Thank You For Letting Me Know About Michele

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Thank You For Letting Me Know About Michele

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 1 year ago

I also Love her , she has enough personality for all of them. Some of them are like bumps on a log. There is one that works with Chuck that has ZERO personality. They need to give lessons on how to be funny, sweet, sale products, dress, & BE Kind To The Person You Are Working with. I wish Michele could be on there 24/7, we know we would have a good show when she is working.
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Re: Thank You For Letting Me Know About Michele

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Michelle was the one that sold us on watching Shop LC. She was on one morning when we switched off the news to find something less irritating, and we were both rolling on the floor. It became a game of "is Michelle on?" from there on.

I also like Chuck. He's great and doesn't mind poking fun at himself. he was trying the sequins hats on one day and the co-host was struggling to keep herself together and it was great!

I think though, I'd like to see Tony sell their bras . . . that would be worth good money to see :lol: :lol: :lol:
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