Last Saturday night with Michele

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Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Gulfwaterlady » 9 months ago

I posted about Michele mentioning William , who was not our William. I mentioned Michele was hosting with Hunter during a terahertz presentation. Then they switched to gold. Michele is talking gold while Hunter is still reading live messages from terahertz fans. Michele says something in another language. She said she is talking to a friend of someone off camera who sent her a message. She says she is speaking Arabic. She says more in Arabic. She says she studied Arabic in college.

At that point, I am thinking that is like a loony tune program and I turned the channel.

I am not saying she is lying, I just wonder how the things she says can possibly be true.

One of the first times she sold stainless steel jewelry, she said she was so impressed by it. She knew how wonderful it was because it was hypo
allergenic. She said she knew all about how good that was because she had worked as a surgical nurse and all surgical instruments are made of stainless steel.
She has told us she worked as a makeup artist in CA. She has told us about her stand up comedy routine as Cousin Shelly which I have read about.
But when did she have time to become a surgical nurse? When did she attend college to learn Arabic?

If she has done all this while working for several shopping channels, she has to be wonder woman!!

Does anyone know why she is in Texas while her family is in CA?

She can look pretty, act sensibly while still being very comical. Other times she is unkempt (nice word) acts totally strange. I am really trying to make sense of her, trying to like her as a host. She is like two different women. She has good qualities, she is kind, she is generous. She gets treated badly but never shows anger. Then she shows up just a total physical mess and unprofessional. She really shows the items very well and is very informed unless she goes off course.
I can usually say a definite 'yes' or 'no' to how I react to a host. Michele is a big question mark. She has mentioned several times that she has PTS. Could this be why?
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Spinoza » 9 months ago

I really love Michele because she can be very entertaining. But I have to agree there are times when I’m not sure if she’s, let’s say, “stretching the truth”. Her personal life is mostly a mystery which she’s 100% entitled to. But from the bits and pieces she’s told us, I’m thoroughly confused as to what’s what. 🤪
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Hi Gulfwaterlady....

Where do I start? first I need to stop laughing, you are so funny the way you wrote this :lol:
I never heard her speak the Arabic because I had walked away, darn it
Still shaking my head over Hunter still pushing Terahertz after they had moved on to Gold :o

Since she always shares her personal life I think your curiosity is warranted
You bring up some great questions because you are correct, where did she find the time to get all that education?
She is a favorite of mine to watch but I worry about her sometimes when she disappears too long :(

I know she has mentioned many times about hubby living in Los Angeles, probably because his job keeps him there
You are right about her patience when treated badly, (especially in front of thousands of viewers)
No way could I hold it together like she does if I was treated so disrespectfully
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

Sadly, I think she is like all other hosts, spinning a tale. I would be pretty freaked out to hear someone speaking in arabic on national TV . . . Spanish, not so much. French, well I guess. But Texas doesn't strike me as having a big arabic population, not to mention HOW AWSOLUTELY RUDE AND DISRESPECTFUL.

I don't care WHAT language you speak, talking to one person in a different language in a group of people is RUDE. If someone is in the conversation and doesn't know english well, interpreting for them is perfectly fine. But to have a "secret" conversation with someone in plain view of others is NOT COOL.

If she was BS-ing to try to get Hunter back on track, that's the PRODUCERS JOB, not hers. CUT HIS MIC. Half the time I think those guys are stuffed into their phones because the camera almost never shows what the hosts are trying to show, and it's always 4 seconds delayed IF it even attempt a new shot.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by joshuatheemerald » 9 months ago

Hey everybody,

Oh I’ve been trying soooo hard to keep up with some of the recent “drama” on the board but I fear I was away too long with my health issues that it’s too much for me to try and make sense of it all. Glad things have settled down it seems.

This topic is interesting to me because yes I think Michelle can be one of the most fun LC hosts, but sometimes I can’t anticipate which “version” of Michelle will show up on my screen. It was mentioned here that her husband lives in Los Angeles but Michelle works in Texas at the LC HQ… as a male, I must ask….. if I was separated physically from my wife but I had the chance to watch her live her dream by being on TV and that’s why we lived apart, but I saw her acting so erratic so frequently…. Perhaps I would need to have a conversation with my wife that maybe the commitments of being on TV in this capacity are too much? I would be heartbroken to see my own wife struggle on TV in front of thousands of people.

Another comment that was made about Michelle’s varied backstories…… I have also found it hard to believe some of the stories that Michelle has told, giving her so so sooo many life experiences. Then there was the time that she was selling the hearing amplifiers and it became the Jerry Lewis Telethon as she cried into the camera saying you need to buy them to save your hearing.

Hope that she is able to find some stability in her life and that it can be reflected by her presence on air.
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by GemfArMooom » 9 months ago

That's a very interesting perspective to bring up Joshua, thankyou.

I don't think living apart is healthy at all. ONE should suck it up and make the move . . . ideally the one making less $$$. Is a dream bigger than a relationship? NO.

perhaps the struggle could be contributing to her erratic-ness?
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

Good morning joshuatheemerald,

Nice to see you back on here and I pray that whatever has been keeping you under the weather is healed and you are feeling better now
I love your perspective like GemfArmooom called it and I have to agree with that
Especially good to read a Man's thoughts about this problem :)

She has been having ups and downs in her appearance and performance on TV, it is sad to watch such a brilliant mind going through this :(
Wow!! I never saw that presentation when she was selling hearing amplifiers and to read that she was crying while selling is concerning
However I am remembering that she has mentioned that she has a hearing disability so I am wondering if this item brought up painful memories
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by colljoe » 9 months ago

I sometimes wonder why these hosts don't seem to realize they are on a "world" view. One can get Shop LC on YouTube, etc. Looking and acting professional is a given that many here just don't seem to grasp. Michele has worked in Hollywood as a professional make-up artist. Put her name in YouTube and watch all she has done. Pull up the YouTube about her getting fired from her job in Hollywood. Apparently, she was doing make-up for Patrick Swayze and he hit on her. She was shocked, turned him down and complained to her boss. Boss fired "her". She went on local news about how women are the ones that suffer when they file sexual harassment complaints. She was very vocal about it. Good for her, and so true. As far as that speaking Arabic (on camera) with Hunter, that may have been a joke. She truly was a stand up comedian. I believe I heard her say when she was on with Hunter that she has known him for years and they are friends.
I too wonder if perhaps she just isn't really that happy with this job. However, with her background, I find no excuse for her to look unkept most of the time, in my opinion. If the hair is such an issue with her, well, go to a professional and "get er done."
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 9 months ago

I agree with your comment Colljoe and I was sorry to read about poor Michele going through a firing because of some egotistical Actor :cry:
I actually will go and find her on You Tube
Definitely remember her saying she was a stand up Comic and make up Artist
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Re: Last Saturday night with Michele

Post by Lacy » 9 months ago

Michele was speaking Arabic to a employee in the background. They were talking to her through her ear piece. She was commenting to them.
The other employee shouldn't have been having any conversation during a show that's not related to the show. So I don't think it's fully Michele's fault. She could have said, we'll talk later. Meanwhile H. Was rambling on his own. It was a mess. Bit they got back on track. With H, I think he is getting too comfortable with his antics and is almost insulting to some women hosts. Then says, I'm just kidding, we're friends. It's not a good look. He's gotten super hyper again. Doesn't let anyone talk, again. Screaming at night owl shows. Does he know what time it is. I turn him off. I'm not a fan anymore.
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