... I'm getting extra non-perishables this week because my gut tells me to. It's what I do when I prepare for a hurricane when businesses and services are expected to be down.

idk. Just my opinion, I could be wrong.

P.S. Sanitize or protect your hands if you handle money afterwards.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I agree with you @OtherSideOfTheTracks
It was my day off, and I watched the first plane hit the Tower on TV. I was yelling at the TV for everyone to evacuate because a trained pilot said this plane intentionally hit the Building.
The next day so many tired and hungry people had walked over the bridge, even barefoot. Those were the ones that DIDNT LISTEN to the announcement to stay in the Building🤗
BETTER SAFE THEN SORRY - I ordered 2 different types Zinc lozenges from Amazon. My freezer has plenty of food. I have the gloves and disinfectants and masks etc. for a long time. I have enough meds for my RLS for at least a month.
If it doesnt become a Pandemic, nothing I have is overkill.
The experts never dealt with a SNAKE virus before, so they dont know what to expect.
Last edited by Vicky 4 years ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Coronavirus and gold prices

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I agree with you @OtherSideOfTheTracks
It was my day off, and I watched the first plane hit the Tower on TV. I was yelling at the TV for everyone to evacuate because a trained pilot said this plane intentionally hit the Building.
The next day, so many tired and hungry people had walked over the bridge, even barefoot. Those were the ones that DIDNT LISTEN to the announcement to stay in the Building🤗
BETTER SAFE THEN SORRY - I ordered 2 different types Zinc lozenges from Amazon. My freezer has plenty of food. I have the gloves and disinfectants and masks etc. for a long time. I have enough meds for my RLS for at least a month.
If it doesnt become a Pandemic, nothing I have is overkill.
The experts never dealt with a SNAKE virus before, so they dont know what to expect.
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