"Come on in" ---new catchphrase

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"Come on in" ---new catchphrase

Post by Vickyh2 » 5 months ago

Must have been a corporate mandate to use the catchphrase "Come on in!" because just about every host has been (over)using this phrase. Please come up with something that is not used by every host, every day......be original! :idea:
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Re: "Come on in" ---new catchphrase

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

We should probably just get used to it if it’s “officially” the new catch phrase cuz all the hosts will be told to use it. 🫤 Then we can add it to them telling us what a big company they are and how they make their own this-or-that and how we’ll NEVER see these prices anywhere EVER again…🙄 Well, at least until the next sale or clearance or whatever! 🤣
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Re: "Come on in" ---new catchphrase

Post by Gamma0611 » 4 months ago

I briefly had SLC on this morning and Hunter was the host. He must have said "come on in" 5 times within a 10 minute period. I had to turn it off. Really annoying.
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Re: "Come on in" ---new catchphrase

Post by Bella » 4 months ago

I say that when in the pool, how can you “come on in” when your watching tv? Stupid.
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