Too much time on one product

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Too much time on one product

Post by Teachergirl » 10 months ago

I tuned in this morning and Karen an Dionne were on. I thought great. I can actually watch. However, my pleasure disappated quickly. How do you spend a full hour on one handbag? As you can imagine, I changed the channel after 20 minutes. I went back after an hour and they're still on it. Bye bye.
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

That must have been one heck of a handbag!

Now they’re showing some ugly as sin harem pants in awful prints! Dionne is modeling them and they are not attractive on her. They call them Bali pants as well and guess what one size fits all! Really?
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by MaeWest1953 » 10 months ago

Hi Teachergirl......

Sorry I am just getting to read the new posts!
I completely feel your pain, last evening I watched the Host spend almost 2 hours on those lot of 5 scarves!!
Outrageous!!! :roll:
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

MaeWest1953 wrote:
10 months ago
Hi Teachergirl......

Sorry I am just getting to read the new posts!
I completely feel your pain, last evening I watched the Host spend almost 2 hours on those lot of 5 scarves!!
Outrageous!!! :roll:

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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

That reminds me of a funny story… several years back I ordered 1 silk scarf that had a horse/tack design on it, it was really pretty, not expensive. I don’t know who packaged the order ( I ordered other items as well) but instead of receiving 1 scarf I received a dozen! Shop LC only charged me for 1! I never said a word about it because the ring I had received had a loose stone in it and I had to have it repaired.

Needless to say all the female family members at Christmas that year received a scarf for a stocking stuffer whether they liked it or not!
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Bella :lol: that was funny. I have to vent here too...I don't watch as much but do have LC on in the background now and then. seems EVERY SINGLE TIME I turn on the channel they are showing gold chains. It's actually has become uncanny how this is happening. Again this morning, gold chains with Chuck and Kim, and now with Lolo and Cheryl. It's becoming weird how this is happening. Sometimes, when I may end up waking up and doing a Night Owl, low and behold, I turn on the channel and "gold chains". What? NOooooo! I can't get away from it. I am under the assumption they are really trying to push their gold inventory to get rid of them or what? And Teachergirl you are so right, they really stay on one item forever. Even a gold chain, go figure.
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

That’s weird Colljoe I was thinking the exact same thing today! I rarely watch but when I turned on the TV this morning there it is, that item that drives me crazy… gold chains! Usually with Cheryl and on a Saturday, a double whammy! I to will check during the night if I’m having trouble sleeping and guess what? Gold chains again. Stuff of nightmares!
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by Serge » 10 months ago

You're so right about them showing gold all the time. Someone earier said they were the Shop Lots of Chains channel. This has been going on for over 2 years and I for one have all the gold I'm going to buy so please give us a break!
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by Serge » 10 months ago

I have a feeling that when Chuck shows his ring that Modani made for his bithday we might as well kiss anything else being shown all afternoon goodbye.
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Re: Too much time on one product

Post by colljoe » 10 months ago

Serge, so true. And they are showing Modani with Chuck. He better hurry up because Modani is about to have a baby, it looks like! :shock:
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