Heather Did Amazing

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Heather Did Amazing

Post by WTFarmGirl » 6 months ago

Heather was one at 9pm EST last night, and for a good 5-8 minutes was presenting on her own. She even addressed the topic of male co-hosts and referenced a lot of what was said on here.

On her OWN, her personality really POPPED. She actually blossomed and was witty and confident and it seemed to be in those few minutes that she would LOVE and could DO WELL hosting entirely on her own.

I was quite surprised, and feel I haven't given her enough recognition. And then T popped on and I turned it off, hahaha!

I would LOVE to see more of Heather hosting on her own. Katie has done it, and while she is good, I feel heather is a bit more witty and fun on her own, almost like a very toned down version of Michelle.
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by joshuatheemerald » 6 months ago

Yes, I saw the same thing and thought she did great… and the obvious change in tone when you-know-who showed up was stark. Jessica and Hannah are both good flying solo when I’ve seen it happen to them. And as you’ve said, I’ve seen sometimes where some of the others have had to do shows by themselves and the lack of male presence did not do any harm to the show. In fact, sometimes I think a man (mostly Mr C) commenting on women’s clothing or even undergarments is a little out of place.
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by colljoe » 6 months ago

Heather, she's from London
Refined, like Royalty
She's no joke, she needs no Bloke
A lovely cup of tea!
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago

@WTFarmGirl ...

I concur about Heather, I have always liked her and she is always a Lady in both her verbiage and clothing :)
She is confident and knowledgeable and always has a smile on her face!
The best part too is there is NO BAGGAGE or DRAMA regarding her personal life that we have to be bored with over and over again!!

I agree with you @joshuatheemerald about Rico Sauve a.k.a. Mr. C
He has no place even being there when the shows are presenting women's items!
Do we ever see Greg or Dan etc. doing a show during those items, NO!
Of course "C" acts like he is a "ladies man" and knows everything about what the gals like and want

@colljoe ....oh I do love your comment, it's so cute and gave me a giggle too!
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by William » 6 months ago

I Really Like Heather and I think she is a Great Host --- I Would Very MUCH LIKE to see her host---Alone! She seems very professional and I Have NO DOUBT that she Needs No Help!

While I do think there are a Few hosts who may not thrive in an "alone" position thatwould be the exception. -- I KNOW from past experience (i.e the days of TJC & Liquidation Channel) that --- Lolo Jessica -- Dionne -- Katie --- Marva --- OF COURSE Becky --- And YES --- Believe it or Not ---Kim --- ALL do a Terrific Job when presenting ALONE!--- I Saw this in the past !!! No 2nd host necessary! The show runs smoothly and attention was always paid to the item -- It was Calm --Pleasing--Informed--& Enjoyable!

I Like almost all the guys--- In the past the Men would present ON THEIR OWN ALSO--- & Yes That was OK TOO!!!! ----

I MISS the days of the single presenter! In the end --- I kinda feel like ExGemLover---it IS their network --- they can do whatever they want -- I wish them Luck!

Anyway --- I Hope All are WELL! ---Take Care Everyone!---THANKS !-------William
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by William » 6 months ago

Oh And By the Way ---

OF COURSE Cheryl Would ALSO do a Terrific job presenting --- ALONE!!!
She ALWAYS Did when she was on the Other competitor netwrok --- And she Was ALONE there!!!

OK --- Enough of this for me !!! Thanks All !!!!!!!!!!! ---------------- William
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by William » 6 months ago

ALL RIGHT --- I'm Sorry---- ONE MORE Thing ---

I AM Really going to MISS Michele Mahone! I am SO Sorry she is leaving!!!!!!!!!

--------------- OK ------ Done ------------------THANKS ALL!!!--------- William
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 6 months ago


I never get tired of your comments....you always make me smile :)
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Re: Heather Did Amazing

Post by William » 6 months ago

Thanks Penn

Hope Everyone are Well !!! ------------------ William
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