Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

Hi everyone,
She jumped in and with her real name. Which is against forum rules, I thought. As we said, don't share everything.

We spoke the truth as we saw it. She didn't like it.

It's ok if you like her. Your on the D train.
There was no need to go to big brother for speaking our minds even if you disagree. Ignore it.
I believe you had good intentions, but.
I will say that we have enough eye spies watching our every move. Please don't give them more reasons to monitor the forum even more then they already by reporting to big brother for what is uncomfortable to you. Ignore it.

Especially....with regular forum members.

How many time has someone said, "Ignore it".
It would have run its course and worked it's way out as usual.

I do feel by you doing that. It implies, our opinions don't matter. Unless the concenis agrees.

No, I'm not angry either. I'm just adding my two cents.

Just saying. Strictly my opinion.
( yes I edited my post. I wanted it to be fair)

Happy new year everyone.
Last edited by Lacy 5 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Penelope — Welp, your mind is made up so there’s nothing more I can say that will matter; and that’s okay. I’m glad you vented and got some anger off your chest. (And I’ll gladly take any prayers for me so that’s fine too. 👍😁) Seriously, I’m sorry you feel the way you do, and I’m sorry think what you do, but I wish you well. Take care. ✌️
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Lacy —

I appreciate your comments and thoughts. I’ll take them all to heart. Take care. ✌️
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by WTFarmGirl » 5 months ago

ok, so I went looking for this magical e-mail button and could not find it ANYWHERE despite looking ALL OVER.

So I guess that partly answers your question in regards to why none of us have ever tried it. (And no, NONE OF US come here HOPING FOR HELP, we have found phone customer service to USUALLY help somewhat). Somehow their website got onto a perpetual time loop of asking me to re-set my password (it's a long story).


I would have to agree with Penn and the others.

Today I made myself a great plate of goodies for breakfast. Sausage, ham a few christmas cookies and a big slab of homemade peach pie from my own canned peaches. With coffee in hand, I struggled out the front door to head to my office. In my head I thought "how AWFUL would it be if my plate blew over?"

Not 3 seconds later, despite NO WIND, it DID. SPLAT onto our muddy deck.

There was no more sausage, and that was the last slab of peach pie. I had TWO OPTIONS. I could start FRESH minus a few tasty morsels and be a bit grumpy about it, or I could carefully scrape the train wreck off the deck and back onto my plate, dirt and all and proceed to go about my business as planned.

WHICH OPTION do you think I chose?

It's a deadly sin to waste perfectly great pie, so I scraped it all back onto my plate and continued on, ignoring the small crunch of dirt now and again. Anyone not knowing what had happened would never have guessed eating it.

The moral of the story is, sometimes things happen we cannot control, and there's no such thing as starting "fresh". Perfectly good content is wasted and grumpiness and hard feelings ensue. January 1st isn't the only day for making choices. EACH DAY has it's own set to work through. Picking one day or timeframe and forcing an action on everyone is, well, selfish.

How would members feel if someone came in, and on April 1st decided to "start fresh" and asked the tech team to FULLY WIPE THE BOARD. THAT would be starting fresh. All members gone, all posts gone. POOF, white and clean. It would be VERY easy to do.

It's perfectly ok not to like posts and not to participate in every post. Conversations always phase out, and it seems you haven't been around long enough to see that. I know you've made plenty of negative comments about Tony and Steve. No one came in asking to have your comments removed, and yes there ARE a few on here who do like them (not myself, although Steve seems nice enough).

We all have hosts we like better than others, and conversations about any of them will always pop up.

Hosts are adult enough to consider their own actions and do not need to stepping in to "intervene" for them. Whether on live TV or on a public forum.

Did you not consider you actually got THEM into TROUBLE? I'm guessing not. Hosts are NOT allowed to comment on the forum, and NONE OF US are allowed to disclose our real name/identity. D however did BOTH. For the SECOND (or third) time. By asking customer service to step in, it's NOT customer service who handles it. It's people higher up.

Now she has multiple infractions caused within the company. It could affect future contract negotiations. The better option would have been to politely ask her directly to remove herself and her comments from the discussion. Not get her superiors involved.

CAUSE AND EFFECT. Sometimes it's just better to eat the dirt with the pie.
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Nope, no one is in trouble. Remember, everything was public for all (i.e., posters, hosts, non-posters, SLC employees, etc) to see for several days before being removed and everyone is still alive and kicking on the board. If repercussions were in order they had time to do so before (and after) the posts were already publicly available to everyone. Removing them changed nothing in that regard. Obviously no death sentences were handed down by the Powers That Be. 🤣

Re-read my post about how to email SLC. There is no Magical Email Button, nor did I claim there was. I said there’s a message on the lower right hand side of the TV screen that is flashed (in rotation with other messages) that states if you have questions or comments to email SLC and the email address is shown. (And it isn’t customer service info.)

But yes, fresh starts do exist and are possible. Very easy. You just put any nastiness in the past and start over. Viola! Have a nice day and let me know if you have trouble finding the message of your TV screen! 😁✌️

P.S. I would never choose to “eat dirt with the pie”. Seems much, much better, IMO, to toss out the pie and start fresh — even if requires a little effort. But thanks for providing a funny analogy! Humor helps! 🤣😁✌️
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

If I could just say to Deanna…. I’m sure you are still reading this forum… I urge you to restrain from coming on this board. As others have said, you are a public figure and some people will love you and others will not. If you find yourself affected by reading what’s posted here, maybe you should block this on your web or phone browser to keep from being upset. I don’t think it’s good for your mental health to be following what’s said here. You do your job well enough that ShopLC continues to employ you regardless of whatever any of us say anyway…. but we as customers/viewers should have the right to chit chat about what we see on screen.

And ultimately there are a dozen or so of us who actively participate and your school marm-ing is not welcome. If you don’t like a few critical comments, think how the QVC and HSN hosts feel….. those message boards have hundreds, if not thousands of active users who are incredibly harsh in their commentary about the hosts. Just do yourself a favor and tell yourself and maybe some of your colleagues to just stop reading what’s posted here.
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by colljoe » 5 months ago

@Penelope-Pit-Stop, Lacy, WTFarmGirl .. 100%
@Spinoza Go to your room...and have a nice day 😁👍
OH! and Take Care...🤣👍
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Mapper » 5 months ago

Dang! I ran out of popcorn! BRB. 8-)
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 5 months ago

@joshuatheemerald ...

Of course Deanna is reading everything that is going on here, that was proven when she came here and posted on the "deleted post" the other day :lol:
I concur with all your great points :)
Also let's not forget that she was allowed to break one of the golden rules of this Forum by using her name and identify herself

It wasn't the first time she has been allowed to do this!

Oh by the way @Spinoza ...
I laughed when you stated "I’m glad you vented and got some anger off your chest."
You are so good at being passive aggressive but my comments to you were not mean or in anger :lol:
They were truth and done in a civil way, again you are not accepting what you have done and want to turn the target at me and others who are not accepting what you did
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Re: Just As Suspected~~Post Was Taken Down~LOL

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Penelope —

I’m sorry nothing I say seems to be what you want to hear. If I’m misinterpreting anything in your posts, I apologize. That said, I voluntarily posted that if anyone wanted to “blame” someone for getting the thread deleted they should “blame” me. I could have remained silent and let people vent at the wrong person/people but that would have been wrong. So I took full responsibility and gave my reasons previously so I won’t repeat them. That’s the best I can do. If you or anyone else don’t accept that, I can’t force you to. It’s your right and your choice.

I responded politely to most of the replies and mostly just ignored others that were insults or attempts to mock me. As I’ve said before, that’s fine. I’m not thin skinned in the least. I’m a “hit me with your best shot” kind of person. But honestly, this is getting pretty boring and repetitive so I’m done with the issue. You are free and welcome to have the last word if you choose. Thanks and take care! 😁✌️

P.S. Yes, I enjoy using emojis and if it annoys some people, I’m sorry but they can always choose to ignore my posts. Just sayin’! 😁🤣😊😳👍✌️🤞🤔🙄😈
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