Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

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Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

Okay in all the 15 years that I have been a Shop LC customer I have NEVER had to wait like this for a refund whenever I have sent something back!😠 It is really ridiculous. It has always been within 5-7 business days of receiving the package back and usually less than that. I sent a package back and it was delivered on 5/20/23. That package has YET to be processed. Chat CS just keeps asking me to give it a few more days, well I have been giving it a few more days for over a week now and nothing has happened. There was 4 items total in this package.

Now what is strange about all this is that I sent back 2 other packages that was delivered to them on 5/30/23. I received the refund from those 2 packages the very NEXT DAY on 5/31/23 but yet a package that was delivered to them almost 2 weeks ago they cannot refund?? I paid for my own shipping via USPS with these packages so why would they refund the recently sent ones and NOT the one from almost 2 weeks ago??

Is anyone else experiencing this??
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Shopper, We’re any of the items on clearance? I also don’t know if they want more than 1 item per package being sent back at a time I’m not sure, however if it’s the same order # I wouldn’t think that would matter. I have never sent back multiple items though, the thought alone scares me. Unless it’s something pricey, I take the hit and keep it. Too stressful wondering if they received it. That’s why if it’s something valuable I always want a signature of receipt. That was a lesson I learned long ago.
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I know when we sent our stuff back last year, it took a LOOOONG while for them to process it.

Also why I do budget pay on most things now . . . if they took too long I could delete my card off!
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Also, FarmMom on budget pay they don’t get all your money up front!
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

Hey guys, I will try to answer all your questions..

@Bella and @FarmMom

None of the items were clearance items. It is okay to send back multiple items in one package as they do the same thing, :lol: lol and it even says on the website that you can do that if you include the invoices for each item which I always do. I will take the invoice that goes with each item and wrap it around the box and put a rubber band to hold it onto that. That way the person that opens the package MUST remove the invoice to get to the item inside the box to check it. I have been doing this for a while and it has never been a problem at all. Also I do insure my return shipments just in case to make sure that they are covered for those "in case" situations where they don't make it to their destination.

And yes on pricy items I definitely use the budget pay first for inspection to make sure that I want the item and plan on keeping it before paying for it in full upfront. I think that budget pay is a "good insurance policy" that way if you know what I mean.. If I get the item and like it I will go ahead and pay off the budget pay afterwards. ;)

But the thing is this package arrived back to them on the 20th of May. Here it is June 1st and I have still not been refunded for the contents of the package. One of the returned items were NOT the item I ordered so I was sent a wrong item. This item is on budget pay and if they don't hurry up and process my return they will be taking another payment out on the 6th for this item. This is crazy!😖

They keep asking me to give them more time because they are backed up on the returns but like I said I have 2 packages that were returned on 5/30/23 that were processed and refunded on the very next day 5/31/23 yet this one is going on 12 days??? I don't know if someone within the company did something shady with my package or what at this point!

I am about ready to contact my bank over this mess!
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Shopper, well it sure seems like you have all your ducks in a row and seem well organized in returns & doing the budget pays. SMART LADY! Too bad Shop LC cannot be more organized. I would wait till maybe Monday if you don’t hear anything and call them, and let them know that you are not going to be happy if they hit your credit card again! Good luck & let us know how it goes.
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Shopper, If you still have BP on the items. Contact your bank, dispute the charges, and stop them from going through. I would call LC back and ask to speak to a supervisor or someone in the retention dept. Call during the day, supervisors don't work late hours....If you haven't done it yet. They may escalate your concern and you may have to wait a few days for the sup to respond. If you can, ask or a phone call and email for the reply. So you don't miss the reply of the sup. Tell them you are going to report them to the BBB, the local news consumer reporter who helps people with fraud. Their reputation will be all on the daily news. Say what it takes. Be relentless. In a chat, they don't have to hear your frustration. Call, Give the csr a ear full (nicely...) then appologize for being upset. I hear that all day. Hopefully the csr will not know what to do and get a sup. for you.
(I work a complaint line for my job.) I hope this helps.
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

@Bella & @Lacy

Oh my gosh, 🙏thank you both! Great advice!
And Lacy, as we say down here in the deep South, "Bless your Heart!!" :lol: I don't know how people that work the complaint department do it because I sure couldn't!! You must have nerves of steel to deal with listening to people complaining all day long, LOL!! :D

I haven't called to speak to CS, only done the chats and email and still gotten no where so maybe I need to call which I hate to do.. UGH!! :roll:

I might need to speak to my bank for sure to get them to put any future payments on hold but I don't know how they will do that exactly since I have a few items on BP at the moment. I don't know if BP's are labeled with the transaction by the invoice number or item number so how would the bank know which payment to stop? I do know one thing though. I am pretty sure that if I tell them that I have shipped back the merchandise and ShopLC wont give me a refund after 12+ days they will probably refund my money and ask me to fill out an affidavit which I will gladly do!
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

Hi Shopper, You should definitely ask your bank to stop BP from LC, give them the date of the charges from you LC account bp records. CSR reps only have so much they are allowed to do and say. You have to go higher up. The rep has to hear your frustration to get a Sup for you. Your not being mean or rude, so be stern, to the point. Say what you mean and what you want. It is their job to help you. You need assistance with this and you should get it. Insist on speaking to a supervisor. I get customers who yell, cry. I try to help them the best that I can.
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Re: Going on day 12 of waiting on REFUNDS!!!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I hate calling too, but I will add call early morning, soon as the lines open. the ONLY time I ever got help was a live phone person. Everyone else just played the blame game.

Kinda scary if they are telling you they have an overload of returns . . . says a lot right there . . . yet LC hosts keep saying "Buy NOW! if you don't like it, send it back!"

Cue the next returns sale - er, I mean Clearance sale :lol: :lol:
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