Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

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Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by EvieLou » 6 months ago

I've been a lurker here for a while. Because of Michele. She's delightful. I'm not a jewelry person at all but I've bought things from Shop LC just from checking in to see if she's hosting.
If management has been waiting for a sign to let her continue by working remotely, let this be it.
You'd be fools to let her go.
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Re: Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Amen! 👍😁✌️

And every time she’s stuck hosting with Bald Steve she deserves double pay. (He’s extra obnoxious tonight!) 🙄
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Re: Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by Lacy » 6 months ago

Spinoza, The show is hilarious. Michele is so funny with her come backs to steve. She has so much patience while not taking it...
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Re: Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by Spinoza » 6 months ago

Lacy —

Agree! She’s hilarious — and he’s oblivious to her comebacks. 🤣
The man-child will NOT shut up and stop talking over her! 🤪
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Re: Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by MDK » 5 months ago

Lacy wrote:
6 months ago
Spinoza, The show is hilarious. Michele is so funny with her come backs to steve. She has so much patience while not taking it...
ShopLC Management:
There are so many people out there that fully enjoy the light that Michelle brings to everyone who watches her shows including myself. Her knowledge of gemstones and many other things is as impressive as her personality is gleamming with laughter and light. I must ask, if ever Michelle is willing and able to host remotely, and is open to the Idea, I hope that you take it into serious concideration to allow her to do so. I personally feel that she would be as good a host in studio as she would from a far.
She will be truly missed. Not just by me, but by many.
(Thank you Michelle for the many years of laughter and knowledge you have brought since the first day you began!)
( I would have liked have posted this seperate from the others, but I just can't figure out how!)
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Re: Ask Michele To Work Remotely!!!

Post by joshuatheemerald » 5 months ago

It’s clear that LC has no interest in allowing its hosts to be “bigger” than the channel itself. As much as the general audience seems to love Michele, she has had to continue to state on air that the management is not hearing the customer requests to keep her involved remotely, in so many words. This has been going on for nearly a month of the same rhetoric. Nicki also did the same thing for the brief time she came back to LC… stating she would be open to remote hosting, but living in Texas was just not the right move for her at this time. But they let her go off and leave. It’s a shame that this company does not see the value in the bond created between customer and presenter. The current remote hosts are kind of a mixed bag in my opinion… Dan D has days where I’m not sure he’s still up to being on TV, Karen is a delight but I don’t think she has good chemistry with the in studio hosts she is paired with except for Jessica and Hannah but she is usually with Kim/Katie/Dion/LoLo, Aussie Steve is fun but usually only overnights, and of course Tony is an automatic channel change for me.
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