Coupon craziness!

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Coupon craziness!

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

I’m so sick and tired that every time I think that I’m smart using a 20% off coupon the next day they throw one out there for 25% and it’s good for ALL the items I ordered instead of only 1 item. Pi$$#$ me off! This is like the 3rd time in a row! I’m cutting back, there’s other places to shop.
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Re: Coupon craziness!

Post by Jonarts » 10 months ago

Just curious, can you cancel the order and then reorder with the coupon?
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Re: Coupon craziness!

Post by DesertPrayer » 10 months ago

Two things I've done successfully in the past are, as @Jonarts mentioned, Cancel original (if still possible) and reorder with new coupon OR call Customer Service requesting a Courtesy credit on that order to compensate for the inconvenience. :)
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Re: Coupon craziness!

Post by Druid » 10 months ago

If done fast, yes.I tried in the past and it worked.
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Re: Coupon craziness!

Post by Bella » 10 months ago

Yeah, I’ve done that too, but the order was already invoiced. It’s not that big of a deal. I would have saved myself $15. It just seems to happen all the time now. Also, it’s always on items where inventory is low, so I didn’t want to wait too long before placing my order. I’ll survive, but it still ticks me off!
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Re: Coupon craziness!

Post by FarmMom » 10 months ago

Bella wrote:
10 months ago
Yeah, I’ve done that too, but the order was already invoiced. It’s not that big of a deal. I would have saved myself $15. It just seems to happen all the time now. Also, it’s always on items where inventory is low, so I didn’t want to wait too long before placing my order. I’ll survive, but it still ticks me off!
I wonder if that's done on purpose? I know some websites have coding embedded that show different "ads" based on what the customer has done or is doing. Perhaps the code won't show UNTIL you've placed the order, and it times out to 24hrs later you get a better code . . . years ago Amazon used to do this with items left in your shopping cart . . . I think now they lave it up to the vendors but at least now they give you a curtesy notice of price changes ;)
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