New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by RS » 4 years ago

T-T-T-Tiger wrote:
4 years ago
It probably won't get posted, but the 2 times I've caught her "act", it was obvious that she was drunk or high. I even reported it to Mgmt. She was slurring her speach, waving her arms around erratically, interrupting etc. As a recovering alcoholic/addict & just an adult in general, I find the fact that this is ignored is idiotic & embarassing. It's sad...
That’s completely uncalled for as you do not know. That is name and reputation smearing and simply an unkind thing to say and post.

Seems to me everyone that there is a LOT of host bashing going on here lately. Personally I think a lot of what I have read is unkind and shameful.

If you don’t like a host, don’t watch. Don’t come on here and smack talk the way they are. If they are presenting incorrectly or leaving out critical info...that’s one thing.

No reason to be unkind towards them. They are people just like you are. How would you like this? It hurts MY feelings to read some of this stuff on here about them.
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by Gypsy » 4 years ago

RS wrote:
4 years ago
T-T-T-Tiger wrote:
4 years ago
It probably won't get posted, but the 2 times I've caught her "act", it was obvious that she was drunk or high. I even reported it to Mgmt. She was slurring her speach, waving her arms around erratically, interrupting etc. As a recovering alcoholic/addict & just an adult in general, I find the fact that this is ignored is idiotic & embarassing. It's sad...
That’s completely uncalled for as you do not know. That is name and reputation smearing and simply an unkind thing to say and post.

Seems to me everyone that there is a LOT of host bashing going on here lately. Personally I think a lot of what I have read is unkind and shameful.

If you don’t like a host, don’t watch. Don’t come on here and smack talk the way they are. If they are presenting incorrectly or leaving out critical info...that’s one thing.

No reason to be unkind towards them. They are people just like you are. How would you like this? It hurts MY feelings to read some of this stuff on here about them.
Thank you RS- I read that and was trying to formulate a response that was appropriate. You said it right
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by RS » 4 years ago

T-T-T-Tiger wrote:
4 years ago
It probably won't get posted, but the 2 times I've caught her "act", it was obvious that she was drunk or high. I even reported it to Mgmt. She was slurring her speach, waving her arms around erratically, interrupting etc. As a recovering alcoholic/addict & just an adult in general, I find the fact that this is ignored is idiotic & embarassing. It's sad...
And furthermore...congratulations on your recovery. That being said just because of that does not give you license to call someone out publicly if you SUSPECT they have a problem.

Sounds like it’s time for an amends Tiger.
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by Margui » 4 years ago

T-T-T-Tiger wrote:
4 years ago
It probably won't get posted, but the 2 times I've caught her "act", it was obvious that she was drunk or high. I even reported it to Mgmt. She was slurring her speach, waving her arms around erratically, interrupting etc. As a recovering alcoholic/addict & just an adult in general, I find the fact that this is ignored is idiotic & embarassing. It's sad...
[*]That is a serious accusation on your part. You don't even know this host. Don't judge. And continue to be sober and congratulations on your recovery
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by MissTeach » 4 years ago

I know that some people don't like Cheryl and think she screams. But I really like Cheryl. She is very knowledgeable and informative. She does act a little like a middle school science teacher at times, but, then, I probably notice it because I've actually taught middle school science. And, believe it or not, it's harder than one might think. For one thing, it is challenging to keep the students' attention. Often I would be hoarse by the end of the day. I had to learn to keep some coffee or water at my desk so that I could stay hydrated. I also worked on trying to project my voice by speaking more from my diaphragm and not so much from tightened throat muscles. It's not always easy to do, though, when some students are tuning you out. I can relate to Cheryl, and I enjoy her presentations. She is fun and has a quirky sense of humor. She is honest and loves gemstones, you can tell. I'll continue watching LC, and all my favorite hosts, including Cheryl. You go, girl!!
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

Because Cheryl is knowlageble she shouldnt LIE about stones. I asked her several times if certain stones were FF. Never answers. I needed to go on SLC education site to find that they are fissure filled, even Berma rubies. She knew they were FF and she should have warned buyers to be careful in cleaning the very fragile unstable stones. Karen warned us buyers. I also caught Cheryl lying that Barouque Tahitian pearls was the most valuable. She knew that it was round south sea pearls. Of course there are variables, but the strand she tried to sell was definitely not valuable, as very few people fell for that line. Those are just a few times she has proven to just care about selling, no matter what the quality. I used to like her when I watched her on another network, but she is just out of control and yells and LIES alot. Many of my social web group refuse to buy anything when she is on.
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

What you are thinking is Michelle being high is her comedy act. Michelle is a professional comedian, besides being a makeup artist. She also was a reporter and was a host on the Gem Shopping network, a company selling very high end jewelry ranging into hundreds of thousands of dollars. I find her very funny. I
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by honey » 4 years ago

hi ya, to be fair, I have not seen Michele often enough.
The fact alone that she is not a screamer is a huge plus
for me. And to be totally honest, whether or not she's
applying that thick southern drawl, or that is just who
she is, I think what matters is, does she knows what she
is selling. A plus for every shopper. ;)
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by CC » 4 years ago

Missteach , just saying for myself, I am not a high school student whose attention has to be kept. ( I personally do not believe the majority of other viewers are either) So certainly I DO NOT need to be yelled and screamed at regardless of the knowledge of a host. It has nothing to do with like a host personally or not.. I should not have to change the channel if I don't like the screaming and yelling as it has been suggested . On NO other shopping channel, and believe me at my age I have watched them all for more years than I can remember, l have NEVER had to change the channel because of how a host chooses to act. NEVER.
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Re: New Host Michele Mahone & Screaming Cheryl

Post by Vicky » 4 years ago

I also watch and shop other shopping channels and never hear any host yelling. Shoplc had 3 yellers, but 2 realized its not helping sales and toned it down alot. ANKUR is still loud but much better. So is ADI. Much improved. I now enjoy watching them can adult should be able to control themselves, or they should seek pharmacological help.
I just want to quickly mention how annoying it is for their final price being DRAWN OUT to extreme lengths in the last couple months. After FOREVER on the same item, and claiming the price is their final price, they suddenly get a CALL from the President. This is just a stunt and will backfire, because viewers wont order because they are waiting for the final price, but it takes sooooo long, they switch channels, so SLC loses the sale.
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