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Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

I ordered it on 2/2 when David said it was in stock. I obviously wasn't. It was just issued a label on the 12th and is still in tx. on 2/16. The est. date of delivery is th 25th. I am not sure I will like the item. I don't like smelly creams. I also don't like being told a lie by not just the host, but the guest as well about availibity of stock. If I could cancel it, I would. I may return it unopened just for principal. It's too bad. I used to use his skincare line. I use EG now.
Last edited by Lacy 5 months ago, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

When you do try it, just put a little on the inside of your arm. I tried a little bit of his cream that my friend bought and I had an allergic reaction to it. I will never buy from him or watch any of his shows again. I also wrote him and got no response. I call that shameful.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Lacy » 5 months ago

Koalagirl, I'm probably not going to open it, they may say its not returnable if I do. I'm just going to send it back. I don't know why I ordered it. I think they had it on so long, long presentation to apply pressure to buy. I got sucked in. Not again. Thanks for the tip though. I'm not touching the stuff.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

The shipping delays are getting worse it seems. I’d send it back unopened too, just on principal alone! There’s something about David that doesn’t sit well with me. Maybe that’s just me, but I haven’t tried any of his products and don’t intend to. 🫤
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Bella » 5 months ago

I bought 2 bottles of the Joint Rites when they had it last year and I threw out both bottles. Absolutely did nothing for pain… NOTHING!
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

I have purchased some of the 9.99 skin formula things as gifts, but can’t say whether they work or not. Since it was brought up about the Pollack products, what always sort of has been a little off to me is that when he is presenting virtually, he is always standing in front of that green screen “laboratory”. It reeks of LC smoke and mirrors to me, and makes me think the theatricality of the presentation might be to hide the formidability of the product
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Serge » 5 months ago

I personally have used EG products off and on for years and I really like her products especially the Torricelan and I'm going to be 70 this year.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Sea » 5 months ago

I ordered the Joint-Ritis Hand and feet cream, my neck and feet hurt sometimes and I was excited to try this hoping it would help with the pain. I put it on my neck first and had to remove immediately it was burning my neck so bad, then I thought maybe it will be ok trying on my feet well the same thing happened burned so bad I had to wash it off too. My solution it goes in the garbage what a waste.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Koalagirl » 5 months ago

Notice how David Pollack is always on with Chuck? He has ruined Fridays between him and Hunter. I caught about 5 minutes of him with Heather and he would not shut up and let her speak. Couldn't change channel fast enough. Oh yeah, he also kept calling the wires posts. And he is supposedly a jeweler, na ah.
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Re: Joint-Ritis

Post by Spinoza » 5 months ago

Thanks for all the reviews of Joint-Ritis. I will definitely NOT even think about trying it now! Sorry some of you wasted your money but, again, thanks for giving the rest of us a heads-up before we did the same! 👍😁✌️
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