Night owl hosts

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Night owl hosts

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

I wish they would get night owl host that are good on a more steady basis. Instead of the revolving door. Like with Angie, I share the thoughts that I wouldn't mind her as a steady night owl host. I'd watch.
Aussie Steve, Angie, Becky aren't nearly enough night owl hosts.

I know the night owl time slots are a testing ground for new hosts. I could do without listening to the bragging, car salesman, boasting and screamers and in your face hosts paired with the good hosts, to see if we watch. I have heard them say, I know I am being loud, or overly excited. But....Then they continue to do it.

As a night owl and don't watch day shows. It's slim pickings lately at night. Fridays have turned into beads, silver tone items, gold tone items, crystal beads and Plastic figurines.
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

I’m a night owl too and it’s fine with me if Angie stays on that shift! 👍 The best part of the night owl crew is that none of the “regular” night owl hosts are screamers or shriekers. It’s a nice group to relax and watch or just have on as “background noise” while I do some work at home. 😁✌️
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

Well, being a day person I would like the chance to see some of the night owl hosts. Used to see Aussie Steve when he was on at the 7:00 shows and miss him. Unfortunately we are stuck with the ones whose egos are so overblown they are pathetic.
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by pattyvic » 5 months ago

I asked via message board a host to stopped screeching....her reply on air for me was to turn my TV down.
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago


I wonder why the producers don’t tell hosts to knock off the screaming and shrieking. After all, they hear it in their earpieces! 🫤 Anyway, that host’s response was rude! 😡
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by CDK » 5 months ago

I instantly liked Angie as soon as I saw her...Fed Ex just delivered my 9.99 crystal lamps I bought 2 days ago...They better not be junk either..
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Re: Night owl hosts

Post by CDK » 5 months ago

I instantly liked Angie as soon as I saw her...Fed Ex just delivered my 9.99 crystal lamps I bought 2 days ago...I'm going to open now...They better not be junk either..
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