Steve C. Pennies on the $.

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Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by Lacy » 10 months ago

I guess hes not going to change his tune. He still barking online facts and "pennies on the dollar" that bothers me when I hear it. Hunter is saying it now too. The retail comparisons he gives and the stone comparisons are not realistic. I can't watch. Not even for sound. He may not be shouting but his sales pitches are over the top. I can't take it. Like nails on a chalkboard.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

Hey Lacy.....

You have my sympathy and I feel your pain!
The other night I was watching him with Ms. K and what a mess the show was
I virtually had to change the station because I was getting sea sick from all of her constant swaying and scary facial movements

What was interesting is he was indeed saying those "phrases" you have stated and this time I noticed he never said "these are estate pieces"
Surprise :)

Give it a couple of days and "D" will start saying those phrases too because she copies EVERYTHING a Host says :lol:
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by christee » 10 months ago

Indeed some of the pushy selling tactics are mute worthy. When Steve was new to the SLC I was annoyed with him. Over time I realize he's pretty harmless. His phrases "Pennies on the dollar", "only find this gem in estate pieces", "no design fees", "to die for", "we're the future" are repeated with the assumption many viewers are new to SLC. I do like how he's quick to reach final price instead of dragging it out with incremental price drops. He must be helping increase sales as they seem to have him on every day. He's paired with specific hosts. Right now he's on with Marva and they work well together. As for Hunter, he's the only guy who's easy on the ears and eyes. Seems genuine and I love his laugh. The person I find annoying is Ankar, I suspect he's summoned to help either by phone or in person whenever an expensive item isn't selling. Attempts to convince viewers it's a once in a lifetime chance then takes wayyy too long to get to the final price.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

I cannot stand mr. A. He talks way too fast, like there's a bomb in the room ready to explode and it's quite obnoxious. I usually have to mute it.

And he'd be MUCH easier to understand his accent if he talked SLOWER. 90% of the time I don't understand what he's saying so I automatically tune him out or mute.

I also refuse to buy anything when he's on. I'm not supporting the absurd "crazy selling" tactics he likes to use.

According to SLC: every mine in the world is either MINED OUT, or NEARLY SO, and if we don't buy RIGHT NOW, there will be NOTHING LEFT. And SLC carries the best material (but we mass produce it in big factories in China). And they're cheaper (but China barely pays their workers so we can get a better price ourselves). But it's heirloom quality (don't look at it too closely, just trust us). And take it to get appraised (but really don't because we know we are exaggerating). Send if back if you are not satisfied (But don't do this either. We want to keep your money.)
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by Serge » 10 months ago

FarmMom that was too funny about the bomb in the room. You're right about him talking so fast and you would think after this long that someone there would suggest that he slow down. I do start laughing when Dan calls him anchor like a boat anchor. You would think he would hear how the others pronounce his name and change but no.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 10 months ago

You are so correct Farm Mom. I can not listen to Mr A. at all it almost makes me nauseous. Now they have the man on there the newest one D. G. I can not handle him either. Does anyone know what happened to Nikki???? I just don't get it they come & go faster than ever now. They also had some Royston Turqouise on today that was jacked up so much more than the other days they had it on for. There were a few items that none sold on air. I think they are on thier way down. I LOVE the new online place that starts with a T. I have bought some really cute stuff for cheap. A big bag full for a little over $20.00. It is sooo much fun. I hope everyone had a great weekend holiday I have not been on for a while. I just do not watch much any more. I stay on the T app now.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by CaribbeanGirl » 10 months ago

You are so correct Farm Mom. I can not listen to Mr A. at all it almost makes me nauseous. Now they have the man on there the newest one D. G. I can not handle him either. Does anyone know what happened to Nikki???? I just don't get it they come & go faster than ever now. They also had some Royston Turqouise on today that was jacket up so much more than the other days they had it on for. There were a few items that non sold on air. I think they are on thier way down. I LOVE the new online place that starts with a T. I have bought some really cute stuff for cheap. A big bag full for a little over $20.00. I t is sooo much fun. I hope everyone had a great weekend holiday I have not been on for a while. I just do not watch much any more. I stay on the T app now.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

CarribbeanGirl nice to hear from you! Yeah, I don’t watch either much. Don’t be a stranger. Have fun shopping!
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

Nice to see you back Caribbean Girl!

I have noticed things on SLC seem to go in waves. Some days they "sell out" (who knows if that's another marketing ploy) and other days no one buys at ALL.

I firmly believe in bending over backwards for your customers. Even if they don't come back, they still can refer others to you, or post online reviews. I've picked up a few new customers this year from online reviews from third party websites. A few is a lot for me since I have very limited stock.
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Re: Steve C. Pennies on the $.

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

FarmMom~Carribeangirl~Bella~Serge and Christee....

Each one of you has me agreeing with all you wrote :D
Of course FarmMom had Serge and I laughing with her funny bomb comments :lol:
She is quite the quick mind and full of great one liners!!

I feel the same way about Ankur except I like his silly way, if only he would slow his roll
Of course if you ever watch night Owl you will hear ms. D go on and on about HOW MUCH SHE LOVES him and how he says "ooh la la"
She then goes on to say she wishes she could do it as well as he does

Last evening I watched Steve C. and it was tough but I was waiting for the TLV to come on
This guy is a piece of work!
He wouldn't stop talking about Burberry, the way these scarves looked like expensive Silk, how much he spent on Christmas gifts etc.
He is talking just like Clemency did.....brag, brag, brag
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