WHY so slow!!!

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Posts: 264
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WHY so slow!!!

Post by buyitall » 1 year ago

I ordered the laughing/rolling monkey and dog. I also ordered the glow write-on bear. I ordered these items on November 10th and they have not even been shipped yet!!! I wanted to give my great nephew the dog for his birthday because I will see him the day after Thanksgiving!! Well, What was I thinking?!?! When these items finally arrive I may send them all back even though it irks me to have to pay return shipping! I can order items from other shopping networks…get them…return them…and get money refunded BEFORE I even get items delivered from here! WHY???? There are many things wrong with the way this company is “run”! They are running it right into the ground! No one seems to be even remotely trying to fix things we constantly complain about! I am so sick of hearing about how it’s customers are “family” and how they spread JOY”! I wouldn’t treat my family the way this company treats it’s customers and their definition of spreading joy is far away from what actually goes on here! Just wish I could warn new customers what they’re in for…
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Re: WHY so slow!!!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

If you placed your order on November 10th I would be concerned what the holdup is. What happened to the 7-10 days? I would instigate a online chat and demand to know why and let them know about the Friday birthday that it was for. If they can’t give you a decent explanation I would call customer service ASAP and give them a piece of your mind! Don’t let them take advantage of your patience.
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Re: WHY so slow!!!

Post by buyitall » 1 year ago

I definitely will!!!
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Re: WHY so slow!!!

Post by BostonIrish » 1 year ago

I already called !👎 Someone is sleeping on the job💤💤💤💤💤💤
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