Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Posts: 94
Joined: 1 year ago

Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Shopper7192 » 7 months ago

Spinoza wrote:
7 months ago
Just received an email from SLC saying my order is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow (Dec 8th). Then I clicked the tracking button and it shows DHL hasn’t even picked it up yet but shows an expected delivery date of Dec 14th. Sigh.’Twould be nice if one hand knew what the other was doing… :roll:
I have this happen to me all the time too.. :roll: SLC goes by the original estimated delivery date which doesn't mean bupkis whenever they haven't actually given the package to DHL yet or DHL hasn't actually given the package to USPS yet... You have to look at and go by the tracking because no matter what SLC or DHL says, if it doesn't say "Processed" or "Package received" then they don't really have it in their possession yet.. SLC and DHL think that we are too dumb to figure that out.. :lol:

So happy to hear that your order did arrive safe and sound!😊👍🎉 Thanks for the update.
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Posts: 239
Joined: 3 years ago

Re: Awaiting Carrier Pickup

Post by Lanai » 7 months ago

Glad to hear that you received your Tanzanite and that you are pleased with it!!
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