Offtopic: Hair

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Offtopic: Hair

Post by MayFlowers » 1 year ago

Deanna Linz brought up that some hosts felt attacked based upon their hair, and that struck a cord with me. My coworker is African American and wears hairpieces. She is constantly asked if her hair is real by clients, and it makes her feel uncomfortable. When she wore her hair au naturale, she was told by upper management that she looked "unkempt" (his words). I personally think that natural African American hair is beautiful and should be widely accepted, but I also think if anyone wants to wear hairpieces, that that is beautiful also. I have shoulder length, thin hair, and I wear extensions to make my hair look fuller. I don't mind telling people they are extensions, I don't think it matters.
I don't believe that anyone in this online community is trying to hurt anyone's feelings, or has malicious intentions. But I personally am always conscious of the sensitivity of the subject of hair, particularly for women who suffer from hairloss (postpartum or otherwise) and women of color.
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Re: Offtopic: Hair

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Mayflowers, I to suffer from hair loss as well that’s why I wear hairpieces and wigs. I will tell you if I was on TV everyday my hair would always look camera ready. I worked in a professional office setting for years so I had no choice. I agree with you as well natural African American hair is just as beautiful and is acceptable in the workplace.
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Re: Offtopic: Hair

Post by MayFlowers » 1 year ago

I'm sorry to hear about your hair loss! I'm sure you would look perfect on air! It would be fun if ShopLC did a marketing campaign where fans could post videos on instagram of an audition to showcase some jewelry. Then the winner of the competition could be host for a day. They could call it the "host for a day challenge". Probably would bring a lot of attention to ShopLC and be fun for some of us. Then again if I were ever at ShopLC HQ some hosts would probably glare daggers from across the room because I didn't include them in my list of favorites :o
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Re: Offtopic: Hair

Post by Bella » 1 year ago

Mayflowers my hair loss isn’t that bad, and I’m not sensitive about it at all, it is what it is. There are worse things to be afflicted with! Let’s just say the really big hair days from years past are gone.That’s what the hairpieces are for and I am grateful for them. I cannot believe how much time, money and effort in styling I put into my hair when I was younger. Seems like a waste of time now! I would never ask someone if their hair is real, that’s just rude!
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Re: Offtopic: Hair

Post by Tina » 1 year ago

I wonder whose hair they were discussing. Most hosts look nice. I love wigs and hairpieces....they must look nice though.
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