One Host with Model format

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One Host with Model format

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Mr. Mumbles Hunter is on with a Model. No co host. The format is a better way to go forward with the shows. The host speaks, sells, and the model wears the items. No competing for camera time, shouting or speaking over one another. They should do this more often. They won't burn out the host that way. Even though it is Mr Mumbles Hunter on air, he had to slow down, he has to talk for hours now alone. It works. They should keep this format.
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Re: One Host with Model format

Post by William » 1 year ago

I saw that show and I think it was ---- FANTASTIC !!!!!!!!!!! ---------before it was ShopLC --- there was ALWAYS --- ONLY 1 host ---------and it was Great! ---------The host Always showed the item -- measured -- gave description and details of the stone -- size --carat weight -- It was ALWAYS Great!
And --- think about this -- ShopLC would DOUBLE the number of hosts they have available!--- the 2 host model is not my favorite -- I think they changed --- and did it ---to model a competitor --- who is VERY different and it works better on that other place -- I think the one host model though is the best --- IN GENERAL! EVEN if they want 2 hosts for non jewelry--- for jewelry shows--- I think the 1 host model is far superior-- Just my 2 cents --- I Hope Everyone has a Great Weekend !!! & Prayers for all those hurt and damaged by the Hurricane------
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Re: One Host with Model format

Post by Dolores » 1 year ago

I so agree Michelle does great when she is by herself. Sometimes you can see the burnout and hear the tiredness when they have put in to many hours. I don't watch alot any more too much nonsense.
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