Address Book

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Address Book

Post by Fluffus » 11 months ago

I want to add an address to my Address Book. If I want to send a gift, I have to call Customer Service as the checkout does not allow me to change the shipping address away from the default. Today, I spoke to CS and Personal Shopper. Was on the phone one hour and 14 minutes. Now, I'm waiting for a supervisor's call for something that should have taken me three minutes. What gives with this company? It used to be the best. I can't spend this much time on idiocy.
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Re: Address Book

Post by FarmMom » 11 months ago

First off, I swear you must be my sister, hahaha, "Fluffus" would have been something she would have used, love it!

(unless it's your last name then I am suddenly feeling like an idiot for thinking it refers to a cat . . .)

Second, That's crazy! Why would that NOT be an option? Oh yeah . . . it's coded by guys who don't understand how Americans work ...
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Re: Address Book

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

You know, I JUST got to thinking . . .

SLC had issues a few months ago where hackers were buying things and having them sent to other people . . . used SLC member accounts . . .

My guess is tech support couldn't think of any other productive way to end this other than eliminate the option all together. I DO belive one of our members on here mentioned buying a stack of masks to send to her family in new York during the fires... She didn't mention SLC not allowing her to do this, so it must be something new....
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