Free shipping

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Re: Free shipping

Post by MaeWest1953 » 11 months ago

@Bella, @Boston Irish @Rolltide @FarmMom

I want to make sure you read William's wonderful comment :)
He is so kind to all of us and his memory of the past is correct, thank you William
As for Jewelry Queen I do recall her because I think she was around when I first started in the Forum :)

My gosh I was watching so many good people fall off :shock:
I never understood what they did, all they wanted was to have fun and share good information and knowledge about all things ShopLC and stones!
FarmMom is a gemstone geek too and I think another gal is too but I don't want to mistakenly name
However could it be you Bella or is it Lacy? teehee

I recall a Summer71 gal that got in trouble with me during those "touchy" times....or at least we think were suspended for a while because of making comments that the Mods didn't agree with
We both could not sign in for I believe 5-6 months!

We at least know that you are okay William and just too busy with work etc.
Thankfully we still have quite a few others who have been around too :)
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Re: Free shipping

Post by MaeWest1953 » 11 months ago

Bella wrote:
11 months ago
Oh yes, sweet William I remember Jewelry Queen! What a great and funny lady! I do hope all those gals stayed in touch. Gypsy does pop in now and then to. Don’t be a stranger and don’t work too hard!
Well I guess I was taking to long to write my comment
I am glad to see that you saw William's comment ;)
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Re: Free shipping

Post by Rolltide » 11 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free shipping

Post by Serge » 11 months ago

Roll tide I'm assuming that your name indicates that you live in or near Alabama where my dear dad went to school so I understand about the tornados. It gets really bad there so take care. I remember getting kicked off for about 6 months when I first started on here and never could figure out what I said wrong unless it was agreeing about Kim and her low cut tops. I guess the truth isn't accepted on here.
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Re: Free shipping

Post by Rolltide » 11 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free shipping

Post by MaeWest1953 » 11 months ago

Hello Rolltide.....

Hope you are enjoying your week :)
Glad to know you are a Cable user, and I don't have extreme storms like you do but when we do get high winds and lots of rain I like how Comcast hangs on!!

It has a great line up but if the cost keeps climbing I may have to check that Roku
Wow, I can only imagine how scary a tornado would be...I actually dream about them but I have never seen a live one~~~isn't that odd to dream of one
So happy to know you have survived the major storms

Howdy Serge.....
I believe you were dropped at the same I minute we are in the Forum and then some of us are history
Go figure....

Oh boy, Ms. D just bragged that she is just like Michele and Steve in regards that she is always buying Gold and jewelry like they do
Hmmmm, that is interesting because she is always complaining about being broke and having to pay for this and that for her son and his needs

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Re: Free shipping

Post by FarmMom » 11 months ago

Rolltide wrote:
11 months ago
Hi MaeWest. Good info to know, but the ONLY reason I stick with old school cable, no Wi-Fi, is I am a tornado survivor, and I keep abreast of the weather at all times. I wonder if you loose Wi-Fi connection in a severe storm? I have a noaa radio too, but I like that my cable stays on so well in inclement weather, ya know? But I love to save money and may eventually try the streaming. Have a blessed night!
Funny you should bring that up! We JUST had one go through last week! No sirens or anything! I walked outside that evening, and the sky was rolling by fast and had that green cast, and I said to my husband, "huh, that looks like a tordnado sky . . ." Sure enough, just 20 minutes from our house one blew through town, wiping out businesses, homes, trees and several cars on the highway. Luckily it was only an EF1, but just goes to show you can never count on warning systems!

The storms alone took out power to much of the state. Somehow we stayed on, but we bought a generator last winter so would have been fine anyway.

@William Very sad about losing so many great members. I love hearing what others are doing with jewelry or selling or creating, not to mention buying tips!

I don't think SLC realized at the time, by eliminating them, they eliminated a slew of customers . . . both them and THOSE THAT ENJOYED THIER POSTS. We KNOW not everyone logs in or POSTS on here, you can see the view count to the right. It's THOSE PEOPLE SLC forgot about, and many also left because they signed on just to see conversations.
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Re: Free shipping

Post by Rolltide » 11 months ago

Last edited by Rolltide 9 months ago, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Free shipping

Post by William » 11 months ago


Farm Mom and Rolltide --- HOPE you all Stay OK !!! I am in the north and we RARELY have to deal with high winds -- much less Tornados!!! I have been in Hurricanes when I lived in FL and that is AWFUL! So I am SURE Tornados -- are TERRIBLE!!!!!!! Take Care and I Hope you all escape their horrible effects!!!

I Hope Everyone else are well!!! and having a Good week!!!

I will try and catch the new hosts! Thanks All ! ------------------------- William
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Re: Free shipping

Post by Bella » 11 months ago

We had several tornadoes roll thru Northwest Ohio last Thursday night. I spent 30 minutes in the basement. Thank goodness the tornado lifted about 15 miles north of my house! We have had a record number of tornadoes this year in Northern Ohio. Please be safe everyone, and God Bless those in Florida my prayers are with them.
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