The other “IT” got eliminated!

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The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by Bella » 7 months ago

I see TeamPeridots’ comment did not stay long on the Blue Spinel post. I tried to nip that in the bud quick last night. Colljoe does not deserve that BS. Maybe someone is reporting all the crazy posters directly to Shop LC. If so good job!
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Re: The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by colljoe » 7 months ago

Thanks Bella for your support.
Posts from T(oilet)P(aper) are gone on Spinel post and the "Stalker" one is gone too. So, looks like both of the "It's" didn't accomplish much.
WE ARE WINNERS! At least for a while. :lol:
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Re: The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by Penelope~Pit~Stop » 7 months ago

OMG Bella and Colljoe...

Why in the heck would TP go and do that, how mean!!
Colljoe hasn't done anything to anyone so why go off the rails?
I am glad that garbage has been taken down and I hope whoever did that is someone that will check this forum out more and stop the abusive comments to us members !!
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Re: The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by TerryTalk » 7 months ago

Thank god those posts (and posers!) are gone for now! So very glad! And the absolute meanness was beyond immature and senseless! Hope you all have a good and peaceful weekend! 👍😁👋
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Re: The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by WTFarmGirl » 7 months ago

It was so random and made NO SENSE. Colljoe hadn't done ANYTHING and yet TP just came in swinging. Maybe he/she has a few screws loose??
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Re: The other “IT” got eliminated!

Post by Lanai » 7 months ago

I didn't read these Posts but I am Familiar with the Hateful, Unkind Things TP has posted in the past, seemingly out of the blue, attacking different members for No Apparent Reason. Hope these type of Posts continue to be removed quickly and those who attack others hopefully, Banned.
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