BATCH CBD gummies

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BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Never saw these on SLC until now. If you’ve tried them, would you recommend them? 🤔

The hosts are giddy/giggly talking about the gummies (like people who try weed once and then think they’re hard core drug users 🤣) and the guest host is kind of wishy-washy with his answers to questions. Nice guy, but obviously not a professional salesman/speaker. All that said, I’d rather hear from people who have tried the gummies and aren’t being paid to sell them. 😁✌️
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

I have seen them be sold a few times on air. I think I caught the first time or at least one of the first times they sold this with the young man who is the co-owner…

The thing that struck me during the presentation when I saw it was K saying, literally, “the good thing about these is that you know where the ingredients come from so you can trust this brand!”. And I thought to myself… wait a minute, I have definitely seen LC sell other CBD lines… even the master healer himself David Pollack has CBD items. So Ms K are you telling me that all of those other CBD products have questionable ingredients and that we should NOT buy those? Oh wait, no… when those other CBD things come on screens she will say THOSE are the best ones and any other are not as good. Oy vey.
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Thanks, joshuatheemerald, I’ve never seen CBDs sold on SLC before but obviously I missed them whenever they’ve been on. 🫤

I’ve tried CBD gummies (given to me by a friend) for arthritis in my knee and I swear they helped! 😁 But the ones I tried tasted terrible and honestly had bad reviews all over the place when I researched the brand. So now I’m trying to find a brand with better reviews to see if they’re even more effective. 🤔

Seems like the BATCH gummies might be worth a try though the presentation focused on them mainly as sleep aids, mental focus and stress/anxiety reduction whereas I’m more interested in them as purely for knee pain reduction. 😁✌️
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

Yes! They are readily available in so many places now, but I agree the problem is you never know what they’ll taste like or what the effect will be with so many on the market.

Have you considered going into a place like GNC or Vitamin Shoppe? Sometimes they have open bottles of these more common types of vitamins/supplements for customers to try to see how they like it!
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Harrelson’s CBD is the best! Great for knee pain. I have my 18 year old dog on CBD and it’s been a miracle.(no THC though for the dog) Vet hates the stuff along with a raw diet. Most vets are ignorant on canine nutrition along with pain management. Do your research.
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

@joshuatheemerald —

Great suggestion! Woo-Hoo! I’ll check around some health food stores near me for samples! Thanks much! 😁👍✌️

@Bella —

Oh goodie! A brand I will definitely try! 😁👍 And I don’t understand why vets are so hesitant but I’ve heard great results for pets that are given CBD. (Dose & strength adjusted for size of course.) I may give a little to my 16 yr old cat to see if it helps. He has a little arthritis. Nothing major but it cuts down on his playing and such. Thanks so much! 😁✌️
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

Spinoza just make sure you don’t give a CBD product made for humans to an animal. I would also be careful about any CBD product with THC in it for pets. The jury is out on how much THC is safe for pets. THC can be toxic to dogs. Since I have a sighthound breed their bodies do not assimilate drugs like other breeds do so I’m extra careful. For a cat make sure it is made for cats. I know they have CBD for birds and horses as well. Relievet is a great brand for pets, that is what I give my dog. Stay away from junk CBD products, you get what you pay for. I do not buy any from China!
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Thanks, Bella. 😁 Rest assured I would only give pets CBD designed for them, and carefully at that. THC content is the issue as you pointed out. I would prefer using 100% THC-free for me and for my pets if possible.

Again, thanks for the name brand suggestion! I’ll definitely look into Relievet. And I agree, NO CBD FROM CHINA! 👍😁✌️
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Bella » 6 months ago

There is a huge upheaval going on in China/Asia right now about CBD. Some are classifying CBD along with heroin! ANY drug laws in those areas are very strict and there is a huge gray area involved with CBD. I would not fly internationally to any of those areas with it on my person or in my luggage.
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Re: BATCH CBD gummies

Post by Quette » 6 months ago

@Spinoza thank you for starting this thread. There are now three CBD brands being featured on SLC. They are CBD Queen, Batch CBD, and the most recent one, CBD For Life, which I believe is local so either in Texas or somewhere close. I have been wondering if I should give them a try and if so, which one.

Kim gushes over the first two whenever she hosts one of their shows. I expect she'll do the same if/when she hosts the new one. Dionne hosted CBD For Life's premier show this past week but I don't remember who her co-host was. Possibly Karen.
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