He Called her a __________???!

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He Called her a __________???!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Happened to be watching the 9pm show last night, and I THINK it was D who was on??

Anyway, Tony was late getting on and when he finally came on, he said right off, "ladies and gentlemen, as we say in Brazil 'When the cowboy is gone, the cow doesn't know what to do'" in reference to D hosting without him . . .

I had JUST happened to catch the comment and the camera on D who sat there blinking at the comment (as did I, I think we were BOTH trying to process what he said), and I don't know if he was trying to demean her, or he just wasn't thinking about what came out of his mouth . . . which would be very unusual for Tony as he's always slow and careful and deliberate in what he says. So I can ONLY assume it was a slam.

While I hadn't seen D on in a long time since she's on late, I did notice that she didn't seem to excited after the comment to be on with Tony (she had introduced him as her "Very good friend", which no doubt she regretted after his comment back).

Tony didn't seem too warm toward her either, so again, I'm thinking the comment was deliberate and of course he'll shrug and pretend he didn't know and it was a saying from "his country".

But it was still a pretty low blow, even for Tony...
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

I think Tonys’ arrogance is showing again! I think Ms D should just suck it up Buttercup!
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Mapper » 1 year ago

If he was directing that comment to someone, it could have been anyone on the set.
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Shopper7192 » 1 year ago

I had it on and I was watching somewhat while on the computer but the volume was turned down low where I couldn't really understand all of what they were saying. I do remember that she did start the show without him for the first few minutes and I think I do remember something about waiting for Tony to come in and calling him a very good friend but I didn't catch that comment from him. If that was what he said then it "could have been" taken as an insult for sure. Who knows because with Tony, anything is possible!! :lol:
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

Mapper wrote:
1 year ago
If he was directing that comment to someone, it could have been anyone on the set.
I hadn't thought of that, it is possible I suppose :)
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by MaeWest1953 » 1 year ago

Ok FarmMom.......

Thanks for sharing this fellow Patriot (wink, wink) :lol:
I was watching and was surprised to see MS. D even on, I just had turned to the station and saw her telling the viewers that they were really good friends
In fact to me she was kissing his behind way too much!

He did say that about the Cow and I laughed because when foreigners say certain jokes or slogans it sounds funnier than what it really is sometimes
I didn't know to how to take it either, she isn't a Cow.....she is a camera hog and I am not being mean, it's just what folks always say when someone is always wanting the attention on them!

In my opinion I think Tony wasn't being snarky....it's a funny saying and I think he meant it to be that way but oh boy! it sure wasn't pretty when he said it
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

I think some of the hosts put their foot in their own mouths. On camera, as a host I think the old saying “if you don’t have anything nice to say don’t say anything at all” is prudent here.
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Lacy » 1 year ago

HI everyone,
I turned on the show and when I saw Miss D, I turned it off. I didn't hear the comment but. When he said " as we say in Brazil 'When the cowboy is gone, the cow doesn't know what to do'" Saying that, I believe he me meant it as if he was the cowboy that was gone and she didn't know how to to do the show without him on air. I don't think he was calling her a cow. He always references cows for everything. Either way he can be arrogant and she can be well.... I have my own thoughts about her. That is why I changed the channel.
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by FarmMom » 1 year ago

I don't know . . . most guys KNOW you don't use the word cow around a woman . . . he does make plenty of references to cows, but he's NOT from Brazil like he claims. That's part of his act. He may BE in Brazil (or maybe that's a lie too), but is NOT from there. It's ironic though, that there IS A Tony Diniz IN Brazil who is one of the richest men in that country . . . although NOT the Tony we know . . .

Anyway, I found both the comment odd (and rude to Miss D), most people don't have one cow, certainly not a cowboy. It would be "cows" (plural). Also, knowing a few things about cows, you don't DO anything for them. They aren't dumb, and wander aimlessly around needing guidance. They are pretty smart. Some people even choose to ride cows instead of horses (saw one for sale a few months back!) SHEEP on the other hand, CANNOT be left alone. They are inherently stupid and cannot think for themselves. You pretty much have to babyproof their area. They are also fully defenseless.

So, I would go so far as to say Tony MADE that expression up, likely adopting it from a sheep saying "When the shepherd is away, the sheep will stray". I could find no record of such a Brazillian cow expression anywhere online, although plenty of references to monkeys, not too many on cows . . .

Anyone able to find a record of that expression?
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Re: He Called her a __________???!

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

I think Tony is from Portugal, however don’t quote me on that!
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