Too many cooks

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Too many cooks

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Two hosts, 1 model and a guest ( david). Why??? Courtney could model the the items. Or is it now she's a host, she doesn't do that on anymore?

I know this was discussed, but I'm just really surprised to see the model instead of Miss C doing it.

No wonder why the prices are going up. New sets, too many
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Re: Too many cooks

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

Agreed. It's kinda messy all the way around lately.
I also think they need Professional Hosts, not employee hired people. So called models, that are really employees. Fun for them, okay for stand-in's, but it casts a lesser degree of professionalism for their channel. And hey, we got to meet Dionne's Mother. Such a sweet Lady. But Shop LC has taken it way out of line now.
I'm just not a fan of this "model employee" becoming a host thing. Just my opinion. When Courtney was on, her hair was just pulled back, rather sloppy, also as mentioned in another post. If you're vying for a host position, I would think you would want to look impeccable.
But hey, bottom line, Shop LC sure saves a lot of money by not hiring a Professional.
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Re: Too many cooks

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

Her mom came in? How wonderful! I know she says her mom watches ALL her broadcasts, so maybe this was a dream of hers :)

And I agree with everything mentioned!
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Re: Too many cooks

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago


I agree with you. When I first started noticing the models being given the chance to speak, it was very natural. I seem to remember it being with Hannah working with Courtney and Staci and Hannah would ask the modeling girls how they liked the fit, or what size they were wearing, etc.It was very conversational and natural, but it did add a little bit of varied perspective on the clothing pieces. At some point it morphed into the models working mostly with Mr C and Kim and they were like a 3rd or sometimes even a 4th host… everyone talking over each other. And everyone saying the same things. The models have just adopted the same catchphrases and remarks as Chuck and Kim mostly, no longer giving the former ly “authentic” opinion. Unfortunately Courtney as a host sounds too much like a recitation of Mr C’s talking points, and there’s not a lot of content that’s insightful for the customer.
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Re: Too many cooks

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

Also remember that unlike on the other channels, for the most part the QVC or H hosts are positioned to be your “friend” onscreen. They may share things that relate to the product in their personal life like gardening or cooking or makeup, etc but they never position themselves as “experts”. And that is the main difference here on LC… many of the hosts want to remind you that they are certified in this, deal with million dollar clients, broker high-end deals, go to the gem mines, are designers themselves, etc. All in all, they know what they’re talking about so you should by from them because they know better than we do…So I do think there is a disconnect with the model and random employees showing up on screen to recite the same talking points as all of these gem and jewel and fashion “experts”
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Re: Too many cooks

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

@WTFarmgirl Yes, her Mother used to work there, now retired. They have always had employees come out to "model" their clothing lines. I'm sure it is fun for them, getting picked to come out in front of the cameras to model their clothes.

You know, Hosts have quite a professional background and have earned their position. To take an employee and promote to Host, just indicative of trying to save a buck.
And do you really think the "Hosts" appreciate them taking up their airtime and money? Probably not.
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